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Rogal Dorn builds?


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Magnets.... I'm assuming there will be a way most recent Imperial tanks have been relatively straightforward to magnetise, if not able to push fit. 


I'm sure once someone here cracks the code well have another tutorial available. Maybe even @elmowill share their expertise once again :wink:

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At the moment the best option is the Oppressor Cannon, the Twin Battle Cannon is sadly too swingy and ironically isn’t nearly as good as two regular Battle Cannons. 

As for the hull weapon the Pulveriser is definitely better as well. 

I do suggest magnetising, you can find some great guides online on how to do it. 

Edited by jarms48
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Magnets for sure.

However the math is in. The big cannon out ranks the twin cannons by a fair bit

The gatling cannon vs the demo cannon are about even, pick which one you like. The Demo edges out but not by enough really.

Heavy Bolters, no choice here

nipple guns: Going for melta myself, guess this might depend on points or what you want out of the tank

1 Stubber for free


270 pts. I'll be running one. 2 in my armored company. I don't know that 2 is the right number for that one but I am working on a more balanced list to start with and I am betting on the Dorn being worth it's points.

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The points values of some things, I find really odd in this book:yes:


Like lascannons on sentinels is free, but the chainsword costs:ermm:


Heavy Stubbers costing points at all is rather strange:ermm:


Special weapons are free, but power swords and fists cost points:laugh:


Makes total sense:no:

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As an imperial guard vet since 3rd edition, I'm not so sure its worth 250, but that's just my humble opinion:yes:


and russes now are a decent cost, and if you lose a russ, its not the end of the world:yes:


9 wounds to start dropping its ballistic skills as well, isn't exactly fantastic, that's only 3 failed saves from a decent d3 weapon:ermm:


The oppressor cannon looks good, but if you roll low and its 4 shots, will it actually do any damage before it dies? its a lot of investment otherwise. Not just in points but in pounds as well if its around the 90 mark:unsure:


It might be worth testing just to see how much damage it can absorb, but there is an increasing amount of weapons that won't be worried about t9, and the lethality of 9th is well known, large models even with a 4+ invulnerable save and so on can easily disappear in one round. 


A few might say, well get it because it looks fantastic!


Thats fine if you have that kind of cash to throw about on a model that might just end up sitting on a shelf:tongue:


Goonhammer generally have mathhammer articles on the effectiveness of units and weapons that is always helpful, I'll be looking out for one on the dorns weapons!


If it gets tagged in combat and gets reduced to less than half wounds, its going to be firing out of combat on a 5.


A russ, can now have 3 cheapy heavy flamers, which you might have to consider for a charge:yes: and decent even if you're on one wound. 


Happy to be proven wrong!:happy:


But out of experience, if its looks too expensive then it generally is, sounds obvious when you say it:tongue::laugh:

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Thats a tough one to answer, the BB and variants have been questionable for so long now....


and with points reductions and the new turret weapon rule and a free set of sponsons, then stat increases, that has to be appealing!!!:happy:


Only two downsides really that I can think of, which is speculative depending on circumstance:


A: its one unit rather than multiple, what's better when its a game of objectives, hard to say sometimes:unsure:


B: the main actual downside, its huge, its size will often mean it get locked into position by combat, or stuck behind terrain unable to move, and if it is an event, event terrain is most of the time, far more unforgiving to huge models, its not something I would consider taking to events as I know it wouldn't be able to move most of the time:yes:

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Combat doesn't matter to a Baneblade. It's a superheavy and can basically do what it wants. Movement is more of an issue, but if you can get to an objective and block everyone off with some LOS you're good. 


With the Dorn...my initial idea was stripped down, but if all the time extra guns are as cheap as on the Russ it might be worth slapping on a few.

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10 hours ago, Emperor Ming said:

Heavy Stubbers costing points at all is rather strange:ermm:


I do find it funny that heavy stubbers and storm bolters cost as much as a heavy bolter now. Why even take them?


2 hours ago, sairence said:

Combat doesn't matter to a Baneblade. It's a superheavy and can basically do what it wants. Movement is more of an issue, but if you can get to an objective and block everyone off with some LOS you're good. 


With the Dorn...my initial idea was stripped down, but if all the time extra guns are as cheap as on the Russ it might be worth slapping on a few.


