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Beat The Backlog! Hobby decluttering challenge 2022/2023

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Yes I think it can keep running indefinitely rather than being 'seasons' like the painting challenges. Happy Christmas everyone and congratulations on one year of hobby progess and decluttering!


Having unpacked all my essentials I really need to get the studio up and running soon... 

I should say at this point that thanks to GreenScorpion, I have absolutely smashed my painting target.


I have painted:


41 infantry

3 x heavy weapon teams

4 tanks

1 sentinel


reducing my leadweight by 77.


Army as it stands:




I also finished 5 space marine scouts for another 5 points. 


However, I’ve added 32 to my leadweight by paint stripping some mega old marines and 3 bikes and adding them to my space marine army, and deciding I need to repaint my land raider to go with them. oops…

Was 225

Reduced by 82

Added 32

Remaining 175


So … I have JUST made the target I was aiming for. Complete luck!


I still have some models to paint for GreenScorpion’s challenge by January 7th, i.e. the rest of the Guard, so I’ll pledge just those for the coming month: 10 infantry, 3 heavy weapon teams and a Leman Russ. I’m hoping for more but I’m just gonna play it safe.


The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, TheArtilleryman, bear a Leadweight of 175 upon my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 153 by February through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.

I have only partially joined in this year. Mainly because I could keep track of what was to paint etc. although I have been very productive. I'll post a pick of my completions in the new year. 


Next year I'm determined to get a proper tally of my hoards of grey. 


Will there be a new thread or a continuation of this one?



46 minutes ago, Dwango said:

Will there be a new thread or a continuation of this one?

This one is going to carry on, from what @Grotsmasha said. :smile: 

The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Boc, bear a Leadweight of 335 upon my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 324 by the dawn of February, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


And totally not by commissioning a friend to paint stuff for me :biggrin:

I still have not had the time to add in the latest Imperium models to my Leaweight, but for December I have painted 15 of my own models,


a LI 1st Legion Rhino,



and Tariana Palos,



I also completed a World Eater and a Dark Angel for the DA Forum Secret Santa,





additionally I painted 13 Marvel United models in December, AND, and, I sold all the Nighthaunt I had, which was 30+ models.



For 2023, my painting total looks something like, 27 personal 40k models, 27 Marvel United models, 185 commission models, 23 commission terrain pieces.

Edited by Grotsmasha

The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin 2024 with a Leadweight of 1,422 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,412 by the dawn of February, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


As best I can tell, I've gone ahead and added all expected Imperium deliveries to this total, so my leadweight shouldn't increase due to Imperium this year. I plan on keeping up with AT LEAST two personal 40k models a month (I already have a Nid's commission for 2024...), one randomly generated Faction / model, and a Commemerative Series / Named Characeter model. Additionally I plan on keeping up with two Marvel United models every Monday.

Edited by Grotsmasha
  • 3 weeks later...

I'd been doing so well...I finished 14 models in 3 weeks, hadn't bought anything since November, and then I pre-ordered DA Assault. 





Can I still count this as a reduction to 321? :yes:

  • 2 weeks later...

So, how did I do for January?


Lets start with the "bad" shall we. I increased my Leadweight by 58 this month, to 1,480. I received Mantic's Kickstarted The Umbrella Academy boxed game with 57 models in it, and purchased Sister Amalia Novena for my Sororitas.


Now for the good, I completed 4 board appropriate models,


a SMH Blood Angel Terminator,



a Warhammer Heroes KT Justain Intercessor, a fun little project I saw on the YouTube,




a repaint of the Bandai Chibi Blood Angel,



and lastly, Ghazghull Thraka, Makari will slip into next month,




In addition to these models, I also painted 10 more Marvel United figures, and additionally sold Mybillorr Darkfang, the YR2 WH+ 5 model set, further reducing my leadweight, for a total leadweight reduction of 19 for January, 9 more than my target.





The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin February with a Leadweight of 1,461 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,451 by the dawn of February, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


Edited by Grotsmasha

I finished my Imperial Guard for Green Scorpion,




but I bought a single Grey Knight so ended up 1 above my leadweight target. I’m now on 154. Need to have a think about how much I’m going to get done this month. 

When is the Call to Arms likely to start?

1 hour ago, Grotsmasha said:

 *Probably* July

Ah ok so no point planning February based on that then lol … was gonna pledge my T’au with my Stormsurge for lots of points … hmm

Edited by TheArtilleryman

So after much avoidance with this I think I have got a relatively accurate lead weight total of 1374. This includes my recent purchases of new shiny box sets.


I have managed to reduce this by 15, I guessed the terrain weight. 


My new total is 1359. Hopefully my plan to sell some of the imperium stuff and plough through my over 8kg of terrain will go someway to reduce this. 




7 hours ago, Dwango said:

So after much avoidance with this I think I have got a relatively accurate lead weight total of 1374. This includes my recent purchases of new shiny box sets.


I have managed to reduce this by 15, I guessed the terrain weight. 


My new total is 1359. Hopefully my plan to sell some of the imperium stuff and plough through my over 8kg of terrain will go someway to reduce this. 




