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Fate of Yarrick?

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Well now this is just confusing, does GW want us to believe he's alive or dead? They print in their book that he's dead and then on the other hand play coy about it in an article right after. The book's not even out other than in the Cadia box and people don't even have those in their hands yet.


If they're just gonna bring Yarrick back, right after taking him away, then I really don't see why he had to go in the first place.

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3 hours ago, Halandaar said:

I mean the most GW move possible is that they've removed him from the Codex just so they can "surprise" us with his return during the inevitable Gathering Broken End Times Psychic Storm Realms Awakening campaign alongside a new model.


This, or some Warzone Armageddon series. He can still be dead, hasn't stopped models from being used before. 40k is a setting and tabletop games can take place at any point in time within that setting.

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4 hours ago, jarms48 said:


This, or some Warzone Armageddon series. He can still be dead, hasn't stopped models from being used before. 40k is a setting and tabletop games can take place at any point in time within that setting.

True but I wouldnt expect a new mini for him though, they have never updated dead characters. 

Just sourced a OG Yarrick mini, my mate still has one he said I can have. He shall proudly lead my army with his massive crab claw in the air just like he did with my 1st Guard army back in the day.

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9 hours ago, Legionary Pallas said:

Well now this is just confusing, does GW want us to believe he's alive or dead? They print in their book that he's dead and then on the other hand play coy about it in an article right after. The book's not even out other than in the Cadia box and people don't even have those in their hands yet.


If they're just gonna bring Yarrick back, right after taking him away, then I really don't see why he had to go in the first place.


So the page in the Codex is an in universe description, which means in terms of whether it's true or not your mileage may vary. A whole sermon about how the bell has tolled to declare him dead (which has been done prematurely before), but which at the end says it was redacted by the inquisition, if I'm not mistaken. So did that actually get published in universe? Who knows.


The WarCom article was simply the social media team picking up on the fuzz about it to throw up an article to generate some engagement. Poking the fire, so to speak. It doesn't say anything and basicay just summarised a bunch of popular theories without committing itself to anything...which is basically the entire purpose of this kind of article. It's not meant to give anyone any actually new info.


Ultimately, all we know for sure is that he has no rules in the new book and may or may not he gone for good.


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12 hours ago, jarms48 said:

He can still be dead, hasn't stopped models from being used before. 


Yeah, although if that's the case you'd expect his datasheet to still be in the Codex (like Tycho is still in the Blood Angels book), or moved to Legends.


His datasheet disappearing from the Codex to reappear in a future book only seems plausible if he's both canonically alive and getting an updated model.



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22 hours ago, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I would not be surprised he was removed for the codex as its coming soon and the Narrative thing leading to 10 will have him back.


Warzone: Armageddon has been a thing for a long time, massive fight between Ghaz, Angron, and perfect for a new Yarrick model. Knowing GW probably in a baby carrier. 

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2 hours ago, Xenith said:


Warzone: Armageddon has been a thing for a long time, massive fight between Ghaz, Angron, and perfect for a new Yarrick model. Knowing GW probably in a baby carrier. 

Oh god not a baby carrier...


Just kill him before that.


Oh maybe just maybe and hear me out... Kor Phaeron treatment?

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5 minutes ago, Xenith said:


Games Workshop has been establishing Primaris lore for 6 years, the rubicon, the ability to take older or previously unsuitable recruits, all leading up to this point...

Oh I don't remember that part...


OK just shoot me now :P.

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4 hours ago, Xenith said:


Warzone: Armageddon has been a thing for a long time, massive fight between Ghaz, Angron, and perfect for a new Yarrick model. Knowing GW probably in a baby carrier. 

His body destroyed in battle, but Cawl handwaviumed a prototype battle suit that they could hook up to his brain. Like some Robocop 2 kinda thing in a fancy hat. Robo-Commissar is a horrid idea but they have had worse ideas. 


Id rather him die to a bit of stray shrapnel or assassinated by a Snottling on the toilet (Yarricks on the toilet, not the Snottling, although inside the loo would be a good hiding spot) than have him wired up into a mech suit. If he is dead Im gonna miss him, he came out not long after I started playing so hes always been there, gonna be weird if hes not being badass somewhere chasing Orks.

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