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How tough can a Rogal Dorn be?


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In case you haven't noticed, I have been looking at a whole variety of ways the Guard can make extra tough units, mainly because I think they have plenty of firepower and mobility, but being able to stand up to a lot of enemy damage output might be one of their weaknesses.


With T9 W17 Sv2+, the Rogal Dorn has an excellent start, with small arms wounding it on 6+s, S8 on 5+s, and even Lascannons wounding it only on 4+s.


On top of this, we can use the Ablative Plating Strat to reduce Dmg of incoming attacks by -1Dmg (3 CP, though) and we can also use the Nightshroud power to let it only get hit on 4+s. You can also repair lost wounds with a Techpriest and also give it a 5++ Invul to help against very high AP attacks.


Finally, we can use Tank Ace Traits to give the tank permanent light cover over 12" away. Combine this with Armoured Tracks and the Ablative Plating Strat and, against Dmg1 and Dmg2 attacks (like Overcharged Plasma and Autocannons), the Rogal Dorn has an effective 0+ save.


Overall, I think you can use this as an effective "anvil" unit which can absorb a lot of enemy firepower (they can't really just ignore it, given its strong firepower) away from the rest of your "glass cannon" type units.


I think this may be it, but are there any other ways to improve Rogal Dorn survivability?



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if you get nightshroud off the smoke launchers will have almost no effect against most of the game that has good shooting. 

It would be interesting to see the numbers on transhuman vs light cover tank ace traits. In my head the light cover wins more often but the transhuman probably really matters against the guns that are gonna do real work against it. 

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