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Podcast recommendations?

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My favorite warhammer related podcasts all seem to have kicked it or don’t really release very often anymore.  Are there any out there that folks would like to recommend?  I’m not into any hardcore rules discussion, more interested in the hobby culture around the game, lore, narrative session, etc.  

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I listen mostley to Masters of the ForgeCombat Phase is mostly rules now a-days (even if there are som book and lore discussions) but there are lots of author interviews and similar among the older episodes.


For 30k it's The Age of Darkness and The Remembrancers' Retreat 


For AoS it's Garagehammer 



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On 11/7/2022 at 6:20 PM, Doghouse said:

I quite like Adeptus Ridiculous https://www.youtube.com/c/Adeptusridiculous as it is a bit more laid back and doesn't take it all too seriously.

I agree with this. Since Kirioth has become a semi-regular guest on the podcast I think they are correct more often but they pride themselves in an "entertainment before accuracy" approach which often makes things funnier but can be annoying when they get something wrong.


I followed Bricky from his Warframe content and it was just co-incidence that he joined the 40k community after that. I was happy because his weird sense of humour  amuses me.

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On 11/7/2022 at 5:58 PM, Inquisitor Eisenhorn said:

My favorite warhammer related podcasts all seem to have kicked it or don’t really release very often anymore.  Are there any out there that folks would like to recommend?  I’m not into any hardcore rules discussion, more interested in the hobby culture around the game, lore, narrative session, etc.  

Sprues and Brues sounds like it fits your bill, they cover the other GW systems too but its nice and laid back, not competitive  focused at all

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Sometimes they miss a week and they tend to upload podcasts mostly at random, but The Honest Wargamer's 40K Spice Centre is great fun. Meta discussions on 40K itself, not just the competitive meta. Some great insight into Geedubs, with a good dose of rumours that turn out to be true months later. 
Usually live on Twitch, Thursday evening UK time. 

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For discussion on Kill Team from a narrative perspective, I really enjoy 'Once Upon A Kill Team'.

Quite tightly focussed on the narrative experience in KT with reports on the hosts' gaming group experience (mainly at the Bad Moon Cafe), modelling updates and discussion on the 'kill teamyness' of factions. Also has the occasional guest spot. And a small dose of humour.

15 episodes available at the moment.

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