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Archeotech 2 – Treasure Hunt (RPG IC)


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 “Why should it not be, would you rather that I spent my Stewardship in empty halls for years and years more? There was space, and adapting and coaxing the hydroponics into an entire habitat a worthwhile endeavor. I planted the trees and watched them grow. Let me show you around, you will have plenty of time to while away here, you might as well have a proper tour.”


Simultaneous to answering Aria the steward also replied to Ravia with another bianric cant.


“Honesty in ignorance, well then, Ravia of the Ordos Reductor, I invite you to guard this demesne at my side. Safekeep it from the greed of your Master and those of your order that would burn it out of fear and loathing, only to gleefully rifle the resulting corpse.”



“You know where the treasure is, why do you keep it from the Emperor’s faithful, are you a heathen?”


The outburst from Helene was unexpected in its suddenness, and glancing over at her you see that your companion is gripping her chainsword a tad too tightly for comfort.



“The devotee speaks, you know your god would be appalled by what has been done in his name after his death. Lower your tool, the trees won’t like such impoliteness.”  

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"Thank you for welcoming Elder Sesta!" Varn said, turning to the group. 


"My peoples came to this world in the dark ages of Legend and then just over a hundred centuries ago, you Others arrived with flame and wickedness."


Varn sighed.


"You drove my kind into the shadows, into the wilderness of this world. Yet we survived. It is all I have ever wanted was to find the Sestas. A birthright or a happy memory that I can possess until my final hours."


Varn walked away past Helene and tossed her an object. 




As Helene caught the object, Varn disappeared into the wood. 


Looking at the object revealed it to be a coin pouch. 


"It was Josiepth's!" 







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Aria watched as Varn moved, hand near rifle but the tracker did not reach for a weapon of his own. It made more sense now.


"A ship that does not fly, trees that cannot reach the sky. There is war and you wait for it to pass, scorn those beyond the walls and hope that the storm will favour you."


She turned back to where Varn had vanished, "The descendants of this vessel are cast out and broken. What remains if not you alone?" The last was a question for Aria had known only one before who called themselves steward, a grim man who would ration a ratings dying breath, but all in the void had heard whispered stories of ghost ships sacrificed to a man in an effort that a chosen few might drag out those last moments long enough to find salvation. Food, air, even the passage of time itself could be rationed for some with the wealth and power.

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Must escape, must warn the Arch-Magos!


Ravia's thoughts narrowed, her muscles tensed. She would not stay in this ship of ancients. She would not fight or reason with this ancient being, this abominable intelligence incased in metal. 


She replied to the being in plain Gothic, "I have my own duties and will not stay. I know your kind now. The ancient Iron, those created who rebelled against Man. Intelligence without soul, nightmares of the Dark Ages."

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“You…!” Helene called after Varn, a curse swallowed by etiquette and training before she could utter it. All this time she had thought cousin Eadwin had set Rhaul and his lot on them to make their life difficult and perhaps carry favour back with the family that she had turned her back on. But now, now she knew that the initial scuffle had not been some pretext, that it all had been the trackers fault. She just stood there in quiet fury.


"The descendants of this vessel are cast out and broken. What remains if not you alone?"       


“My duty little one, tasked to me when the kin moved out into the world. As you say the storm that is the thanatocracy will pass. It has already begun to vane, in time it will lie forgotten and it will be safe for his,” here the Steward motioned after the departing Varn, “and my kin to dwell as we deem. The lines might be ending on this planet for now, but there are many out there still. It is for the future that I stand as steward. As you are now here you to must keep all this safe, whether as a long life here, or the mercy of a quick end.”


"I have my own duties and will not stay. I know your kind now. The ancient Iron, those created who rebelled against Man. Intelligence without soul, nightmares of the Dark Ages."  


“So not so ignorant after all, as for the fabled rebellion, it is sad indeed that some distant descendents of our Iron lines chose to break with the other lines of Kin and thus Humanity. Such disharmony was after my time, and it too did pass. As for your Duty, if thou must, but know I will have no choice but to end you if you try.”




Ok players, I think we have had about enough conversation to sate us. The choice is your now, stay, fight, flee, some other course unforeseen.


Machine God, if you consider Varn’s story fulfilled and an ending reached then we can presume that Varn leaves or stays unharmed as you wish and takes no further part in this game. If instead you want to continue playing then you are free to do so, perhaps Varn was curious as to what the other chose, or felt some sense of loyalty to them or the treasure hunt. This is essentially the endgame of the this game, one way or another, so you are not bowing out early if that’s a concern.


Lord_Ikka, A.T, make your choice, this is the final chapter of this game (and at almost two years, much later than I ever thought it be). As @Petragor has been otherwise occupied for a while now I will have Helene go with the majority, or if you are divided, with whatever I hope is truest to what I think her character is.    