Looking good! At first glance I thought the terrain was a truck lol


8kg is a lot of terrain… I’m always saying I should get some more terrain as most of mine is stuff I hand built years ago. There’s always a shiny new model to get instead though … :p

Edited by TheArtilleryman
21 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Looking good! At first glance I thought the terrain was a truck lol


8kg is a lot of terrain… I’m always saying I should get some more terrain as most of mine is stuff I hand built years ago. There’s always a shiny new model to get instead though … :p

Cheers. Yeah it's a lot but I'm building a zone mortalis board. There is a potential I don't have enough but I'll see once I have this lot painted. 

  • 4 weeks later...

So for Feb I have reduced my lead weight by 43. My new total is 1331. It was about 16pts of scenery :biggrin:


Feb complete, plus some scenery and the remainder of Jan's vow. 


I started February at 1,461 leadweight, I added the 7 Terminators from the Leviathan box, and was fortunate enough to be GIFTED the Deathwing Assault box, adding 16 more terminators to my leadweight, bringing it to a total of 1,484.


For February, I painted 3 board appropriate models,


a Pink Horror,



a Chibi Eversor Assassin,



and I finished of Makari and attached him to Ghazghull,




additionalyy, I also painted 8 Marvel United figures. I also gifted a bitz bag of 20 Blood Claws to a hobby newcomer, and a Tech-Priest Grombrindal and Servitor as a belated xmas gift, for a total reduction of 33 models.


This brings my leadweight to 1451 for February for a total reduction of 10 points.




The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin March with a Leadweight of 1,451 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,441 by the dawn of April, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


@Grotsmasha I think that Ghazkhull is my favourite model of yours so far! Awesome work!


I never made a vow last month but here we go:

Starting point: 154

Painted my land raider: -6

Painted the single grey knight: -1

Sprayed black a 2nd edition predator that previously was not in my lead weight: +6

then changed my mind and sold it: -6

Kitbashed a t’au Fireblade out of spares +1

Painted it -1


So would have been on 147… but I messed up


Bought a nearly complete Cadian defence force (old style) for 40 quid off eBay… I mean 21 infantry and 2 tanks - I couldn’t say no to that deal could I? Could I???      +33


So in the end:


The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, The Artilleryman, begin March with a leadweight of 180 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 150 by the dawn of April, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


In the plus side I built and undercoated all my remaining t’au, so I’m going to try and do this by painting them, hopefully my Stormsurge…

Edited by TheArtilleryman

February was a pretty big month


Started out with 321, traded 52, received 25, and accidentally bought 36. Because DW Assault was too sexy. So without painting anything, starting number shifted to 330. Woops.


Painted a loooot though. 

12 points, 2x vehicles





3 points, 1x cavalry





11 points, infantry





So after all that...


The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Boc, begin March with a leadweight of 304 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 285 by the dawn of April, through the toil of painting and the corruption of bribing others to paint for me. 

Edited by Boc
Points correction
  • 5 weeks later...

I've managed to reduce my lead weight down by 55. Panted 22 and sold a kilo of scenery so 33. The necrons are a commission so I haven't included them. 


New total is 1304. 


14 hours ago, Dwango said:

Part of my vow is complete. No terrain this month and the grey knights will spill over to next month along with the tank and dread. Still busy mind








So, not a very productive month for me personally, although I did complete 3x Norn Emmissaries for a commission.


I had 3 board ppropriate models this month, which were,


1x HH Space Wolf,




1x Deathwing Terminator,




and another Bandai Chibi repaint, the Commissar,




additionally, I painted two Marvel United figures, reducing my total leadweight by 5, half of my intended target. However, I did purchase one of the new smaller KT starter sets, Orks and Guard, increasing my Leadweight by 20 to 1,466..... :ermm:




The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin April with a Leadweight of 1,466 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,456 by the dawn of April, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


OK, so I did really well this month. Painted 3 bikes, 6 tactical marines and a lieutenant:




Painted my Stormsurge:




… and sold 8 marines.

So I reduced it all by 54!


But… I made a boo boo. I knew this was coming tbh but the way it happened was quite spectacular. I snapped up a stupidly good deal on Age of Darkness plus another 20 marines, plus an extra land raider proteus, so coming my way I have +108 points. Technically I can’t open it until May because it’s my birthday present, but still, I know it’s in the post so I have to add it.


So having put on double what I lost, I’m now up to 234 …

On top of this a good friend is going to be sending me a bunch of other HH stuff soon, and I’ve no idea how much that will add! Yikes …


Good news is I’ve made a great start on my remaining T’au so I’m confident they will all be done in April.

Quick question: do crisis battlesuits count as cavalry (3 each) or monsters (4 each)? I’ll update this post with my April pledge once someone clarifies. 

Thanks in advance!

Edited by TheArtilleryman

Just realised I've not actually been vowing.


The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Dwango, begin April with a Leadweight of 1304 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to at least 1270  by the dawn of May, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.

March tally!


5x Possessed




5x DW Terminators




Azrael, Judiciar, Apothecary Biologis, LT w/combi weapon




3x Aggressors




Bringing the March tally initially to 17


I bought one box of Kill Team scouts because I have a problem, so add 10 right back.



I, Boc, begin April with a leadweight of 296 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 280 by the dawn of May, through the toil of painting and the corruption of bribing others to paint for me.


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