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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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November Summary




Boc (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Brother Argent (Stubborn, Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Brother Captain Arkley (Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Christopher (Artificer, Seriously)

Cleon (Artificer, Seriously)

Dwango (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Grotsmasha (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

guardian31 (Artificer)

Heraclite (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Jolemai (Artifice, Seriously, Overtime)

KennyJapan (Artificer)


Lord Ikka (Artificer, Seriously)

Madao (Artificer, Seriously)

Majkhel (Stubborn, Artificer, Seriously)

Paladin777 (Artificer, Seriously)

Rhavian (Artificer)

Rogue (Artificer)

Trokair (Artificer)










Majkhel has delivered this stunning TDA Captain, and claimed November's Favourite Badge, well done.





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00   Month

The following award badges are up for grabs this month,



There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants


Ace Debonair - 1 Commissar (Artificer, Speed Daemon)

andes - 1 Phobos Librarian (Artificer, Stubborn)

Axineton - 

Blackwing530 -   

Boc - 1 Burning Chariot, 1 Changeling, 1 Skullmaster (Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Argent - 1 Primaris Chaplain, 5 Intercessors, 13 Objective Markers (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute, Seriously)

Brother Captain Arkley - 1 Intercessor Sgt (Stubborn)

Brother Carpenter - 2 BT Initiates (Artificer, Last Minute)

Brother Christopher - 6 Scouts (Stubborn), 5 Scouts (Artificer, Seriously)

Cleon - 2 Cerastus Lancers (Stubborn)

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - 

DrGlove - 

Dwango - Inquisitor Greyfax, 2 Techpriests, 13 Servo-Automata, 5 Grey Knights, 3 Harlequin's, 10 Octarius terrain (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

Grotsmasha - DA Secret Santa (2) (Stubborn)1 LI Rhino, 1 Palatine, 2 Tyrannofex (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute, Seriously)

guardian31 - 1 Khorne Bezerker Champion (Artificer)

Halandaar -  

Heraclite - 1 Primaris Lieutenant

INKS -  

jkoczan42 - 

Jolemai - 1x Space Hulk Broodlord, 1x Space Hulk Artefact, 1x Space Hulk Dead Terminator (Objective), 1x Sanguinor, 1x Captain, 1x TDA Ancient (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously, Plodding Along)

Kazian - 

KennyJapan - 1 Guardsman (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute)

1x Company Command Squad inc. Company Commander and Commissar 

1x Platoon Command Squad inc. Platoon Commander

6x Infantry Squads

Lamebeard -

Lord Ikka - The Lion, 1 Firestrike Servo-turret (Stubborn), 1 Lord-Discordant, 3 Tomb Blades, 5 Lychguard (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Madao - 1 Eversor Assassin, 1 Culexeus Assassin (Artificer, Speed Daemon)

MadGreek - 

Majkhel -

mandaloriano -  

Paladin777 - 5 Van Vets, 1 Librarian Dreadnought (Artificer, Seriously)

Rhavian - 1 LR Redeemer

Rogue - 1 GSC Primus (Artificer)

shmvo - 

Skidman -

SnorriSnorrison - The Sanquinator, 5 Tactical Marines (Artificer, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously)

Stolid Fox - 

Sviar -


ThePenitentOne - 

Torin -

Trokair - 1 Iron Warrior Havok, 1 LI Rhino (Artificer)

Valkia the Bloody - 



1. What If?


Arkhanist - GSC Hybrids => Chapter Armsmen - Datasheet / Model

Custom Hero - The Living Saint => Deathwatch - Datasheet / Model

Danny Cyanide - Plasma Inceptors => Orks - Datasheet / Model

Grotsmasha - Assault Intercessors => Tau Blade Warrior Battlesuits - Datasheet / Model

Lord Ikka - Inquisition Black Sentinals - Datasheet / Model

ThePenitentOne - Primogenitor Kill Teams - Datasheet / Model

TPS - Tyranid Harpy => Chaos Knights - Datasheet / Model

Trokair - Bladeguard Veterans => Tau - Datasheet / Model

Valkia the Bloody - Hex Mark Destroyer => Chaos - Datasheet / Model

war009 - Space Marine Scouts => Grey Knight Squires - Datasheet / Model


2. Copy Cat


3. Wordsmith


4. The Duel



Plogging Along Pledges for 2022


Axineton - 1+ Chaos Knights, 1+ Harlequins, 1+ Grey Knights, 1+ HH Ultramarines, 1+ Primaris

Blackwing530 - 1+ HH Salamanders, 1+ HH Alpha Legion

Brother Argent - 5 Assault Intercessors, 5 Heavy Intercessors (JAN)3 Eradicators (APR), 5 Intercessors, 1 Redemptor Dreadnought, 3 Bladeguard Veterans, 1x Repulsor, 1 Repulsor Executioner, 1 Primaris Apothecary, 1 Primaris Librarian (Chief Librarian)

