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Beat The Backlog! Hobby decluttering challenge 2022/2023

Go to solution Solved by Beaky Brigade,

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On 4/1/2024 at 3:48 PM, TheArtilleryman said:

Quick question: do crisis battlesuits count as cavalry (3 each) or monsters (4 each)? I’ll update this post with my April pledge once someone clarifies. 

Can anyone clarify this? Thanks :)

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7 hours ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Can anyone clarify this? Thanks :)

In my head it's dependent on base size. A crisis suit is on a 50mm base, so it would be infantry at 1 point imo.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another particularily low output month for myself, but at least I didn't increase my Leadweight.


I completed just two board appropriate models, 


the Chibi Grey Knight



and a Techpriest Dominus




additionally I completed just the one Marvel United model for the month, reducing my Leadweight by 3, from 1,466pts to 1,463pts.




The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin May with a Leadweight of 1,463 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,453 by the dawn of June, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


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So I got a chunk of minis painted however I bought more scenery. This actually raises my lead weight by 24. My new total is 1328. Hopefully I'll be able to get a lot of this painted this month. 


On 4/28/2024 at 8:50 AM, Dwango said:

I'm nearly done with the necrons and grey knights but I thought I'd post my dark angel completions now. 















On 4/29/2024 at 1:08 PM, Dwango said:

Cheers @Tyriks it was really fun to do. My kids helped too, with that and the dread. 


The grey knights are done, apart from the base rim which I've just noticed. Crons next. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

“The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Dwango, bear a Leadweight of 1328 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1318 by the dawn of next month, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.

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  • 1 month later...

So I seem to have lost a month! Probably going on holiday caused me to forget to post. 


I have reduced my lead weight by 10 in May! New lead weight is 1318


By forgetting to update it it means I have forgotten to make a June pledge. However, it's not stopped me painting and I will post my progress once June has ended. Much terrain has been painted so my lead weight will have reduced significantly. 

On 5/22/2024 at 10:31 PM, Dwango said:

And done. There will be no more from me this month as I'm on holiday. All ready for the call to arms though :biggrin:




Edited by Dwango
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18 hours ago, Dwango said:

So I seem to have lost a month!


:rolleyes: me too....



The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin May with a Leadweight of 1,463 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,453 by the dawn of June, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


In May I bought a second set of S02 Bandai Chibi's as I had some conversion ideas, bringing my Leadweight to 1,468. I painted 3 on my own personal models whilst continuing with commission work, first up I painted a Not-Lego Primaris Dark Angel,



then I painted the Sister Superior Chibi,



and my third and final model for the month, a random Crimson Fist,




With these three models completed, I reduced my leadweight down to 1,465.


Although it is only 1 day away from July,



The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin June with a Leadweight of 1,465 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,455 by the dawn of July, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


The Call to Arms has started, and this year I'm painting my own models, vs. the commission models for last year. I've pledged 40 models to the event, and will aiming for 5 in June and September, with 15 a month each for July and August.

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The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin June with a Leadweight of 1,465 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,455 by the dawn of July, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.


SO, had a visit from a friend who's moved interstate, and with them came a box of goodies, a BIG box of goodies, after several patient years Primal: The Awakening has arrived....and increased my Leadweight by 29 to 1, 494


I did manage to reach my goal of 10 models for the month, thanks in no small part to the Call to Arms starting mid-month, first up we have a Traitor Guardsman,



next up, another Bandai Chibi, this time a conversion of 3 others into a Space Wolf,



and for the beginnings of my CtA vow, 5 DW Terminators and 4 Teleport Homers,





I'm going to aim for 15 models this month, 5 more Terminators, 8 Watchers, and 2 Dreadnoughts.



The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, begin July with a Leadweight of 1,483 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1,468 by the dawn of July, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.



Edited by Grotsmasha
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In June I bought a land raider Proteus for a heresy project, which adds 6 onto my total. I have managed to paint, however, lots of my zone mortalis terrain which reduces it down by 155! I've painted all the the boards, wall and column tops and stairs. 




The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Dwango, begin July with a Leadweight of 1,149 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 1129 by the dawn of July, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading.

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