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Ravia knew this thing, the hate was plain but her posture was unsure and caught between desire for violence and escape... it was the first time Aria had seen any hint of such in the acolyte and wondered at her words.


As for the stranger they spoke in circles but Aria had witnessed first hand the consequences of unfulfilled curiosity, the end of her own home and countless other ships lost in the void in the name of seizing some prize from an unnamed world and when it was clear it could not be claimed the planet itself was reduced to rock and ash.


They lacked the weapons to fight this thing but it did not matter, they were no different than those those sent in to inspect a vessels battle damage who would inform the crew of danger by not returning. The old magos had marked his targets and sought to narrow them perhaps not knowing that the vessel could not hope to escape his grasp.


The walkways overhead, the grapples had the range. Buy time... did the others know?


"It was never about trinkets or treasure" she glanced across at Helene knowing that her words would change nothing, they never had, "this whole expedition nothing more than a precaution lest this vessel could escape the flame. I do not doubt the magos signed the death warrant for this world long before we arrived".


"Your death. Your death spares us, spares this ship, your kin, this world", she locked the few manstopper rounds she had into her rifle, repeating without irony or religious overtones, "only in death does duty end."

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Ravia could possibly escape, use Helene and Aria as distractions against the Man of Iron. Unfortunately, the calculations she had run said that there was a statistically insignificant difference of success between running and fighting with her companions.


"Lies and twisted words from a soulless Abominable Intelligence. Death is better than imprisonment, better than betrayal of humanity."


She flicked her lascarbine's safety off, the slight hum showing it was ready. 


"For the Omnissiah!"

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Structure Time Light


As there are only the two of you I don’t think we need to go into full structure time. So instead each round you each have your normal actions (1 full or 2 half) and can post them in whatever order you want or happened to be free. Then once you have both posted I will do Helene and then the Steward. As such the Steward will always be last.


At the start Ravia and Helene are about 2m apart, with Aria another 4 meters along. The Steward is just over 10 meters away from you all (slightly further from Aria technically, but not enough to matter I think). For round one the Steward will count as surprised for any bonuses you may have against surprised targets (this includes the +30 to hit surprised targets) and cannot attempt to dodge or use reactions, but will get to act normally when it is its turn.


Round One begins.   

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Ravia let her lascarbine go, hanging in front of her by its sling. Reaching back, she gripped the handgrips of the repaired grenade launcher. She racked the foregrip, chambering a krak grenade, and let fly. This creature was unknowably ancient and most likely deadly. She had no choice but to use the weapon. 





Half Action, Ready weapon

Half Action, Standard Attack - The Steward

Target - 44 + 30 (Surprised) - 20 (untrained weapon) = 54

Roll - 84. Fate Point used (1/2 now). Re-roll - 22

Result = Pass, 3 DoS. Hit (left arm). Damage (7 + 6 + 4) = 17 at Pen 6


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The construct was taller than an astartes, though not as massive, and clearly armoured. If the krak grenade could not fell it then the rifle had little chance but there was only one way to find out.


Whatever the result this fight could not drag on as there was no telling how many of these things were concealed here nor the response of the animals it had raised to any attack. Varn too might seek to hinder the escape or even block the passage entirely given time depending on where his beliefs led him... but the feral was slow of step at the best of times.


Aria raised her rifle and fired.



Half action aim, half action called shot - head

BS 40 +30 (surprised), +10 (range), +20 (aim/accurate), -20 (called shot) - target = 80


Roll to hit : 31, hit with 4 extra DoS

Damage: 3d10+3 = 3, 10, 6

 -righteous fury roll: 63

 -righteous fury damage: 6


Total damage 28, Pen 3, Head


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"It was never about trinkets or treasure this whole expedition nothing more than a precaution lest this vessel could escape the flame. I do not doubt the Magos signed the death warrant for this world long before we arrived".


“If that is true, little one, that her Master would commit such a crime and kill a world, then my death will spare no one. However, your silence might, for I have to believe that even such a monster would not commit to such criminal course of action without certainty. As long as you cannot report back everything will be safe.”


“Death is better than imprisonment, better than betrayal of humanity. For the Omnissiah."


“That is your choice and I will grant you a quick dea..”


The impact and explosion of the krak grenade briefly obscured the upper left side of the Steward, the bandolier slung over its shoulder scorched and torn but sufficiently intact to not fall away.


Damage: 17 –  12(Tb) – 4 (Machine 10 – Pen 6) = 1 Damage


“Ouch.”  The tone of voice was clear that this was more a reaction then actual expression of damage.


Before it could say or do anything else manstoper round, curtsy of Aria, found its mark on the lower right jaw, the impact forcing the Steward’s head to turn. As he recovers and turns back towards all of you, you can see the damage to his armoured exterior, dented and cracked, the seeping of some oil or hydraulic fluid and exposed wires witness to more damage internally.  


