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5 hours ago, INKS said:

Krieg with a medic. Mordian Glory is now talking about this. 

why not a Brigade? You'll still get 12 troops. 

but then I’m forced in  to I taking three fast attack choices where there are no infantry options.


I find mortars are cheap enough to peg a small back line objective sitter. Cheap enough despite the -1 to hit. If they don’t work out I’ll trade them for lascannon teams

I know I’ve said this elsewhere, but I’m honestly still sold on the mortar pit, if it’s supported correctly: 3x HWS, Creed, and Cadian Command Squad with Filial of Nemrodesh 1st. 


We’re looking at 320 points BUT, realistically I will be taking Creed and the CCS w/ Relic anyway. Creed is an auto-take for Master Tactician and the +1S buff on orders. CCS w/ Relic is a buff for no -1 to hit modifier and no damage cap. With Take Aim, that means your mortars are hitting on 3s even totally out of LOS. With average rolling, those mortars (with Born Soldiers) deal 5 mortals a turn from out of line of sight. Then, with weight of fire, you’re sure to get a ton of chip damage on vehicles or elites, or chew through infantry. 


Since I’m taking Creed and CCS anyway, that’s only 165pts for the three mortars. Who, by the way, cannot be effectively shot back at because they are out of line of sight, AND screen out large chunks of my objectives/deployment zone. 

If you can spare the slots for Heavy Support, I think it’s pretty darn good. 

EDIT: if you want to burn another command point, you can give the CCS Old Grudges. Then your mortars will be S6 from Creed, and with a +1 on the wound roll against a target of your choice (probably the Terminator/elite infantry blocks that are so popular). That means you’re wounding T5 on a 2+, and ignoring FNP with the Finial. 

Edited by LtColKool

So my Version of this list should be



-master tactican


Cadian command squad


2 Command Squads, Lasercanon


6 squads cadian shock troops

-3 x double meltagun

-3 x double plasmagun.


6 Infantrie Squads with Lasercanon, Plasma


3 x 3 mortar teams


2x2 Field Ordnance 


kasrkin squad 1

-sergeant, plasma pistol, power sword

-2 meltagun

-2 Plasma


kasrkin squad 2

-sergeant plasma pistol, power sword

-2 meltagun

-2 plasmagun

-Trophy hunters


kasrkin squad 3

-2 plasmagun

-hot shot volley gun

-Industrial efficency




3x1 Sentinel with Plasma


5 hours ago, LtColKool said:

I know I’ve said this elsewhere, but I’m honestly still sold on the mortar pit, if it’s supported correctly: 3x HWS, Creed, and Cadian Command Squad with Filial of Nemrodesh 1st. 


We’re looking at 320 points BUT, realistically I will be taking Creed and the CCS w/ Relic anyway. Creed is an auto-take for Master Tactician and the +1S buff on orders. CCS w/ Relic is a buff for no -1 to hit modifier and no damage cap. With Take Aim, that means your mortars are hitting on 3s even totally out of LOS. With average rolling, those mortars (with Born Soldiers) deal 5 mortals a turn from out of line of sight. Then, with weight of fire, you’re sure to get a ton of chip damage on vehicles or elites, or chew through infantry. 


Since I’m taking Creed and CCS anyway, that’s only 165pts for the three mortars. Who, by the way, cannot be effectively shot back at because they are out of line of sight, AND screen out large chunks of my objectives/deployment zone. 

If you can spare the slots for Heavy Support, I think it’s pretty darn good. 

EDIT: if you want to burn another command point, you can give the CCS Old Grudges. Then your mortars will be S6 from Creed, and with a +1 on the wound roll against a target of your choice (probably the Terminator/elite infantry blocks that are so popular). That means you’re wounding T5 on a 2+, and ignoring FNP with the Finial. 

If you have all of your HQs dedicated to buffing mortars seems like the rest of the army is hung out to dry

5 hours ago, sairence said:

Your Mortars will be hitting on 4+, because the indirect penalty is not a hit modifier. It worsens your BS by 1. So the flag does nothing about that. You'll be BS5+ with a +1 to hit from Take Aim.


Ah, darn, right you are! Well, that saves a command point/75 points then. 

2 hours ago, Harrowmaster said:

Take aim's -1ap would help negate the +1 save from cover as well right? 

Yes but that's a load of expensive just to make a bs4 unit viable:huh:


Then they still might die to fast units:sad:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys

I brought the new cadian box and some additional cadians on top.

I wanted to try contrast paints for the very first time and i was not disappointed, they are great.

With the change of edition and new models i 'restarted' my collection, i intend to use my existing models in 30k.


I decided to change my colour scheme to go with the change of models, but still wanted brits in space, so what is better than redcoats. who needs camouflage when you are shock troops.


critique welcome. This is the first WIP of the painting challenge too.



7 hours ago, OttoVonAwesome said:

Aren't the Guard unaffected by the indirect nerf?

the indirect nerf came from the last balance datasheet, which specified IG were exempt, however GW have confirmed the new codex does not use the balance datasheet

21 hours ago, duz_ said:

I believe Dunes is a texture paint like Astrogranite (ie. The lazy persons equivalent of basing sand and painting it), as opposed to the Martian Ironearth which is a crackle. 


i grabbed a dunes and a dust, althoughw hen i got home i realised i got two dusts.. ill try them and see

  • 2 weeks later...

Pure infantry is sadly dead.

- 65 points per squad is far too much to spam.

- Then there’s the increased character cost on top of that. 
- Reduced starting CP also kills multiple battalions. 

For example:

- 3 Castellan (1 per battalion)

- 3 Cadian Command Squad

375 points


- 18 Cadian Shock Troop Squads



- 3 Kasrkin Squads

- 2 Scion Squads (5 models each)



Total: 1955


So sure, you can still put 200+ models on the board but you have no staying power and no starting CP

yeah its an issue right now. the new ark of omens, if it becomes mandatory destroys infantry lists too.

the only choice i have right now is something like 2x batallion


4 hq

12 troops

3 kasrkins

3 scions

3 ratling units

3 x HWT


and i worry about duraility tbh

1 hour ago, jarms48 said:

Pure infantry is sadly dead.

- 65 points per squad is far too much to spam.

- Then there’s the increased character cost on top of that. 
- Reduced starting CP also kills multiple battalions. 

Exactly, they were expensive when they were raised to 55, and now 65, 10pt rise for what exactly:laugh:


Now with less rules as well, as in 8th you would have had regiment rules and hammer:laugh:


Also anyone playing matched, the arks of omen detachment kills all inf as there's not enough slots for inf:yes:


But as jarms has said, increased inf and character costs have all but killed all inf anyway, they were struggling before the points increases:sad:


Then there's the side grade for first rank fire as well:sad:

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