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BA and the Balance Dataslate (Now live)


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Agreed. I cannot help but feel they will need to make all options equally valuable (albeit in different situations) or go back to different points costs. At the moment there is zero reason not to put inferno pistols on every model that can take one.

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An inferno pistol is great, until you need to kill 2 guardsmen who are 7 inches away...


Spamming the big 1 shot hitters will inevitably push people away from big targets to more horde style lists, or if not, give horde style lists a survivability boost since the weaker multi-shot gear isn't being taken.




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Sanguinary guard are in a strange place, I'm sure if they came out now the squad would only be allowed one of each pistol upgrade per five as that's all that in the box. Unless you 3d print varients or convert then re-using the same single melta arm (if you can find extras) makes the squad look a bit dumb. 

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It varies on the list I'm running, but I have anywhere between 50 and 180 points spare now. As it stands, I imagine No Prisoners will be an easy take against me so I'll need to adjust accordingly.

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