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Archeotech 2 – Treasure Hunt (RPG IC)


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He'd circled back and watched.


He didn't like what he'd seen happen.





FAB with Autopistol Vs Helene

BS 40 20 (FAB) = 60. Result: 21, Pass 3DoS (4 Hits). 21 = 12 Right Arm.

Autopistol: 1d1+2, Pen 0.

#1 - Right Arm: 1 +2 = 3 Damage.

#2 - Right Arm: 3 +2 = 5 Damage.

#3 - Torso: 10 (RF:  15 Success) +2 +2 = 14 Damage.

#4 - Head: 4 +2 = 6 Damage.









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The cold rain helped shake Helene back to her senses as she pushed aside the pain and charged in once more, the Stewards attention drawn away perhaps by fire from Aria and Ravia but in the nobles mind it was an intentional insult of one who felt impervious in their armoured shell.


Focus narrowed and rage built as she called upon the Emperor to give her strength, unaware as Varn emerged from the trees behind her.





Helene - Charge:

Roll to hit = 45 vs WS 36 +10 size, +10 aim, +10 charge  = hit  (the -10 WS/BS penalties only lasted a round, but don't matter here)


Damage 3d10+5 tearing = 5,9,8,1

 -righteous fury roll = 98, fate reroll 13

 -damage 9

Total = 36, Pen 2



--Additional fluff text to be added based on outcome--


At this point one of two things happens - if Helenes action is resolved first then Varns shot won't actually kill her due to the 'in combat' penalty on attacks - though the Steward will certainly do so with her lightning attack unless she is still 'fire stunned'.
If the two events are resolved at the same time Helene is a dead woman walking and will burn her final fate point for 'Martyrdom' - staggering to her feet next round for one final blow.

(also, once Martyrdom comes into effect the flame damage increases to 3d10 for this round and the next, before dropping back to 1d10 with Helenes' death.)

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The zealot somehow was on her feet again, she was more robust then it had thought. Despite seeing the attack coming the Steward had not anticipated just how quickly, perhaps the fire was more of a distraction then initially warranted.


 Raising its left arm to block there was a screech as chainsword teeth ground against the forarm before slipping past to strike the Stewards abdomen. One of the earlier attack must have weakened the outer armour, for how else could the human do this much damage? Stepping back to free itself from the wiring teeth, right hand holding in damaged parts until the self repair sealant had hardened. An extensive visit to the repair facility would be needed once the interlopers had been dealt with.


 The rapid chatter of an auto weapon, a new threat? No it was the tribesman, and while the shots had been in its direction the Steward saw that they had meant to aid it, felling the Zealot from behind.  


Aria and Ravia next. 

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Aria ducked instinctively as she heard the gunshots but they were not for her, at least not yet. Varn had returned or perhaps had always lurked here and his actions and earlier words spoke clearly of why the Magos was here and why this world must burn.


Somehow Helene had done the impossible in damaging this thing that had shrugged off the heaviest weapons they carried but it was always the unseen blade that cut deepest.


She called out to the tech priest knowing their fever to end this here may be as strong and futile as Helenes, "this world is condemned, we must seek orbit before it burns."


Would Ravia care? Perhaps she knew that she could not outrun the others, that Varn would track her down if not killed here, or perhaps she saw some path to victory that eluded Aria... a faith that the voidborn had seen manifest but never truly understood.


The time had come. Firing her grapnel back through the trees she leapt away adding what force she could to the initial pull of the devices motor, as much to pull her into shelter from Varns fire as to speed the ascent. The ship beyond this chamber was dead and cold but who could say what eyes and teeth the steward still hid within the walls of its garden.



Half action Grapnel, half action ascend.

Roll to hit: 17 - hit. A high gantry that leads somewhere back towards the door they came in from.




Burn last fate point - Martyrdom

-Helene is still a dead-looking heap on the ground at this point but rise like a phoenix next round... well, a bullet ridden near dead phoenix anyway to run in and get herself properly killed in mutual incineration with the Steward.


Martydom side effect - the flames engulfing the Steward now inflict explosive rather than energy damage, still to the body, and more of it.

 -roll of damage when the Steward rolls around (or whenever you are applying it) = 4, 10, 8 = 22 explosive damage (torso, no righteous fury for ongoing fire)



Regardless of outcome Helene is dead once she strikes her next blow and speaks her next words, or takes lethal damage from another source, and the effects of the faith powers fade at the end of the next game turn.


