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Beat The Backlog! Hobby decluttering challenge 2022/2023

Go to solution Solved by Beaky Brigade,

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On 4/1/2024 at 3:48 PM, TheArtilleryman said:

Quick question: do crisis battlesuits count as cavalry (3 each) or monsters (4 each)? I’ll update this post with my April pledge once someone clarifies. 

Can anyone clarify this? Thanks :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Another particularily low output month for myself, but at least I didn't increase my Leadweight.


I completed just two board appropriate models, 


the Chibi Grey Knight



and a Techpriest Dominus




additionally I completed just the one Marvel United model for the month, reducing my Leadweight by 3, from 1,466pts to 1,463pts.




The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin May with a Leadweight of 1,463 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,453 by the dawn of June, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


So I got a chunk of minis painted however I bought more scenery. This actually raises my lead weight by 24. My new total is 1328. Hopefully I'll be able to get a lot of this painted this month. 


On 4/28/2024 at 8:50 AM, Dwango said:

I'm nearly done with the necrons and grey knights but I thought I'd post my dark angel completions now. 















On 4/29/2024 at 1:08 PM, Dwango said:

Cheers @Tyriks it was really fun to do. My kids helped too, with that and the dread. 


The grey knights are done, apart from the base rim which I've just noticed. Crons next. 



  • 3 weeks later...

“The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Dwango, bear a Leadweight of 1328 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1318 by the dawn of next month, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.

  • 1 month later...

So I seem to have lost a month! Probably going on holiday caused me to forget to post. 


I have reduced my lead weight by 10 in May! New lead weight is 1318


By forgetting to update it it means I have forgotten to make a June pledge. However, it's not stopped me painting and I will post my progress once June has ended. Much terrain has been painted so my lead weight will have reduced significantly. 

On 5/22/2024 at 10:31 PM, Dwango said:

And done. There will be no more from me this month as I'm on holiday. All ready for the call to arms though :biggrin:




Edited by Dwango
Updating total
18 hours ago, Dwango said:

So I seem to have lost a month!


:rolleyes: me too....



The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin May with a Leadweight of 1,463 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,453 by the dawn of June, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


In May I bought a second set of S02 Bandai Chibi's as I had some conversion ideas, bringing my Leadweight to 1,468. I painted 3 on my own personal models whilst continuing with commission work, first up I painted a Not-Lego Primaris Dark Angel,



then I painted the Sister Superior Chibi,



and my third and final model for the month, a random Crimson Fist,




With these three models completed, I reduced my leadweight down to 1,465.


Although it is only 1 day away from July,



The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin June with a Leadweight of 1,465 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,455 by the dawn of July, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


The Call to Arms has started, and this year I'm painting my own models, vs. the commission models for last year. I've pledged 40 models to the event, and will aiming for 5 in June and September, with 15 a month each for July and August.


The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin June with a Leadweight of 1,465 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,455 by the dawn of July, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


SO, had a visit from a friend who's moved interstate, and with them came a box of goodies, a BIG box of goodies, after several patient years Primal: The Awakening has arrived....and increased my Leadweight by 29 to 1, 494


I did manage to reach my goal of 10 models for the month, thanks in no small part to the Call to Arms starting mid-month, first up we have a Traitor Guardsman,



next up, another Bandai Chibi, this time a conversion of 3 others into a Space Wolf,



and for the beginnings of my CtA vow, 5 DW Terminators and 4 Teleport Homers,





I'm going to aim for 15 models this month, 5 more Terminators, 8 Watchers, and 2 Dreadnoughts.



The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin July with a Leadweight of 1,483 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,468 by the dawn of July, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.



Edited by Grotsmasha

In June I bought a land raider Proteus for a heresy project, which adds 6 onto my total. I have managed to paint, however, lots of my zone mortalis terrain which reduces it down by 155! I've painted all the the boards, wall and column tops and stairs. 




The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Dwango, begin July with a Leadweight of 1,169 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1149 by the dawn of July, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.

Edited by Dwango
Miss calculated
  • 5 weeks later...