The biggest issue in the competitive scene hasn't changed at all and that's size. The Baneblade is simply too large to play on the tournament boards. 

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Since meltaguns are free on inf, its like why pay 5pts per one on the dorn:ermm:


and the heavy stubbers, it would be a cold day in hell before I pay 5pts for one of those:laugh:


I dislike GW's 5pt blocks, they don't work, not all weapons are worth 5pts or ten or so on:furious:


The heavy Stubbers really should have been free:sad:

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fair points, maybe I save 5 points and use nothing. Do I need either of those guns on the dorn which is loaded with guns? Although I was going to take the demo cannon which is short ranged. so if I am getting in range for that then the meltas might make more sense. decisions decisions. 

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1 hour ago, Sawtooth said:

On the "Nipple Guns," are they worth the points and which do people think are best to take?

Meltas seem best to me. 


16 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Since meltaguns are free on inf, its like why pay 5pts per one on the dorn:ermm:


and the heavy stubbers, it would be a cold day in hell before I pay 5pts for one of those:laugh:


I dislike GW's 5pt blocks, they don't work, not all weapons are worth 5pts or ten or so on:furious:


The heavy Stubbers really should have been free:sad:

Charge an enemy tank or monster and point blank them with meltas ;)

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Stubbers. I actually might put some stubbers on there. I'm at least interested in the idea of the mechanized order 'Pinnning Fire' to reduce infantry movement by 2". Some synergy there with other new rules in the book. I suppose that would only help against something slow like death guard and maybe some custodes. The main problem is this idea really isn't going to slow down anything moderately fast, and it has very limited application. But, when it does work - failed charges can swing a whole game. It can mean another round of shooting; a wiped out enemy unit; a saved unit, etc. 


Melta. I've been thinking about converting the melta guns to be mounted on the top hatches. The barrels sticking out past the tank treads in front is, well, I don't get it. Ruleswise I suppose melta could be attractive to hit really hard at close range - maybe an overwatch, or poorly designed assault coming too close. But, as tough as this beast is, I don't expect it to live through thunderhammers. Well, toughness 9 is actually significant, but still.  Brawling with a 250+ point tank is very dangerous. I'm not sold on building it w/melta at the moment. 


Sponsons. I'll magnetize them for sure. I think sponsons are worth a shot if getting the full re-roll lord solar buff, to max it out. I kind of like multi-meltas with an extra 4" range. But, if we are looking for some anti-tank, it could be a better job for a hellhound, or buffed heavy weapon squads or lascannon sentinels. And, if I'm sitting more towards the rear of the table- why waste points on short range weapons? Still, two multi-meltas hit like a brick. 


Hull. I could be talked into the pulverizer, but right now I'd expect to get maybe 3 shots, and 1.5 hits. I suspect it'll be in range 2-3 turns of the game. AP-2 against armor of contempt means there is a genuine likelihood to save any wounds caused. That said, I concede it's swingy - some games you'll roll the full 6 shots, and the Gatling alternative really isn't going to shine either. With either option, I expect very little. I'll magnetize, but start off with Gatling. 


Min v. Max Load out. Somebody else mentioned it recently on the forums here - but you don't see land raiders on the table everywhere. 250+ for a tank is a lot. It's a big target and my loadout is looking more like 300 points. Some Sororitas Retributor squad is just drooling at the thought of having line of sight on you. That doesn't mean Dorn's a bad choice, just that there needs to be a very well thought out plan. My initial feeling is to use lord solar - but it might also be a trap. And while the good lord solar helps in several ways, he is adding another 170. The mathhammer changes a lot, and thus changes the appropriate loadout. I've also been thinking about a tank commander for some mechanized orders (SQUADRON) instead of or in addition to Solar. This way I could deploy the Dorn flexibly depending on terrain and targets. If I was just using the Dorn alone, without officer support, I'd be more inclined to go without any upgrades at all - deploy it with good line of sight as far back as possible. 

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As I said

big gun w/ autocannon


gatling cannon




this way I am putting out 25 shots if I get tangled up in combat which seems very likely, and 22/25 are S5+ and multi damage.

If not in combat, then the main gun still provides solid AT and I still have middle of the road fire power against monsters and vehicles from the AC and HB.

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