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Iron Boots return in progress shots


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Just got back into the hobby full force with a subscription to the Imperium magazine I split with a buddy. Now the first primaris Iron Boots have started being painted. I also have a pretty big backlog of first born marines to work on so If I can keep the painting somewhat constant, I'll try to post a few more. I never was a great painter to begin with so please excuse that, being at least 6 years since I picked up a brush doesn't help either, but I am pretty happy with how these guys are turning out so far.

I did up 40 warhammer fantasy goblins from my pile of shame (battle of skull pass starter I think?) as practice first but no pics of those as they aren't really 40K related



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On 9/30/2022 at 2:46 PM, DaBoiKyknos said:

It´s a cool paint scheme and doesn´t resemble the Blood Angels (or there successors) too much. Well done!

Are they Ultramarines` successors (because you kept the big "U" - symbol on the shoulderpad)?

Cheers, Kyknos

Thanks! My first guys that I got ages ago were very easy to confuse with blood angels and their death company. To be fair, I started painting them before I really read any of the lore, but by then it was too late to change to change the schemes. They are straight black with metal boots and red trims, with 1rst company veterans being red armor with black trims. I have taken them out of storage and considering putting some quartering on them as well (the Left shoulder, which is currently bare for most of them) and a few other touch ups, but don't think I will go for a whole strip and redo to match the new scheme.

As for which chapter they are successors of , it's mostly unknown. I've always leant towards UM, though IH and their fetish for mechanical replacements for the flesh has caught my eye on attention.

The real reason they have the bling from other chapters is because that stuff is wicked cool looking. When I was initially collecting is when they started releasing all the nifty new plastic kits for blood angels, spacewolves, grey knights etc. I have some of each;) I will sometimes cut off stuff that is too chapter or Inquisition specific, but I am also not super confident in my crafting skills, and sometimes the iconography is really what makes that piece look good. To justify this in game I have two vaguely thought out ideas I have been working on.

The first one I came up with is that they are obsessed with the past, especially relics and items from past battles (considering how backward looking the empire is in general with stuff like this, they are a bit extreme). They often send salvage teams to past (and sometimes current battle grounds) to take what they can, restore it, and put it back into use in their own hands, as well as sending expeditions to lost worlds, sometimes in support and sometimes as rivals to the Mechanicus cults.

The second idea, somewhat tying into the first, is that they are in an Imperial backwater for their home system/systems (might not even be necessary, consideing the vastness of the imperium) . Through centuries of relative isolation from their brother marines and the greater imperial experience, their chapter cult has degenerated into Worship of the Emperor and his Nine Divine sons, along with associated saints and angels who are not necessarily Primarchs themselves (Sigismund of the Black Templars comes to mind, the god of Mars, etc). These gods are opposed by the emperor's nine jealous Demonic sons, the forces of Chaos, and the filthy Xenos. With no direct knowledge of their progenitor the brothers embrace that they could be  descended from any of the divine geneseeds. Many brothers simply carry on, perhaps have a favorite divine but offering prayer to all equally. In some cases, a marine may become so devoted that he would perform a ritual, overseen by the chaplains, to become a devotee of his particular patron. While of course still part of his chapter and a brother to all within it, he is considered by the chapetr, for all intents and purposes to be a descendant of that patron. These guys are the fellows who typically make veteran status, and while in the regular companies they are assigned to squads willy nilly, in the 1rst company marines of the same patron often band together and fight as a single squad.

Essentially, A rather long winded explanation for why my Vanguard squad is really the 5 metal bt sword brethren figures lead by a plastic sergeant with bits from the old black templars upgrade kit and carrying the 2 handed Frost Axe (counts-as Relic Blade) from the grey hunter's kit.

Anywho, I haven't had much time to paint lately, but somethings have a few more layers and they have eyes now




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Found my old project box. Pieces of a librarian I am going to build, my almost finished Tellion who was going to drop in and teach some scouts the ropes (old fluff says he was often loaned out to other UM chapters for special training courses.



My vanguard and some in progress brothers from the project box


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