Another good month. I've managed to finish the walls and a gang stronghold as I keep up with my pledge to paint all my terrain. I've also finished a good chunk of heresy stuff. I've even managed to sell some necrons to reduce my total further. 


Total reduction is 196 which takes me to 973. 

On 7/3/2024 at 8:41 AM, Dwango said:

Posting an early completion. The ZM walls are now done, along with a gang stronghold. 


I've just got railings and ladders to do then it's onto other gubbins and terrain features to fill in the gaps. 




On 7/21/2024 at 5:53 PM, Dwango said:



On 7/20/2024 at 9:38 PM, Dwango said:

Vow complete. I will be doing more, just need to sort size then pics. 



  Reveal hidden contents






The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Dwango, begin August with a Leadweight of 973 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 873 by the dawn of August, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


I'm getting the mech box, so my total will be going up but will hopefully offset it with my CtA pledge. 


The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin July with a Leadweight of 1,483 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,468 by the dawn of July, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.



Ok, so I maybe backed DC Super Heroes United and grew my Leadweight by 130 (won't actually get them to next year, but they're paid for), and I bought one of the 30k mkVI Praetors because I wanted something fancy for the HH Night Lord I've lined up for August.



For my Call to Arms Vow, I managed to finish 5 more Deathwing and the 8 Watchers in the Dark,

 Running a bit slower than I hoped, but 5 more Deathwing done for now,






















and Kill Team Cassius' Garran Branatar,









Additionally I painted 2 Marvel United models, reducing my Leadweight by 16 for the month, bringing my Total Leadweight to 1,598.




The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin August with a Leadweight of 1,598 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,588 by the dawn of September, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


Edited by Grotsmasha
  • 1 month later...

Managed to paint enough to reduce my lead weight by 126. I've then bought 2 mech boxes. I've added 72 on as I've sold/traded the contents leaving me with 60 thralls, 6 thallax and a triaros. 


New total is 919. As I reduce my lead weight I can see that this figure may not be accurate. I plan to do a 'stock check' in Dec ready for the new year. 



Vow complete.











The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Dwango, begin September with a Leadweight of 919 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 841 by the dawn of August, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.

  • 4 weeks later...

So aparently I forgot to update for August, (un?)fortunately, you didn't miss much, just one board-appropriate model for the month, a Bandai Chibi Dark Angel conversion,





and unfortunately, September wasn't significantly better either, with on 40k model, and two LI models,






I'll update my Leadweight shortly. My target for October is 5 models, hoping to finish out some of the Deathwing NOT completed for the call to Arms :facepalm:

  • 1 month later...

I had it worked out but forgot to post. I managed to reduce my lead weight to 891. 


I've painted/sold 110pts worth but increased it by 82. I've been buying models for my next heresy project. 


For October I've not painted much but have sold a few more bits. Still need to work it out though. 

On 8/21/2024 at 9:14 PM, Dwango said:



On 9/5/2024 at 7:44 PM, Dwango said:

3rd vow complete. 





Edited by Dwango

I managed to hit my five model target for October,


The Crimson Fist and Ultramarine Bandai Chibis,





Inquisitor Coteaz and Cyber eagle




and a LI Contemptor and Apothecary,





So I started the month a a Leadweight of 1,695, bought 3 Eradicators and 3 DA Companions, which equalled out my 6 models of reduction to close October at a Leadweight of 1,695. I'm aiming for 5+ models again in November.

So it's been a while since I've posted in here. I have been trading and painting but lost count of where I am. I'd like to try and get more done but was wondering if it was ok to 'restart' with the goal of just losing weight each month. The next few months are going to be heavy (holiday season tends to be) but I'm going to try and do my best to keep an negative gain. 


I will state that I have been good on my vow to not buy models this year. Only thing I'm spending on is the DA christmas box and the ratling sniper team (cause christmas boxes were exempt from the vow and the sniper team seem like a limited model) and I'll be starting the Combat Patrol magazine once it starts in the US.


On the docket for this month is the Tyranid Onslaught box from last year, with 50% more Hormaguants due to me tossing a box of them in. I hope to have this done by the end of the year. This should give me a bumper for what may be gifted to me over the holidays, I hope. 