Not entirely sure what would be a suitable epitaph but it will have to be short :p

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There were no real options for her to escape. Aria might be able to do so, If so, she needed to tell the Arch-Magos of the Steward and what it represented. 


"Tell the Arch-magos of the Man of Iron, I will hold!"


Last grenade sailed away, aimed at the charging construct.

Half Action - Aim at Ursarchus

Half Action - Standard Attack (frag grenade)

Target - 44 + 10 (size) + 10 (Aim) - 20 (run) - 20 (Untrainted) = 24

Roll - 90. Fate point spent (0/2), re-roll 08

Result - Hit, right leg. Damage - 7 + 10 (RF roll = 23) + 6 = 22 damage at pen 0


Free Action - Drop weapon


"The Omnissiah curse you, deviant machine!"

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Damage from Helene: 36 – 12(Tb) – 8 (Machine 10 – Pen 2) = 16

Will Power to act normal while on fire.

WP: 65 D100: 33, All Fine to act


Kneeling down by the fallen Helene the Steward spoke softly. “There is a strength of will in you that is worthy of respect, just a shame that you gave it to an uncaring false god instead of the betterment of humanity, rest now in peace.”

One hand on his knew he braced himself as he got up.


“I see you have chosen to stay Kinsman, for this you have my gratitude, but please, fight with honour if you must fight.”


Looking up at Aria as the grapple carried her off into the sky it continued.


“Where do you think you are going?” While it knelt it must have picked a stone or similar, for something wisped past to fall harmlessly back into the forest.   


Throw rock, range 3xSb is 3x 12 is 36m. as Aria has only ascended about half of the 46/48 meters still in range.

BS: 52 – 20 (moving target) = 32

D100: 39



Dodge attempt to avoid frag

AG: 30 d100: 52, Fail

Damage 22 -10 (Tb) = 12

Full action run to put itself between steward and Ravia.


Another roar as it shook of the frag grenade impact. A momentary stagger as the bearform regained its footing. A few more leaps and bounds propelled it into your midst, moving to guard the Steward.





Turn Five

Burn damage as rolled above, 22 -5 (machine) = 15 Damage taken

Steward Regeneration test: T:65 D100: 62, Pass, heal 1 

Medium rain chance 50%, d10 odds rain becomes medium, even stays light mist: 07 medium rain. -10 all WS and BS rolls.   



Ravia  [0/11]


Aria [0/12] - approx 24m up on grapple rope. Another half action will get you onto one of the lower gantries. That is to say one of the ones that is 4 or so m from the ceiling, there are only a few at this level, stretching a long way in each direction. Imagine a rough grid with about 20 to 30m between junctions. There is am denser but less regular network of walkways 2m above you that is clearly designed for servicing of the various machines that simulate the weather. There are occasional ladder connection between the two levels.   


Helene [24/13] – Dead – Martyrdom


Varn [0/13]

Steward [66/??] Heavily Wounded

Ursarchus [31/??] Heavily Wounded


Ravia, Aria and Helene next 

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A narrow miss, but Varn was still armed and both the construct and its guardian could likely outpace her. Rolling onto the gantry she unhooked the grapnel and placed as much of the metal structure as she could between herself and those below. It wasn't much of a headstart but it must suffice.


Half action ascend

Half action move? (assuming recovering the grapnel from the rail as Aria climbs up is a free action)  - depending on how things pan out Aria may yet be in a position to aid Ravia if she survives the turn.

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Despite the rain the fire around the Steward only seemed to grow brighter as it spread to Helenes body and all attention turned towards her companions.


It was Varn who saw it first, or perhaps felt it, a wave of warmth in the rain that could at first be dismissed by the fury of the flames around his 'sesta', but somehow Helene was on her feet once more. He had not seen her rise and bathed in flames yet serene no more than a figment until her blade struck down and her voice rang out.


"In His grace I bring light to the shadows, in His mercy I strike at the false gods, He is salvation", the flames burn higher as her eyes turn to Varn, "you are forgiven. The Emperor Pro..."


Helenes final words are lost as the inferno reaches the jerry-rigged fuel cannisters she carries in a blinding flash of heat and flame, and then Helene is gone.




