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ShadowVault!?... Like it didn't exist...


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My mate tried to get Shadowvault but of course was unsuccessful :confused: But the FLGS owner and even the GW he went to acted like it never existed... is this kinda like That  Cursed City debacle where they simply went radio silent after it's under released amount and just whistled their way through without a word until a year or so later when they popped up with it again with smiles and fanfair as though the first pathetic debacle of a release never happened.... ???!!?.

I'm slightly peeved that they don't even say something like "oh we're sorry ,logistics & covid blah blah..." ... but they say nothing and stick their heads in the sand and ignore it.. 


Also ,Did anyone actually get shadowvault?!?.. 



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While missing out on the discount when I actually wanted everything in the box, yet scalpers seemed to be able to get multiple (mumble grumble) is annoying in itself, what really hacks me off is that the 40k boarding action set they previewed doesn't have any of the interesting extras sprues for the terrain, so as far as I can tell those little turret things and cases of guns are either gone, or it'll be a case of hoping they actually produce the a killzone for it and then overpaying for part of what I initially wanted.


Not really helpful, but I wanted to vent, sorry.

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similar in my experience in the UK - not available in person in the Tottenham court road store or on the independents I normally look at - not even showing as out of stock.


Whilst I dont dislike Into the Dark, I wasnt likely to buy it (though I do like the Breachers). Shadowvault I would have probably picked up and it'd ahve been a gateway into possibly a 'small' guard force for 40k.

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21 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Why even buy these blatant money grabs that are never going to be supported in the long run:laugh:


In what sense is it not supported? It's just 2 teams and campaign book for Kill Team all of which get released as standalones later on. The only thing that's "limited" really is the cardboard box it comes in and the savings you get buying it all together vs separate.

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Plus it actually is a game in and of itself, even when KT proper stops being supported. Extra zone mortalis terrain is cool, and the kill teams are cool. Like, you might as well say "why even buy GW products"?

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I managed to get a copy through a  (UK) third party supplier but when I called them the Wednesday before release, they didn't know for certain whether it was going to arrive. Very much 'we've been invoiced but we'll see what the delivery brings'.


I have vented elsewhere but I'll repeat. I think this release was ill-judged - early based on the previously announced calendar, reportedly a small production run and loaded with elements desirable to non-KT players - the Kasrkin and the ITTD terrain. KT enthusiasts never stood a chance.


There seem to be more bits than usual available on eBay so IMO the best route for a KT player who has ITTD is to pick up the extra sprues from a scalper and then get the book, Kasrkin and Necrons from a discounted supplier when they are released in a few months, unless a second production run is announced before we are due the next installment.

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These things are always essentially limited run, the next box will be in q1 barring something odd, the demand is definitely there after all. 


Shame not everyone could get one, I guess if this continues they'll bring back the preorder guarantee from last year?

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