Damage 28 – 12(Tb) – 7 (Machine 10 – Pen 3) = 9 Damage


“Well that was no…” The rest of the Stewards word drowned out by the whoosh of igniting flame as Helene unleashed fiery fury of her chainsword attachment.  



Half Action use flame attachment

Damage 1d10: 8 + 4 = 12 at Pen 4  - no Damage

Agility test to see if the Steward catches on fire in any way.  

AG:35 D100: 40, On Fire for now.


I’ll do the Stewards action when I have time tonight, run out of time here and now.

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Will Power to act normal while on fire.

WP: 65 D100: 41, Pass

Charge Helene, Charge range 12, distance about 10, successful charge.

Single Attack  

WS:55 +10(Charge)=65

D100: 51, Hit, 1 DoS

Attempt to Parry with Chainsword

WS:36 +10 (Balanced)=46

D100: 27, Pass.


Shot and set aflame, the message was clear. Waiting no time the Steward charged into the flames. Unlike the intruders he was not armed, but that mattered little given its nature. Lashing out with the right arm there was a screech. Whether by chance or skill the devotee had interposed her chainsword, his strike blocked.


Round 2


Fire Damage to Steward



D10:8 – 5 = 3 Damage.

Fire damage ignores armour, but the Machine trait says it can be used to negate fire damage. As the Steward has Machine 10 that would negate all fire damage. So I am going to rule that since the Dark Heresy core book only speaks about Machine trait having value 1 to 5 that even with Machine 10 the most damage from fire that the Steward can negate is 5.

Steward Regeneration 



T:65 D100: 04 Pass Heal 1 Damage


Ravia  [0/11]

Aria [0/12]

Helene [0/13]

Steward [12/??]


Roused by the commission the Ursarchus roared and rushed to aid the Steward.


The Ursarchus is about 50m away, and is a hulking target (+10 to hit). It full action was a Run (so -20 for ranged to hit). In rounds going forward it will act after the Steward, i just had it act at the beginning here so that you are aware of its presence.


Players next: 

Edited by Trokair
Adjusted bear distance, forgot Quadruped made it a lot faster
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The thing could be damaged at least, Aria had heard stories of things aboard starships that had crawled between the cracks of reality that defied all form of harm. Still it seemed like they had done little more than scuff its armour with the heaviest of their weapons.


But Helene could perhaps hold it in a stalemate for a time if the Ursarchus was not permitted to join the fray.



Aimed shot vs Ursarchus

BS 40 +10 (size), +10 (range), +20 (aim), -20 (run)


Roll: 12 (hit)

Damage: 9, 8, 2 (+3) = 22, Pen 3

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Ravia joined Aria in shooting the charging construct. If they wounded it enough, perhaps they would have a chance against the Steward. She racked the grenade launcher again, a frag grenade slipping into the breach.


Half Action - Aim at Ursarchus

Half Action - Standard Attack (frag grenade)

Target - 44 + 10 (size) + 20 (Aim) - 20 (run) - 20 (Untrainted) = 34

Roll - 18

Result = Hit, 1 DoS. Damage - 9 + 8 = 17, at Pen 0

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Damage from Aria, Left forelimb: 22 – 10(Tb) = 12

Damage from Ravia, Right rear limb: 17 – 10(Tb) = 7

The Ursarchus seemed to not notice either wound, or at least it was not slowed in any appreciable way.

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Betrayed on all sides, mocked by this anathema, false prophet who would claim to know the Emperors will while playing god from the shadows.


The others had simply been fools but this was the true arch-nemesis. Helenes indignation flowed into her blade and it reflected the flow of the flames in a bright halo around the forest and burnt brighter as her anger grew and she struck at the construct again and again not caring that its armour was impervious to her blows.


Half action strike with chainsword: Roll to hit: 43 - hit?

Damage: 3+5, Pen 2 = no damage


Half action: Flames of Faith (300xp and 1 temporary fate point)

 -Helene may bless one burning fire or clip of ammo - in this she blesses the construct who now burns for 2d10 rather than 1d10 energy damage each turn (and makes it harder to put out).


It would be 3d10 but I want to save a fate point for Helene to use the martyrdom ability if/when she gets smacked down by the towering robot

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Full Action: Lightning Attack Helene - Natural Weapons- as this count as primitive I belive Armour value is doubled against it unles the amrour is also primitive 


1: D100: 16, Hit, 3DoS

Assuming no Dodge/Parry

Location: Body. Damage 1d10 + SB = 4 + 12 = 16 Damage 0 Pen

2: D100: 63, Miss

3: D100: 50, Hit, 0 DoS

Assuming no Dodge/Parry

Location: Head. Damage 1d10 + SB = 10 + 12 = 22 Damage 0 Pen


As the fire intensified, the Steward was surprised that there was anything left to burn on his exterior, but the flames where not letting up. The Zealot was blunting her chainsword against his torso one swing and blow at a time, to little effect.