  • 1 month later...

So...  I intend on doing this this year (2025) if it is still going to be running.  In the process of cataloging my Pile of Shame now.  Adding on models I intend on stripping/repainting too.  This may take a while...

5 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

So...  I intend on doing this this year (2025) if it is still going to be running.  In the process of cataloging my Pile of Shame now.  Adding on models I intend on stripping/repainting too.  This may take a while...

I intend to do the same and I believe it will still be going. Lost my way a bit towards the end of the year but will be doing a new count soon. 

On 12/31/2024 at 11:52 PM, Brother Argent said:

So...  I intend on doing this this year (2025) if it is still going to be running.  In the process of cataloging my Pile of Shame now.  Adding on models I intend on stripping/repainting too.  This may take a while...

 Cannot recomment pileofpotential.com enough....

Sooooo, how did my leadweight reduction go for 2024???



Poorly, it went poorly.



This is mostly due to the arrival / backing of several Kickstarter / Gamefound Games, adding 216 models.

The Umbrella Academy - 57 models

Primal: The Awakening - 29 models

DC Super Heroes United - 130 models


Next up were my hobby purchases, predominantly, these were smaller single model purchases throughout the year, but there were several larger purchases too.

Deathwing Assault, plus the Leviathan Terminators - 23 models

Kill Team Starter Orks and Guard - 22 models

Legions Imperialis Astartes Infantry - 106 models

Combat Arena: Lair of the Beast - 13 models

Space Marine Adventures: Doomsday Countdown



I started 2024 with a Leadweight of 1,422, and with all of the additions, and purchases I hit a leadweight of 1,843  :facepalm:  I'm going the wrong way......


BUT I did paint some of my own models, 112 in fact, reducing my overall 2024 leadweight to 1,731.


So that's where I start 2025, at 1,731 leadweight.


Additionally, I painted a further 81 models as commission work this year.





“The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, bear a Leadweight of 1,731 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this by 5 models by the dawn of next month, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading".


Edited by Grotsmasha

Soooo, generally I did pretty well. Looks like I reduced my total by about 450 over the year. That's with some purchases on the way. 


I've managed to do a much more accurate stock take, made much easier by selling a fair chunk and getting nearly all of my terrain painted. 


My starting lead weight is 914. Although there will be some purchases this year, mainly any heresy battle box and the new Eldar, hopefully it won't be too bad. I've been pretty strict with myself over the last few months. My aim is to get the lead weight down past 500, slightly optimistic I know but, in theory it can be done. 




“The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Dwango, bear a Lead weight of 915 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this by 30 by the dawn of next month, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading".

Alright, I already took some pictures for myself to track my progress this year, so I might as well out it up here. Don't know if I'm going to make the monthly vow/re-audit every time because I may forget, but I'll be periodically updating.



Necromunda :

10 Spiderken + 3 spider bases (13)


10 Fisher-folk (10)


1 Ash Wastes mono-cycle (3 - ignore the AoS stuff on right side of pic)




Gulliman, Inquisitor, Imperial Agent w/dog, Necron Overlord (Silent King rebase), Orikan, Illuminor Szeras (12- Gully and Szeras are montser sized)


3 Rogue Trader entourage members and 2 Imperial Agents with Mystic Staves (5)



2 Knight Armigers (12)



Word Bearers - 17 infantry models, 2 Daemon-Prince counts-as (25)



Not Pictured: 

1 Necromunda heavy transport, 1 Necromunda shuttle (12), 20 Necromunda corporate troopers/mercs (20)


Ordered, but haven't arrived:

1 Knight Questoris, 2 ratlings, 1 Word Bearer, ser Hektor, Imotek the Stormlord, Orikan (36)


Non-board appropriate models:

48 6mm models (48) 


Total leadweight - 194

Total models - 131

This month, trying to get the RT entourage and mystic staves done, plus 24 of the non-board minis. So hopefully bringing the total down by 29.


Edit- forgot a few necro models and Imotek...

Edited by Lord_Ikka
Forgot some models...

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