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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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Hi folks! 
I failed September, missed October completely and yet I'm back for more :laugh:
Here is my long overdue September Repulsor:

I, Majkhel of the Blood Angels, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of November pledge to complete 1 TDA Captain and 1 Terminator with Assault Canon for the glory of the Angel by month's end.


....can't believe I'm painting those Termies since July... :woot: :facepalm:

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On 10/31/2023 at 11:50 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I was asked to do a commission which was extremely humbling...


I, Brother Captain Arkley , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of November pledge to complete 1 Dark Angels Combat Patrol (5 Intercessors, 3 Inceptors, 1 Chaplain and Redemptor Dreadnought by month's end, for the glory of The Lion.



Dreadnought complete, part 3 of 4. Chaplain left.


And it will be the first commission I have done and 3 weeks under deadline.



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@Majkhel It's great to have you back. Great stuff, as always! The Termie Captain represents some next-level stuff. Makes me want to brave something like this myself but then I remember that I don't have the time to discover that I don't have the right miniatures, hobby supplies and, finally, skills.



I, Brother Christopher, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of November pledge to complete 6 Space Marine Scouts by month's end, for the glory of the Black Templars.



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November Update 1/3

Plodding Along Update 4/8


Four Space Hulk Genestealers complete

4/11 complete

(15/24 complete)





Gallery link for the rest as apparently the images are too large to post...

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On 10/31/2023 at 11:50 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I was asked to do a commission which was extremely humbling...


I, Brother Captain Arkley , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of November pledge to complete 1 Dark Angels Combat Patrol (5 Intercessors, 3 Inceptors, 1 Chaplain and Redemptor Dreadnought by month's end, for the glory of The Lion.



The last part of the commission is complete.


The Chaplain. My deadline for this was the 8th of December, so to finish it in 3 weeks (1st was my start) to a good standard is great.



The full Combat Patrol done.


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Probably not going to finish up the Fire-strike or the Lion this month, as I have a mini-diorama to do for a painting competition the 5th of Dec. So I'll put those two on my vow for next month and go with completing these for November- 5 Hellblasters and two Watchers in the Dark.




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November Complete. 1 Regimental Commander. Reasonably happy with how he turned out but I think i've had him in base plastic grey for so long I kinda prefer it to him painted...


*Edit* As always colours are washed out, the (looks grey?) lining/trim on his smock is actually red, as is the beret skull and the inset on the chest-eagle-dangly-plate-thingy. I really should pull out my proper camera, but i've been saying that for 12months now and I still haven't breached the level of effort needed to open some cupboards to get it so maybe next month







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4 hours ago, Kennyjapan said:

November Complete. 1 Regimental Commander. Reasonably happy with how he turned out but I think i've had him in base plastic grey for so long I kinda prefer it to him painted...


*Edit* As always colours are washed out, the (looks grey?) lining/trim on his smock is actually red, as is the beret skull and the inset on the chest-eagle-dangly-plate-thingy. I really should pull out my proper camera, but i've been saying that for 12months now and I still haven't breached the level of effort needed to open some cupboards to get it so maybe next month


I had the same issue (even with my proper camera) your background is too bright and all of the camera's self correction gubbins gets confused trying to deal with it. I found after playing with the settings it was much easier to just put a darker background in the light box instead of shooting against white.

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On 11/1/2023 at 3:03 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of November pledge to complete My Secret Santa Project by month's end, for the glory of ????.


@Grotsmasha Will know when it is complete.


It is complete and will be on its way to the lucky/unlucky person


Had a nasty camera malfunction thou....




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I, Brother Captain Arkley , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of November pledge to complete 1 Intercessor Sergeant by month's end, for the glory of the Lion.


As I have not painted one of my Consecrated Blades in the new paints I am doing a test model for this. He will end up being part of a new Squad.




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Apparently November is already over, where did the month go?


I did finish the Secret Santa and dispatched it into the æther as Grotsmasha already knows. Pics to come in due course.


I have to say this was the first time painting a Marine in that particular chapter and colour, hopefully it did not come out to badly.


Edit: Finished model:








Also with only December to go it is abundantly clear that I am not going to manage my plodding along vow (again, the years are repeating themselves). I am however making good progress in the building and converting of the models thanks to @GreenScorpion and his Imperial Guard Hobby Challenge, so maybe I will get round to painting them next year.


Not sure yet what I will vow in December, but probably a one of if there is a Boxing Day event again, or if I get really luck and get the model of the month a tenny tiny RH1N0. 






Edited by Trokair
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I'm back!

Sorry for the absence, everyone - work and Covid between them have kept me off the forum for the last couple of months, but they haven't kept me entirely out of the hobby! :happy:


I made a start on some more Orks for Waaaagh L'Gorg, the multi-coloured, gold-loving army led by the eponymous Mad Genius Ork Painter, Sculptor and all-around Ambassador of Proppa Kultcha. :pirate:


All three completed Orks were started last month, in late Orktober (Of course) and finished last week or so.


So far, I have three and a half new Orks complete, sans bases. I need to make all ten bases at once, however, so these green lads are going to have to wait a bit before they can stand upright in the name of Proppa Orkyness.

Pic in the spoiler below; forgive the potato-cam but daylight was fading and my decent camera was on charge.



The fourth Ork, in yellow, is almost definitely going to be my December vow - I'm likely to have basically zero hobby time all month, so something easy to finish off will be exactly what I need. :sweat:

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November completions, Brutalis dread and Desolator squad. The Brutalis looks fine outside of the lightbox, but I think I'm going to do another layer of matt varnish over the decals seeing the shine. Might manage to get the lancers done depending when Grot calls the month closed.




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