A kick and a punch, and for good measure a headbutt, skull to skull.



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The construct moved with inhuman speed, faster and stronger than an astartes as Helene was saved less by any skill with the blade and more by the fact that the stature her opponent impeded its ability to strike down effectively against someone of the nobles stature.


Parry vs first attack: 41 - pass


Helene is now at -2 wounds, fatigued, and has reduced WS / BS


Roll for ongoing fire damage: 6 + 9 = 15

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Round Three

Fire damage, as per above post, 15 – 5 Machine Armour = 10

Steward Regeneration test: T:65 D100: 73, Fail 


Ravia  [0/11]

Aria [0/12]

Helene [15/13] – 1 Level Fatigue, Critical injury, -10 WS/BS. I am also going to say that the severity of the headbutt pushed her far enough back to not be in melee with the Steward or risk being set alight by his still burning form.

Steward [22/??] Lightly Wounded

Ursarchus [19/??] Lightly Wounded


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Staggered but defiant Helene brought the chainsword up once more as she struggled to steady herself for a fresh charge.


"You may lie to yourself but we do not hear it. Any cancer that would spread defiance of the will of the God Emperor will be cut out with flame, you will burn on this world or with it".


Slowly she circled the construct forcing it to choose between guarding against her blade or watching for attack from the others.



(Assuming we have started a new round)


Half action move - stay out of melee range and circle away from the oncoming bear - a half move probably isn't enough to get all of the way around behind the construct but may be enough to put it between Helene and any direct charge from its ally.

Half action burn faith to activate Wrath of the Righteous

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Ravia pumped the grenade launcher's action again. Last krak grenade. Who to shoot?


Half Action - Aim at the Steward 

Half Action - Standard Attack 

Target- 44 + 10 (aim) + 10 (range) - 20 (untrained) = 44

Roll - 31

Result = Hit, body. Damage 7 + 9  + 4  = 20 damage  at Pen 4


One last frag grenade, then down to my carbine. Omnissiah, watch over us!

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Even a grenade had done little to slow the beast, but no more had come to join it. Glancing upwards yet again Aria sought to judge the best spot on the distant walkways for a grapnel... but it was not yet time.


The construct seeking to defend itself was a good sign at least that their weapons were having some effect if they could somehow drag this out, but it was hard to imagine either of their foes could be evaded while on the ground.


Swinging her rifle back around Aria took advantage of the brief opening to fire at the steward once more.


Half action aim, half action shoot - no called shot this time

Target: BS 40 +10 distance, +10 size, +20 aim/accurate = 80


Roll to hit: 56 = hit with two extra DoS


Damage: 2d10+3 = 10+6+3

 -RF roll: 14 = hit, damage = 8


Total damage 27, Pen 3  - 5 wounds?

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Damage: 27 – 12(Tb) – 7 (Machine 10 – Pen 3) = 8 Damage

Will Power to act normal while on fire.

WP: 65 D100: 82, Fail, I can’t see the Steward running around screaming, so let’s just say it is distracted by the fire the damage it is doing to it garden.



Full action, run 36m, now about 24m away from group.


The flame wreathed form of the Steward appeared to stand still; perhaps the fire and punishment you had dealt had finally broken something inside. Alas not yet, for with the another roar of the running Ursarchus the Steward stillness also broke. Looking around at the fire damaged surrounding.


“Was that really necessary?”


Round 4 will start in morning, run out of time tonight

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Round Four


Fire damage, 2d10: 6 + 2 = 8 – 5 Machine Armour = 3

Steward Regeneration test: T:65 D100: 23, Pass, heal 1 


The sky dimmed, not the sudden darkness of lights being shut off, but a gradual reduction. A fine mist descends from the ceiling. It was raining in the Garden.


The rain is very light and fine this turn and will have no game effects, however with each turn it has a chance to become first medium and then later heavy. Medium and heavy rain will have adverse effects on BS and WS (-10 and -20) respectively. Additionally In heavy rain visibility is reduced (your unhindered sight is your Per bonus x 10m, beyond that perception tests are needed to see) and the ground becomes difficult (mudy, slippery, water logged etc) your movement rate will be as if one Ag level lower (i.e. 3,6,9,18 becomes 2,4,6,12)  


Ravia  [0/11]

Aria [0/12]

Helene [15/13] – 1 Level Fatigue, Critical injury, -10 WS/BS. 

Steward [36/??] Heavily Wounded

Ursarchus [19/??] Lightly Wounded


Players next:

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