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"Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency; we are winning."

- Lias Issodon the Grim, Chapter Master of the Raptors during the Operation on Gargathea III (Badab Insurrection)


Here is my take on the man himself. I see a lot of ornamentation thrown onto other versions of him and I feel that whilst they look really cool they do not fit the aesthetic I feel the Raptors have. Ornate armour and capes and jewels seem really out of place with the operator feel of these dedicated soldiers. 

I will be modifying Primaris bodies to make upscaled MK7 Tacticals and will likely use some Tortuga terminators for their height. 








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Solid job! Good choice of head. When you get around to painting it, I suggest you try to make one eye blank, like he lost sight in this eye but refused to replace it with bionics. Somehow, I feel like Malice, his bolter, should have a little more mods to it though...

On 9/21/2022 at 1:33 AM, Dosjetka said:

Always nice to see a Badab War project. :thumbsup: Are you planning on building just Lias Issodon, a kill team, a small strike force, or a whole army?

Thanks, Dosjetka! I plan on doing a 1250pt force for small themed games. 

On 9/22/2022 at 1:59 PM, jpwyrm said:

Solid job! Good choice of head. When you get around to painting it, I suggest you try to make one eye blank, like he lost sight in this eye but refused to replace it with bionics. Somehow, I feel like Malice, his bolter, should have a little more mods to it though...

I've been considering adding some bits to Malice. Just didn't want to make the silhouette too awkward. I suppose I can work a suppressor and IR box on there to give it a bit more gubbins. 

Decided to add some flare to Malice as per Jpwyrm suggested. Went with a combat suppressor and an IR laser box for target painting. 

I also had the energy to convert a squad of Primaris bodies into a MK7 Command Squad all wielding Combi-Plasma. I think they convey the classic "space marine" image whilst being brought into better scale. 

Let me know what you think? 






On 9/26/2022 at 3:48 PM, space wolf said:

Ooooh badab war! Very nice! Let's see some paint kn those bad boys! :biggrin:

Ask and ye shall receive!

Here is some WIP shots I have from today. Going for a soft camo and the basing will be 'toxic swamp'. 

Going with a more muted pallette and more rational design choices as far as heraldry and such go. Simple markers and icons will denote company and rank. The Raptors know who their own are, others don't need to know. 








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