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3 hours ago, sairence said:

The Kriegers might still be T3, but with Minitranshuman that matters exactly not at all. Nothing is going to wound them on 2s, no matter what S the attack has.

Yeah, I don’t think the low T is the problem but the bad save. Wounding on 3s is still not hard, and a 5+Sv with the prevalence of AP-1 or 2 makes the trans human almost pointless.


FOBs can double up on weapons.

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Yep, mini-transhuman on T3 is absolutely useless.


Nobody here is worried about receiving mass S6+ fire. The problem is the mass of S4 (or even S5) wounding us on 3+ and often leaving us with a 6+ save (if at all). Kriegs are still going to die in swarms.


Perhaps it would not have been too powerful to give them full transhuman. Anyway.


Overall these rules look ok, certainly nothing overpowered. I'm perfectly fine with that, as long as it is the same rationale adopted by all the codex. But this does not seem the case. I'm wondering if GW finally decided to change course and limit the power creep starting with our codex :dry:

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Nope, they started with that a while ago. Any book coming out around or after the Knight Codexes has had pretty nice internal balance and very few bits that were just T'au, Nids or Drukhari levels if stupid. The one outlier is probably Demon Flamers, but pretty sure they'll be reigned in. 


Honestly...I'm liking a lot of what I've seen so far, there's potential for some really powerful builds that can mess with an opponents game plan. And it's going to play very different to other armies, which is what we all want. A unique and interesting way of playing the game.

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5 hours ago, Emperor Ming said:

You can keep moving it, the action is change target or fire:yes:


But is it worth it at 150? for something that gives the enemy a turn to move away:unsure:

The question is when do you place the marker.  If you start the action, but place the marker when the action completes, then the Deathstrike is going to be awesome.  But if the DS marker has to be placed when you start the action, then it's going to be really situational.  


Right now I haven't seen anything about when the marker is placed, just that the GodSpear does damage to units within 3" of the marker

5 hours ago, Emperor Ming said:

You can keep moving it, the action is change target or fire:yes:


But is it worth it at 150? for something that gives the enemy a turn to move away:unsure:

The question is when do you place the marker.  If you start the action, but place the marker when the action completes, then the Deathstrike is going to be awesome.  But if the DS marker has to be placed when you start the action, then it's going to be really situational.  


Right now I haven't seen anything about when the marker is placed, just that the GodSpear does damage to units within 3" of the marker

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10 hours ago, sairence said:

Nope, they started with that a while ago. Any book coming out around or after the Knight Codexes has had pretty nice internal balance and very few bits that were just T'au, Nids or Drukhari levels if stupid.


Eh right...like leagues of Votann.

Edited by Feral_80
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1 hour ago, Emperor Ming said:

GW had the chance to make it good, and they didn't, it even got a points hike:laugh:


Sad times for anyone who actually still uses them:sad:

I’ll be using mine, and between the inherent buffs it’s gotten, and the regimental traits I’ll be picking the extra 5 points will be very worth it to me.


personally with 4 S6 shots and 3 S5 shots it will be pretty good against marine infantry, bikes, ATVs, etc, and like I said before it will absolutely shred GEQs.

they’ve made it a viable gun platform now in my opinion.

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7 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I know a lot of people are still unimpressed by the chimera, but you have to admit, ML/HB will make it absolutely shred GEQ infantry, and still do solid work against MEQ.


1 hour ago, Emperor Ming said:

GW had the chance to make it good, and they didn't, it even got a points hike:laugh:


Sad times for anyone who actually still uses them:sad:


Ming has it right.  GEQ has never been a problem, and the HB into GEQ is pointless, as the 2D is wasted.  The ML on the other hand is pointless into MEQ, as the AP1 does nothing, so we're shooting 4 shots at effectively AP0, which does ~.6W, then another .6W from the HB.  So the Chimera is 1.2W into MEQ.  Then another .4W from the lasgun... so a Chimera does 1.6W to a MEQ... for 85 points... *IF* you include shooting the Lasgun Array...


But on the positive side, the leaks have the Chimera going up to 11W :thumbsup:



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20 minutes ago, OldWherewolf said:



Ming has it right.  GEQ has never been a problem, and the HB into GEQ is pointless, as the 2D is wasted.  The ML on the other hand is pointless into MEQ, as the AP1 does nothing, so we're shooting 4 shots at effectively AP0, which does ~.6W, then another .6W from the HB.  So the Chimera is 1.2W into MEQ.  Then another .4W from the lasgun... so a Chimera does 1.6W to a MEQ... for 85 points... *IF* you include shooting the Lasgun Array...


