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To make extra funds we could do a charity 'dad bod' calendar, get some of the guys down warhammer world to pose sensually over the Rhino in the car park and boom... Instantly collectable calendar and a lifetime of shame. 

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Please, can we not have advertising banners inserted in between content?

Not only does it break the flow of the site, it feels scummy and manipulative.

It jettisons any explicit or implicit statements of "we all understand ad-driven sites are a reality of the modern internet and a necessary evil" when it feels like a site goes out of its way to embed ads and banners throughout the body of its content to ensure people can't get away from it at some point.

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I can only echo that I really don’t like the new position!

One thing I would say regarding ads is that I hope the way they do them at Goonhammer can be avoided. Because that site constantly refreshes the ads on the page it makes the text jump up and down while the ad box shrinks or expands during the loading process when viewing on mobile. It creates a very jarring experience when trying to read longer articles which would be similar here in our more popular threads.

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The donation link was a plugin. When we updated to the new version of the software, all legacy plugins were lost. We plan to add a new donation plugin soon (i.e., when we re-implement the donations).

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On 9/25/2022 at 8:23 PM, Joe said:

In the event that people can apply to advertise on B&C, I would hope that a blacklist of inappropriate partners would be maintained to prevent them from doing so - SpikeyBits, The Miniatures Page, Bell of Lost Souls, etc.

Sorry I'm fairly new to the Warhammer forums, I'm mainly here and the Grand Alliance Community. But what is/are the issue(s) with Bell of Lost Souls and Spikeybits?

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46 minutes ago, SpaceDwalin said:

Sorry I'm fairly new to the Warhammer forums, I'm mainly here and the Grand Alliance Community. But what is/are the issue(s) with Bell of Lost Souls and Spikeybits?

Go to BoLS, click any topic, you'll see it.

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54 minutes ago, SpaceDwalin said:

Sorry I'm fairly new to the Warhammer forums, I'm mainly here and the Grand Alliance Community. But what is/are the issue(s) with Bell of Lost Souls and Spikeybits?

They're generally considered as being sites that post what is often recycled and/or poor quality content for the sake of attracting clicks to fuel their ad revenues.

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4 hours ago, SpaceDwalin said:

Sorry I'm fairly new to the Warhammer forums, I'm mainly here and the Grand Alliance Community. But what is/are the issue(s) with Bell of Lost Souls and Spikeybits?

A post I made here was reported on BoLS as breaking news, so yeah they will share anything for the clicks, and the ads... So many bloody ads. 

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The advertisements have moved again. They now appear after the first post in a topic (they look like they're part of the signature). They'll appear after the first post on each page.


I also got rid of a few because updating all of them was tedious. I kept the Corpse Starch ad (just in case you're worried about it).

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5 hours ago, Brother Tyler said:

The advertisements have moved again. They now appear after the first post in a topic (they look like they're part of the signature). 

Yes I fear this location may prove too subtle, as it really does look like someone's signature and so I'm unlikely to give it a second glance. Perhaps above the first post & bottom of page?

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