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The Liber Badab (Badab War in HH2.0) (Updated 16-07-24)


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Back again after a long hiatus.

Many aplogies for the ages between updates, but I'm sure you all undertand the ebbing and flowing of hobby mojo!

Well consider the Mojo reignited!

V1.6 Liber Astartes, Secessionists and Loyalists have all been moved over to the new scribus format, meaning fixing stuff and changing points costs etc is very easy (as well as having already submitted feedback, corrections and unit descriptions added, thank you to all those that have send those in!).

The final slog will be getting the 'other forces' documents running correctly! But I'll start working on that!

Finally after some conversations with a few Enthusiasts, some weapons are a bit funky, namely blasts etc with the drop of HH2.0, some of these will be getting a slight massage to bring into an effective state. So the next big thing we'll be working on is a single, concise Badab Weapons Reference Sheet, this will allow us to easily massage some offending weaponry into something more fair for all, while being in one, easy to reference place. So that will more than likely drop in the next release.

You want it and here it is!

Latest Versions of the Liber Badab Documents:



Proofing/Balance Feedback: https://forms.gle/fHLqbGqBwAVMbsST6


Unit Descriptions (Desperate need more of these!):



Shout us a beer:



As always, thanks for all the support and enthusiasm!

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