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Infantry Squad for rear objective camping


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I'm considering using Infantry Squad(s) for cheap rear objective camping.  What do you think would be the best loadout for this role?


I'm thinking

5 Guardsmen for ablative wounds + chip damage

1 Vox Operator for orders from afar

1 Las-cannon heavy weapons team

1 Special Weapons operator with Plasma Rifle or Sniper Rifle

1 Sargent with Las-pistol & chainsword (keep it cheap)


Anything you'd change with that?

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16 minutes ago, Ghune said:

I'm considering using Infantry Squad(s) for cheap rear objective camping.  What do you think would be the best loadout for this role?


I'm thinking

5 Guardsmen for ablative wounds + chip damage

1 Vox Operator for orders from afar

1 Las-cannon heavy weapons team

1 Special Weapons operator with Plasma Rifle or Sniper Rifle

1 Sargent with Las-pistol & chainsword (keep it cheap)


Anything you'd change with that?

I would drop the lascannon.

1 shot with a 50% chance of missing, and even if it does hit and wound can do only 1 damage is just to swingy.


id go with either a heavy bolter or an autocannon.


specials seem fine to me.

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I go with Las+Plas for my infantrysquads. 

Damage D6 might be swingy, but the AP1/D2 of the Heavy Bolter/Autocannon just doesn't cut it for me in the current state of the game with so much ignoring the first point of AP and/or take -1 damage. 

If you got an order to spare, then Take Aim is great (unless you'd benefit more from FRFSRF) which helps any heavy weapon you opt to go with. 

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43 minutes ago, Minsc said:

I go with Las+Plas for my infantrysquads. 

Damage D6 might be swingy, but the AP1/D2 of the Heavy Bolter/Autocannon just doesn't cut it for me in the current state of the game with so much ignoring the first point of AP and/or take -1 damage. 

If you got an order to spare, then Take Aim is great (unless you'd benefit more from FRFSRF) which helps any heavy weapon you opt to go with. 

I mean I’ve had no issues getting kills with autocannons.

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Mortar for rear objectives. Those guys want to sit there and be hidden, so they can be safe. Mortar's the only thing that allows them to contribute at all. That a single one will only do some tickle damage doesn't matter, because it's still more damage than they would do otherwise, given their intended role.

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