But on the positive side, the leaks have the Chimera going up to 11W :thumbsup:



And how many MEQs was it before?


and how many is it with a heavy stubber? Probably not much better, but I’m sure that gets a little better then 

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To be fair, you are not taking a Chimera to kill MEQs. You are taking it to get your infantry to Objectives, block LOS charges etc. If you take the Doctrine ability to count vehicles as 5 models for scoring Objectives, they can do some work themselves.


I think GW overvalue Transports in general. There are very few that are worth taking, never mind spamming (Eldar of all flavours seem to be the honourable exceptions).

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1 hour ago, Karhedron said:

To be fair, you are not taking a Chimera to kill MEQs. You are taking it to get your infantry to Objectives, block LOS charges etc. If you take the Doctrine ability to count vehicles as 5 models for scoring Objectives, they can do some work themselves.


I think GW overvalue Transports in general. There are very few that are worth taking, never mind spamming (Eldar of all flavours seem to be the honourable exceptions).

I agree the point of taking is not to kill MEQs, but it’s nice to have that as a realistic option. with 4 S6 shots they’re a pretty viable threat even to gravis.


i wanted a lighter vehicle than a Russ for shooting things, but heavier than a chimera.


i didn’t get that this time around necessarily, but the chimera is now more deadly and ever so slightly more survivable. It’s a middle road to that idea imo

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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1 hour ago, INKS said:

Watched a game today. They really struggled against Abaddon (who doesn't) and Chaos Terminators. So that was kind of a nightmare. New codex and all but the struggle was real

It's obvious that its not up to 9th standards:sad:


There should have been some minor points decreases and rules improvements, that instead got nerfs, sidegrades and points increases:laugh:


Guard will be the only codex with no standard set of sub factions rules, such as chapter/cult/regiment, some of these can be far more powerful than a mix of custom traits:sad:


Guard will be the only codex without an extra rule or set of rules on top of their standard rules, such as strands of fate, super doctrines, command protocols and so on, this should have been hammer of the Emperor:yes: 


Having to choose between the new traits and hammer (born soldiers now) is not something any other codex has to do, so why guard:ohmy:


As an Eldar player as well, its laughable to think of having to choose between fate dice and craftworld traits, don't be silly we get both like any other codex:laugh:


and now there is talk of aoc going away at some point:laugh:


There has defiantly been some improvements:yes:


I'm just worried its not enough:unsure:


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11 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

It's obvious that its not up to 9th standards:sad:


There should have been some minor points decreases and rules improvements, that instead got nerfs, sidegrades and points increases:laugh:


Guard will be the only codex with no standard set of sub factions rules, such as chapter/cult/regiment, some of these can be far more powerful than a mix of custom traits:sad:


Guard will be the only codex without an extra rule or set of rules on top of their standard rules, such as strands of fate, super doctrines, command protocols and so on, this should have been hammer of the Emperor:yes: 


Having to choose between the new traits and hammer (born soldiers now) is not something any other codex has to do, so why guard:ohmy:


As an Eldar player as well, its laughable to think of having to choose between fate dice and craftworld traits, don't be silly we get both like any other codex:laugh:


and now there is talk of aoc going away at some point:laugh:


There has defiantly been some improvements:yes:


I'm just worried its not enough:unsure:


One battle report and you’ve come to your conclusion?


about half way through a batrep against tyranids and they’re doing quite well so far.


a complete auto wound on 6s is too powerful that’s why

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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For the record I don't think they are weak. I am just trying to think on how to deal with those terminators. It's possible some mix of traits is the solution or units that I am less familiar with. They did have Bulgryn that held up possessed for a long time, 3 turns. lost that fight eventually but the potential is there.


I am thinking of using the cavalry like missiles. pick a target and boom charge in and sacrifice them. maybe keep 1 in reserve for later in the game.

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1 hour ago, INKS said:

For the record I don't think they are weak. I am just trying to think on how to deal with those terminators. It's possible some mix of traits is the solution or units that I am less familiar with. They did have Bulgryn that held up possessed for a long time, 3 turns. lost that fight eventually but the potential is there.


I am thinking of using the cavalry like missiles. pick a target and boom charge in and sacrifice them. maybe keep 1 in reserve for later in the game.

If I’m not mistaken the vanquisher cannon ignores invulnerable saves


14 minutes ago, Schlitzaf said:

Do generic company commanders no longer exist?

What do you mean? Generic regiment commanders? Just play whatever senior officer you have as a castellan.

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14 minutes ago, Schlitzaf said:

Do generic company commanders no longer exist?


Indeed it appears based on the contents your army must be lead by one of those deadbeat Cadians :dry:

We all know what happened last time someone left one of them in charge... :down:


As IL suggested you can just field a commander and use their rules I guess? 

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