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Beat The Backlog! Hobby decluttering challenge 2022/2023

Go to solution Solved by Beaky Brigade,

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The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Brother Argent, bear a Leadweight of 887.7 on my mortal soul (excluding for now Warhammer Fantasy and all Firstborn marines). I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 880 by the dawn of next month, through the toil of painting.


Here I was thinking I had a huge back log but despite having been collecting for 25 plus years I seem to have a small pile copared to some.  Even if some of that pile is still in plastic wrap from 2009...  And some still on sprues from even earlier.  I guess relative poverty has its benefits...


I am going to start small, having started late in the month.  Still think it will be a push but I gotta start somewhere.

35 minutes ago, Brother Argent said:

The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Brother Argent, bear a Leadweight of 887.7 on my mortal soul (excluding for now Warhammer Fantasy and all Firstborn marines). I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 880 by the dawn of next month, through the toil of painting.


Here I was thinking I had a huge back log but despite having been collecting for 25 plus years I seem to have a small pile copared to some.  Even if some of that pile is still in plastic wrap from 2009...  And some still on sprues from even earlier.  I guess relative poverty has its benefits...


I am going to start small, having started late in the month.  Still think it will be a push but I gotta start somewhere.

How do you get to a .7?

5 hours ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Ah that makes sense. I wondered if there was some guideline about partially painted or something. 

There was something earlier in the thread, but for me personally, I found it easier to track everything as "1" model.

I was working on 30g of terrain being one point, so if something wasn't quite a 30g interval I divided to make it a decimal place.  And I have a lot of terrain. I'm crazy like that.

January Finished - 
3 Rogue Trader entourage members and 2 Imperial Agents with Mystic Staves (5), 24 non-board appropriate minis (24)
Total leadweight - 165 (down from 194*)

Total models - 102 (down from 131)











* Turns out I forgot about 20 Necromunda corporate troopers/mercs, ser Hektor, and Imotekh the Stormlord. Also forgot to list Orikan, even though I counted his leadweight/model number. I blame holiday brain.


For February, I've pledged in the 12MoH the Knight and Armigers, Ser Hektor, the ratlings, and all four of the Necron characters (Overlord, Szeras, Imotekh, Orikan). We'll see if that is possible.

Edited by Lord_Ikka
  • 2 weeks later...

January Report:


Models complete: (Hernkyn x1)



Starting Leadweight: 887.7

Leadweight Goal: 880

End Leadweight: 891.7


Total Gain/Loss:  +4


Well.... damn...  Not only did I not complete anywhere near what I had hoped I went back because I found a Hive Tyrant and Tyranid Warrior I had stripped and packed away in the wrong area.  At least its only a gain on accounting, not on buying.  Even so, not at all the start I had hoped for.


Going to need to knuckle down a lot more this month.  Mental health is having a bit of a drain on my but I will push on.


So, onto Feburary,


The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Brother Argent, bear a Leadweight of 891.7 on my mortal soul (excluding for now Warhammer Fantasy and all Firstborn marines). I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 864.7 by the dawn of next month, through the toil of painting.

Finally got around to an audit:



10 x tactical  marines

10 x plasma guns

10 x assault marines

10 x missile launchers

10 x breachers

5 Cataphractii terminators

1 x x Spartan

1 x Kratos


57 models, 69 points


Space Marines:


7 x Kill team marines

5 x Infernus marines


12 models, 12 points


Imperial Agents:


10 x Inquisitorial agents


10 models, 10 points


Imperial Guard:


10 x infantry

5 x command squad

3 x heavy weapon teams

1 x Leman Russ

1 x Chimera


20 models, 39 points


99 models, 130 points total


Looked back at the first time I posted in this thread which was June 2023, and my leadweight was 260. Through a monster 18 months I have got through an enormous number of models! Considering when I started I had zero Horus Heresy models and I now have over 5,000 points of stuff, I’m amazed that I’ve managed to halve it. What’s more, I’m now down to less than 100 models. There’s no way I would have done it all without this community, so thanks everyone!


I’ve no idea how much I’ll paint this month so I’ll just pledge 1 model for now and anything else is a bonus.

The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, TheArtilleryman, bear a Leadweight of 130 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this to 129 by the dawn of next month, through the toil of painting.


Edited by TheArtilleryman

So I kicked off January with a good start. I reconnected with an old budy from school who I heven't seen in a decade. He lost all his Warhammer in a car accident a few years back, and I've offloaded my AoS Orruks, and my Sisters Combat Patrol onto him, reducing my Leadweight by 62. I further reduced my Leadweight by painting 3 models this month, reducing my Leadweight to 1, 669.


However, of course, I still bought 9 models, 3 of which were immediately cut to pieces for parts, another 4 were bought to create an Article.

This leaves my Month End Leadweight at 1,675.




“The adepts of the Administratum have completed their cogitations and I, Grotsmasha, bear a Leadweight of 1,675 on my mortal soul. I pledge to make every effort to reduce this by 5 models by the dawn of next month, through the toil of painting and the catharsis of philanthropy and rogue trading".


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