Free action: Performance (inspire) : 05 vs 36 = pass


Full action: all out attack: 47 vs 36 (+20 all out, +10 size, -10 rain) = pass, very nearly a swing and a miss there :p


Damage: 3d10+5 tearing = 8,1,7,10

 RF: 93 - fail :(  (and no fate points)

 Total damage  = 30, Pen 3


Fire damage: 8, 3, 6 = 17

 -having looked at the rules this apparently keeps burning on high until the Collector puts himself out.

 -note - if the Ursarchus is caught in the explosion of flame they just take normal fire damage as it was the Collector who was 'cursed' rather than the ammo blessed.


Martyrdom - Helene runs out of fate points and turns and dies for good.

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Ravia felt the heat of the explosion as Helene died. The sacrifice prompted a thought in Ravia's mind. The Omnissiah will not approve, but this may destroy the abomination!


Ravia rips open her backpack and grabs three items- a glowlamp, her extra lascarbine magazine, and her flask of holy oil. An improvised bomb could be made from these things, if she bypassed the holy rites of containment...


OOC: I'm thinking that this could work, but if not, oh well


Trade Test - Armourer

Target - 43 - 20 (difficulty?) = 23

Roll - 11

Result = Pass, 1 DoS. 

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Despite the increasing rain you get a good look around the Garden chamber. The far end is obscured, whether by distance or rain you cannot tell. However, in the other direction, you can make out your original entrance, the balcony and door visible as the forest canopy trails of at the edge of the chamber. Up in the gantry levels you can see that there are several hatches set into the wall, after all it be easier to carry out maintenance if you can just enter the chamber at this height rather than climbing up from below. Your youth of growing up in ships, even if not like this one, has furnished you with a good sense of direction amongst the twist and turns of corridors and crawlways. You head towards the side of the camber that should be closer to your original ingress point.


Helene the Martyr

Steward Dodge attempt

Ag:35 D100: 27, pass

Ursarchus Dodge attempt

AG: 30 d100: 53, Fail

Damage 30 – 10Tb = 20 damage

Ag test to avoid catching fire

AG: 30 +10 (it is raining after all) = 40

D100: 94, Bear friend now smells of singed fur.


As the dead rose for one final act of faith the Steward saw the danger just in time, calling out to warn the Ursarchus. The bearform however did not leap to safety, instead rearing up on its hide legs to protect the Steward. The howl of pain, in all its anguish, insufficient to convey the full extent of the injury just endured.



You have successfully crafted a ½ kg improvised demolition charge (Damage 3d10, 2.5m blast). This however took a full action. As you don’t have the demolition skill it is however volatile and will explode at the end of next turn if it has not by then. Any impact will set it off, so dropping it or throwing it will set it off.


Varn next

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“I see you have chosen to stay Kinsman, for this you have my gratitude, but please, fight with honour if you must fight.” He was told by the 'Sesta.


He'd seen Aria depart on grapnel, flying off up into the canopy.


The movement of the 'Sesta enabled him to view Ravia who was creating something with her hands. Through the rain he couldn't make it out although he doubted that whatever she was making was anything good.


"Want some Kaf?" he yelled as he fired his autogun at her.



FAB Vs Ravia

BS 40 +20 (FAB) -10 (Rain) = 50. Result: 07 Pass, 4DoS (5 Hits). 07 = 70 Body.

#1 - Body: 7 +2 = 9 Damage.

#2 - Body: 2 +2 = 4 Damage.

#3 - Right Arm: 8 +2 = 10 Damage.

#4 - Head: 8 +2 = 10 Damage.

#5 - Left Arm: 9 +2 = 11 Damage.






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The traitorus hunter filled the air around Ravia with bullets. She tried to moved, but the firepower hammered into her.


Dodge Test

Target - 16 

Roll - 63

Result = Fail, 5 DoF


Damage - 

3 to body, 4 to right arm, 7 to head (3 Critical to head), 7 to left arm (7 Critical added to total) = 21 wounds taken (11 Wounds originally), with 10 Critical damage to the Head (according to how DH adds damage I believe this is correct), Ravia is dead to a headshot! 


OOC: Nothing Ravia could have done would have stopped the damage, as even if she dodged the head hit (only place she has without armor), the remaining damage would mess her up so severely as to be unable to do anything (3 Crit damage to Arm, which would drop the firebomb and blow herself up...). So....


Burning her last remaining Fate Points (2) to act the next turn- she will basically run towards the Steward to suicide-bomb him/the bear.

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Will Power test to act normal while on fire.

