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Well, I'm starting a DKoK project. I was highly interested since the release of the Kill Team DKoK squad and now that the new Codex is imminent it's about time to commit. 


I plan to go for a green look - probably the 143rd Siege Regiment although I quite like the idea of doing an ad-hoc formation with remnants of several regiments - just to add both visual interest and background to my force. Also I plan to go for rule of cool in terms of equipping them but still it should remain Codex-legal (if not optimised necessarily).


I sure hope that, much like the Heresy range, the DKoK will get gradually all plastic but to be fair, we only need a banner bearer and the heavy gun crews and we can manage the rest from the Kill Team box... :D


Anyway, here's the beginning:




This will hopefully turn into a mega-project with some 100 infantry minis, especially if GW supports the range in plastic - so wish me luck! 



Edited by Captain Semper
Change in title

I have a new-found appreciation for the DKoK after listening to Janovich's Seige of Vraks series, and of course more Captain Semper is always good! Can't wait to see more.

Yay! More Krieg!!


I’ve been working on my own force for ages now.


I’d recommend “Dead men Walking” and “Krieg” by Steve Lyons 


Also iirc the Vraks books are on the Warhammer Vault and they have a wealth of inspirational material in!


Good luck moving forward and keep the pics coming!

Thx guys! 

Just got Krieg as an audio book (shelf space is becoming a problem… :confused:) and thankfully I got all the old Forge World books on Vraks (both the three-tome original and the other one-tome edition) so some refreshing is in order.


 I’m very excited with this project!

  On 11/9/2022 at 5:32 AM, Captain Semper said:

Dont think I can wait! :devil:


I may get another squad for the event... or a Leman Russ... :laugh:



You can take as many squads as you want for the event. In fact the more the better! 


If you're already working on them we're expecting some WIP shots... 

Nice mat, I have one just like it!:banana:


So how big is your Guard army gonna be? Small force or a massive hoard of meatsacks? You goin artillery heavy or not?? Ooh I do get excited whenever someone starts a new Krieg army.

OK, first five:






A few thoughts:


  1. The Guard models have evolved tremendously since the metal Catachans... the detail is amazing and... very demanding!
  2. My scheme came out darker than have hoped for and he highlights are way more subtle than intended. The result is too grim-dark and a pain to take a decent photo. 
  3. The masks are very demanding and probably need to get the proper brush (got one that's slightly bigger and one that is waaay to small and can't keep a straight edge).
  4. I have not applied the decal yet - I will when I finish the other 5 (which are on the way now)


Now the trick is to repurpose the existing minis to conform with the new Codex under the assumption that GW will not produce a full range of DKoK troops line the Cadians.


I believe the Codex will become widely available after the holidays... Need to wait to see the options of the Command Squads and the DKoK Infantry squads...


What do you guys think?

Edited by Captain Semper

Loving the green! I wanna do some green Kriegers now but I already have Biel Tan Eldar, Squats, Medieval world natives (Normans/Bretonnians) and some Mentor Legion that are all mostly green so I must resist. :laugh:

Great start! The new Krieg kits are great fun to build and paint, I think GW have really upped their game with recent sculpts.

I believe the new codex means we can take 3 special weapons per squad!


I don’t have the book yet but that’s what I’ve heard.


Again, welcome to the Korps! 

We are His shovel!!

  On 11/20/2022 at 2:49 PM, duz_ said:

Those look great! What colour green is that? 

I've been tossing up between doing mine a similar green or more traditional Steel Legion colours. 



Well, it's Castellan Green as a base, highlighted by Elysian Green (I dry-brushed it but apparently I should have been more heavy-handed) and then Militarum Green Contrast all around. And that's it. Funnily enough I used Steel Legion Drab for the harnesses but nowhere I used Death Korps Drab! :biggrin:


  On 11/20/2022 at 3:53 PM, Slave to Darkness said:

Loving the green! I wanna do some green Kriegers now but I already have Biel Tan Eldar, Squats, Medieval world natives (Normans/Bretonnians) and some Mentor Legion that are all mostly green so I must resist. :laugh:



Hey, if you like Green go for it again! Don't forget, you're talking to a Dark Angels guy here... :biggrin:


And just to answer your previous question, I intend to go infantry-heavy. And when I'm fed up I will add some artillery before I go for vehicles. I'm not overwhelmed by the Rogal Dorn tank - I would probably go for some more exotic vehicle like the Malcador Infernus! What a model that is...


  On 11/20/2022 at 5:14 PM, Jud Cottrell said:

Great start! The new Krieg kits are great fun to build and paint, I think GW have really upped their game with recent sculpts.

I believe the new codex means we can take 3 special weapons per squad!


I don’t have the book yet but that’s what I’ve heard.


Again, welcome to the Korps! 

We are His shovel!!



We are His shovel indeed! :biggrin:


Now the lack of a Codex is kind of problematic for me... For example I don't know how HQ work - Command Squads' load-outs and that about three special weapons is the first I hear of it! Is it a DKoK thing or a generic Guard thing? And how does the Vox / Master Vox work? Or the medics?


As far as I know there aren't any rumours for additional DKoK kits...  I'll able to do a lot with the current kit (once I get the Codex that is) but a plastic standard bearer and weapon teams will definitely be needed. I mean, they went all out to turn to plastic the HH range (well, the majority of it) so it could make sense... Oh well... :rolleyes:

Edited by Captain Semper
  • 2 weeks later...

OK - had problems with lighting... but here goes:




I need to add transfers...


So a few questions for those who have the Codex:


1. How does the vox system work? A Command Squad has a master vox and each Infantry Squad can carry a standard vox?

2. Can each Squad have a medic? or just the Command Squad?

3. How many special weapons per standard DKoK infantry Squad?

4. Are command squads divided in senior / junior officers? And can the have a power fist?


Some more questions may come as I build my force ahead of the Codex' general release... :biggrin:

Master vox allows orders to vox keyword units within 24 rather than 6:smile:


There's an issue with death korps as they have to give up the plasma gun for the voxcaster, which is just stupid:laugh:


Dkk can have a medic in their unit, but they come in at a whopping 75pts per squad, dkk datasheet you get plasma or vox, then two extra special weapons, can't be plasma thou. Currently it says can't be duplicated twice, but that's believed to be a mistake, same with cadian datasheet, only 1 of each comes in the box, and can't be duplicated twice makes no sense when the option is two:laugh:


Its might be best to proxy them as cadians:yes:


Unfortunately, now that its codex cadia all but in name, you get platoon command and cadian command, which are essentially, junior officers and command squads glued together.


Company commanders are gone, replaced by cadian castellans which is one per detachment, anyone can use the new stuff thou, which can sound confusing I guess:huh:

Thx for the reply Emperor Ming!


The plasma or vox is indeed an odd dilemma… at least you can still get two other specials. Why is plasma in particular penalised though? Weird… Meltas for everybody then! :biggrin: Or flamers, or the beautiful sniper rifle. And the medic seems to be a luxury… maybe in the command squad? 


So a Castellan is the equivalent of a senior officer? Then instead of proxying my army as Cadians I can just rename him with a DKoK rank (Colonel sounds right) and replace the mini with a DKoK one… although keywords might be a problem…. Can he take a power fist? I can use the bionic arm as a proxy…:wink:

thx again mate - very useful stuff! :thumbsup:


Yeah, its worth it in the command squad:yes:


Castellan is pretty much an old company commander, but has the commandant keyword, a commandant is one per detachment and has to be warlord, its weird they don't get command squads, so their order range is 6:tongue:


Yep, pretty much all the upgrades are free, expect the plasma pistol and power fist, 5pts. 



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