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Had really good priming weather today, so I decided to experiment with an idea I had regarding blue ink and a rattlecan zenithal










I'm probably going to re-paint the blades. Not really pleased with how they came out. The head is... still a work in progress I think. I tried an Athonian Camoshade wash and it didn't seem to do anything.


Bottom of the legs, was thinking either matching the face or matching the thresher handle. The base is going to be space hulk themes. There's diamond pattern plasticard on the base and I was going to try a bilge-water effect. I'm worried the thresher handle metallic coloring would blend in too much with a partly metallic base. On the other hand, I'm worried that if I put gold down there, it will draw the eye away from the top of the model.

Edited by jaxom



Finished product. I tried metallic feet, but the specularity clashed too much with the rest of the body. I went with more of a stone look and am happy with how it came out. I think I need more patience for building up glaze layers to get the effect I want on the blades.







Edited by jaxom
Added text
  • 2 months later...

The whole Skorpekh Destroyer unit is now done:









And their accompanying counts-as Flayed Ones:



The actual boarding action rules means no Annihilation Legion for me. I have no interest in taking or can't take other Destroyer units (Lokhust & Ophydian) and can't get to 500 points without them because of the limitations on Elite units.


I'm going to supplement the two Destroyer Cult units with Warriors and was thinking of painting the non-Destroyer units a more traditional metal color scheme, with some blue markings to tie them together.

1 hour ago, Raziel-TX said:

still thinking of redoing the blades?

Maybe once I've done more models, perfection being the enemy of progress and all that. I think I need more practice to get the effect down, but I am generally okay with how they look.

Put together an Indomitus Cryptek and a finecast Cryptek I picked up way back they were being discontinued. I have no idea if what they look like really matters for the type of Cryptek they are.




The vast majority of my Necrons are from two Elite starter boxes I picked up on sale, and then some eBay snipes. That has left me with a distinct lack of Royal Warden. So converting we will go!




Gauss reaper arm, with the power coil extended so it can have that top grip. Once it's all dried, I'll add the barrels and underslung blade.

Nothing like metallics to make you feel like an efficient painting pro.


Step 1: Leadbelcher Spray and Basilicanum Grey Contrast Paint (just spray on the bottom two, with BGCP on the top)




Step 2: Drybrush Ironbreaker (bottom two, with just BGCP on the top)




Step 3: Selective drybrush with Runefang Silver (bottom)




Same gold technique as the previous models.






Next up: weapons and bases.

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