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count-as Lord Solar Leontus ideas


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Guys, I really hate the miniature. Can't help it. But its rules are really useful, also because it gives much-needed flexibility with all orders, saves you from taking and managing a Commissar for those occasionally critically useful orders of his, etc. So the temptation to field Leontus is great, but not at the cost of fielding a model which I cannot stand.


Has anyone experimented or even just toyed with any conversion of count-as? Assuming he is on a 60mm base (is he?), I was considering a small vehicle, mounting an officer and some really angry looking bodyguard(s). My inspiration is WW2 Montgomery or (even more famous) Patton on his trademark jeep:




I do not have any, but perhaps would a Necromunda Orlock Outrider (quad) fit on a 60mm base? It should not take too much effort to make it look a bit more 'Imperialis' by adding some parts here and there. The crew I can convert easily. Given Solar's quite impressive close-combat profile, the best thing would be adding an Ogryn as a bodyguard: but the result of fitting an Ogryn on a small quad could be either goofily comical or incredibly cool, or perhaps both at the same time. 


As a less-cool, but easier alternative, I am also considering a Necromunda Dustback Helamite (giant grasshopper) as a base for a cavalry model which is more fitting to my tastes. As a bonus, I was considering using these as rough riders as well.


I don't know. Any suggestions or ideas?

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What about an Achillies with the heavy weapon removed and the officer standing on the platform. Or maybe have the office look out from the small copula and an Ogryn standing on the back. Base would be larger, so if Lord Solar is on a 60mm it might be to far of, but if he is on a 80mm it migth work.


Also what a bout a Command Sentinel, the new sentinel i think comes on a bigger base, but the old model was on 60mm if memory serves. use the chainsword attahcment and slap on some comm gear and have it be opentoped. 



Edit: There is also the Quad in the Jackals kit, stick some comm gear on the back and your office can ride around the battelfield in syle. The normal bikes could then be rough riders or some such.

Edited by Trokair
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I'm currently working on mine.


Rigut now I Yarrick on the SoB pulpit already done for my Fortress of Arrogance build.


I magnetised the pulpit so I can take it off the Baneblade at any time though. So what I've acquired is a couple of Kataphron Destroyer sprues and I'll probably end up using 4 of the threads to make a sort of tankette that the pulpit can go on. Will need to see what other bits I can use to make it pop some more, but between Guard, Sisters and AdMech bits I'm sure I can figure something out. :)

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As Trokair mentioned, the quad bike in the Atalan Jackals kit would be a good fit in terms of size, if the Lord Solar comes on a 60mm, since the bike comes with a round 60mm base.
The Orlock quads seem bigger than the GSC quad and come with a 90mm oval base so they might be more difficult to use, depending on the size of the Lord Solar model and base.


As mentioned a sentinel could work well and perhaps help the model stand out from the crowd depending on the bits you add to indicate the command role.

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I'm in the same boat but luckily I've only just started guard so won't be getting around to this model for a while. 


I've been thinking about making a mini diorama for his model. So have a commander model with body guards and planner etc a bit like the triumph sisters model.


My other idea was another mini diorama of a trench with the commander standing on the lip and the soldier being in the trench. The commander would be posed as if yo lead his men from the trench towards the enemy.


I will be interested to see how your ideas pan out.

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Great ideas gents! The model being so bad seems to have given birth to a creative spirit!


I’m going to use my Deathrider Squadron Commander (he’s due a field promotion!!)


50438183498_313154b009_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander 

50438879046_2ba5004f5f_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander 

Looking forward to everyone’s conversions!!

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32 minutes ago, Subtleknife said:

I've been thinking about making a mini diorama for his model. So have a commander model with body guards and planner etc a bit like the triumph sisters model.



There is this lot from FW, would make a great diorama.






Or maybe this lot, Lord Solar fighting from the Medic's Station, with the medics runnign after him. 






Edit: another idea, use Inquisitor Karamazov as a base for the conversion. At this rate GW migth not sell any actual Lord Solars :tongue::teehee:

Edited by Trokair
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If I were to make something based on a sentinel, I would likely go for a open topped concept, similar to this OOP model:


Add a large banner, some communication equipment and some officer parts and you get something menacing to get the infantry moving forward.


If I were to do a mini diorama style, I would likely go with something similar to what I did for Verica but instead of a wheelchair it would be a mobile throne, with some tracks for moving around.




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Supreme Marshal Alexander Helios (artelw.com)




I was considering getting one of these, but while the miniature is cheap £14 ish, postage to the uk is about £20:sad: 


I guess you would have to find a mount or something to flesh an 80mm base out as well:ermm:


Failing that, any old storm cast will do:laugh:

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There's also the HH Arch-Magos on Abeyant that would work really well as a tech-based floaty thing like the SoB pulpit but replacimg the religious trappings with Imperium techy decorations. You just remove the main Mechanicus symbol on the front for an IG eagle and you'll be good. You can even just have the commander model on a separate base to use him as a Cadian castellan or Creed stand-in as needed.

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Here's a Yarrick 3d kitbash I did and plan on printing Soon™




From the same company that I got the base models for the above released a "cavalry commander" in their Patreon/Tribes this month.



If you like that and know someone with a 3d printer, it's only 10 bucks for the monthly bundle and this guy comes with two other cavalry models.


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He'll be on an 80mm base, I'm 99.73% sure of it. Comparisons using models and pics in the codex all but confirm that.


Mine will be a couple of Cadians shoved into a British MkII Dingo scout car. Accounts for the speed, toughness, armor, and the sad fact it can't go up stairs.

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