WP: 65 D100: 59, Pass

Full action Agility test to put out fire

Ag: 35 – 20 (Hard) +10 (Rain) = 25

D100: 05, Pass – I am still going to apply the Fire damage rolled in Helene Martyrdom post at the beginning of next round, but then the fire is out.


A column of steam was enveloping the Steward, rain and fire did not mix well. From what little you could see the steward stood still, perhaps taken aback by the intensity of the Zealots action, even after she appeared to have died, or simply succumbing to the fire that somehow still burned despite having long ago exhausted all sources of fuel on the Mechanical body of the Steward.



WillPower test to act while on fire.

WP: 25 D100: 77, Fail


Now ablaze the Ursarchus trashed and howled around wildly, the pain evident to all. The smell of burnt flesh and fur sickening in its intensity.




Round Six


Steward Burn damage as rolled above, 17 -5 (machine) =  12 Damage taken

Fire extinguished as per round 5 action

Steward Regeneration test: T:65 D100: 41, Pass, heal 1 

Bear fire damage: d10: 10 Ouch!

Heavy rain chance 50%, d10 odds rain becomes heavy, even stays medium: 06 medium rain remains. -10 all WS and BS rolls.   



Ravia  [21/11] – Fate last action - Dead

Aria [0/12]

Helene [24/13] – Dead – Martyrdom

Varn [0/13]

Steward [77/??] Heavily Wounded

Ursarchus [61/??] Heavily Wounded


Ravia Next 


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Ravia ran towards the tall construct. As she neared it, the makeshift explosive tumbled from her hands to land in between her and the Steward. In the second before it exploded, she spoke.


"Praise the Omnissiah!"


Full Action - Run towards Steward

Free Action - Drop explosive

Every creature within 2.5m takes 3d10 damage


Ravia damage - 3 + 9 + 6 = 18 at Pen 0. Dead!

Steward damage - 5 + 8 + 9 = 22 at pen 0.

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More explosions and gunfire from behind, it was unlikely that Ravia would hold for long but visibility was worsening and each moment took her further from the Stewards influence. The over-engineering of Imperial ships even as old as this one favoured her as the walkway was firm as stone beneath her feet despite the long millennia.


Focus ahead, the visibility grows worse. As a child she had run blind through the bowels of her home from twistcatchers and man eaters and things that crawled through the seams of reality when the warp boiled about the ship.


Every ship she had encountered, perhaps every ship for ten thousand years no matter how large or small or different on the surface was merely a rearrangement of the same rules as if built by a single architect, those like Ravia would call them the omnissiah. She had seen these walkways a hundred times before in a hundred different places yet always the same pattern of connections, the same arrangement of bolts securing them together.


Ignore the rain, the trees, they are not there. Know the count of steps, see the pattern. Ancillary walkways crossed below some deeper into the forest and other mirroring her path, close, tempting. The alcoves and accessways offered shelter but she could not afford to slow even though she was exposed. Let Ravia buy more time, and let there be rain.


Full action run.


Between elevation and starting position I think i've got the better part of 100m on Varn... and his 360m range. Though Aria at least had the common sense to buy armour for her head and catfall for when that isn't enough :p

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Ravia and Helene were dead by his hand, he let Aria run.


He had saved the 'Sesta although he couldn't save the burning Bear.


To follow and catch the starchild Aria meant further killing. He doubted that he could kill her together with Colm and then be killed by Kaz.



No. Varn walked off into the woods once more, to rest in paradise.





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Structure Time End.


Sensing the danger that Ravia presented to his friend the Ursarchus, despites its pain and burning pelt, lunged. An insurmountable obstacle now in the way, if only had moved a fraction quicker. For Ravia had slipped past, though at a cost that any other time would have been terminal.


The improvised explosive shone brightly, even in the rain. Whatever Ravia had done proved very effective, leaving behind a crater. The Ursarchus, thrown by the blast heaved itself upright and trotted over to investigate, but his friend was gone.   


Up above, hearing the explosion Aria glanced back, the brightness of the explosion almost blinding. A glance was all she could spare, as she navigated to the edge of the chamber and into the ship proper again. Whereas before the ship had been lifeless it was now not so much, emergency lightning pulsed as somewhere power generators reignited.  It would be a long trip back to the surface, avoiding an awakening auto security system and whatever else this ship might hold. 



The End


Thank you for Playing.

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