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Welcome to The Bolter and Chainsword's 8th Annual Boxing Day Bash, the premise is simple; Build, Paint, and Base 1 (or more) model/s in 24hrs.

The Rules are as follows;

  • Build, paint, and base one (or more) models.
  • 24hr limit, determined by the time of Participants "Vow" post. Everybody gets 24hrs starting at any time on THEIR local Boxing Day (Dec 26th OR Dec 27th).
  • "Completion" standard set by Participant.
  • Each Vow made for the Participants sub/forum of choice.
  • Each completion earns one point for building the model/s, two points for building AND painting the model/s, and a total of three points for building AND painting, AND basing their model/s within the 24hr time period.
  • A fourth point will be awarded for multiple models completed within the 24hrs time period.
  • Two pictures are required, one picture of the bitz or sprue, and one of the completed model/s.
  • Primed bitz/sprue will be accepted.
  • Individual points can be earned for completing any one individual stage of the three criteria.
  • Sub-assemblies will be accepted for larger models.

Please post your vows here, in this thread with the following format,


You can signify your participation by adding one of the following badges to your signature if you so desire,


There will be other badges awarded at the conclusion of the event.

Have fun, lets see some cool models.

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This post was recognized by Khulu!

Grotsmasha was awarded the badge 'Boxing Day Bash 2022 Completed'

MOOORREE BLOOD, just on the base,


Edited by Grotsmasha
replaced blurry pic with clearer one

Whilst not as big as I had first hoped I am probably going to regret this choice:


I, Brother Argent, embrace my madness for the sake of the glorious Liber and vow to complete for the Boxing Day Bash: 1x Primaris Lt and 1x Primaris Ancient.  large.1382103906_BoxingDayBash2022.jpg.861274c120f93e6ee76fc74e373c5920.jpg.b8621101370299e7fbf65eef160bd3a8.jpg


Wish me luck...

And an assembled/converted pic.  Excuse the poor quality of the photo but its 11pm here and I am forced to use flash photography. 




The Kitbash on the Lt is just the add of the shield as I felt he seemed far too mundane compared to the other LT that comes from Indomitus/Starter Set/Imperium.  Still not happy but I guess will need to sell it with the Paint work.  The ancient I am far more happy on.  The arm post is slightly awkward but when its an intercessor arm, the sword from the afore mentioned Lt and then a head and ornaments from the Betrayal At Calth marines, it will work I think.  The amount of trimming etc was a first for me and its probably one of the if not the most involved conversion I have done.  Which I know isn't saying much but small victories I guess.

Ok, let's get to it then!


Courtesy of my father, who I requested a "random Warhammer 40,000 model" as a Christmas gift, it looks like this year I'll be building and painting a Primaris Ancient!


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