Brother Christopher - 1 Thunderhawk Gunship

Brother Captain Arkley - 10 Heavy Intercessors (JAN)10 Intercessors (FEB), 5 Intercessors, 5 Assault Intercessors (MAR), 1+ Infiltrator Squad, 1+ Incursor Squad, 1+ Veteran Intercessor Squad, 1+ Bladeguard Veterans Squad, 1+ Reiver Squad, 1+ Aggressor Squad, 1+ Outrider Squad, 1+ Invader ATV Squad, 1+ Suppressor Squad, 1+ Inceptor Squad, 1+ Hellblaster Squad, 1+ Eradicator Squad, 1+ Eliminator Squad, 1+ Desolator Squad, +1 Redemptor Dreadnought, +1 Brutalis Dreadnought, +1 Leuitenant

Cleon - A Questoris Knight, Two Helverins, Magnus The Red, A Grey Knight Stormraven

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch 4 Scouts (Dawn Blades), 5 Armour Through the Ages (Celestial Axes, DIY legion project) (OCT '22), 5 Necron Immortals, 10 converted Flayed Ones, 4 Assault Marines (Dawn Blades), 1 Company Veteran (Dawn Blades), 1 Tactical Marine (Dawn Blades), 1 Assault Intercessor (Omega Cohort), 1 Assault Intercessor (Thunder Coyotes), 5 Armour Through the Ages (Celestial Axes, DIY legion project) (JUL), 4 Assault Intercessors (Dawn Blades)

Dwango - Catachan Colonel (JAN), Yvraine (FEB)Yolanda Skorn (MAR)Eldrad Ulthran (APR), Tariana Palos (MAY), The Visarch (JUN)Maugan Ra (JUL)The Yncarne (AUG), Azrakh the Annihilator (SEP)Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus (OCT)Operative Umbral-Six (NOV),  Inquisitor Greyfax

Halandaar - Chaos Lord with Thunder Hammer, 1 Dark Commune, 1 Sorcerer, 1 Warpsmith, 30 Legionaries, 17 Cultists, 1 Cultist Firebrand, 10 Traitor Guardsmen, 1 Traitor Enforcer, 1 Traitor Ogryn, 10 Chaos Terminators, 15 Chosen, 1 Helbrute with Multi-Melta, 7 Possessed, 1 Venomcrawler, 5 Havocs

jkoczan42 - 1 Predator (MAY)

Jolemai - 4 genestealers (MAR), 4 genestealers (APR), 11 Genestealers (NOV), 3 Genestealers, 1 Bloodlord, 1 SH Objective model (DEC)

Kennyjapan - 1x Company Command Squad inc. Company Commander and Commissar , 1x Platoon Command Squad inc. Platoon Commander, 6x Infantry Squads (DEC)

Lord Ikka - 10 Inquisition Meltagunners, 10 Inquisition Volley-Gunners, 1 Inquisition Casualty (JAN)1 Missionary, 2 Preachers (FEB)1 Ordos Alius Ogryn-quisitor, 1 Ordo-Reductor Tech-priest (MAR), 10 Adepta Sorritas, 10 Novitiates, 3 Inquisition Medics, 2 Servitor Ogryns,  5 Lychguard, 1 Hexmark Destroyer, 1 Chronomancer, 1 Canoptek Reanimator, 1 Skorpekh Lord, 1 Plasmancer, 2 Crypto-thralls, 1 Triarch Stalker, , 4 Chaos cultists, 5 Inquisition cultists/servitors), 4 Privateers, 1 Inquisitor (APR), 3 Arco-flagellents, 7 Orlock Gangers (MAY), 14 Repentia, 10 Adepta Sororitas, 5 Seraphim, 1 Canoness, 1 Repentia Superior, 1 Dialogus, 1 Hospitaller, 1 Penitent Engine, 3 Tomb Blades , 23 Inquisition/random, 1 Goliath truck, 1 Lord-Discordant,

mandaloriano - 1 Chaos Warhound Titan

Paladin777 - 1 BA Demi-Company complete and based. 5 Heavy Intercessors (APR)

Stolid Fox - 11 Gallowdark Terrain (JAN), Killteam Into the Dark, Killteam Shadowvaults

Trokair - 1 Patrol Detachment - 10 Guardsmen, 1 Chimera (JAN)1 Lord Solar conversion, 2 Armoured Fist Squads (Infantry squad + Chimera), 1 Rough Rider Squad, 1 Centrepiece Tank)

Valkia the Bloody - 15 Gallowdark Terrain (OCT), 1+ Night Lords: Rhino, Leviathan (OCT),  1+ Inquisition and Assassins, 1+ Primaris


Participants on the Randomizer List

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Congratulations to you and yours, Boc - I hope it all went well.


To finish off the year, I've put together a third Primus. But for a bit of variety, he's been kit-bashed with some spares from RogueChaplain's AdMech, and a head swap. 


(The arm is off for ease of painting, and the sword is so I can hold it...)


I, Rogue, vow to complete one Primus by month's end.



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I promise I achieved something this month.  Its been a rough one with challenges to both my physical (Covid again) and mental health.  Whilst I have done abysmally poorly compared to what I had hoped I have made some progress.  I've got a lot to get sorted for this month (see my Argent Forge Blog for intended model counts...)  I hope to get some progress underway tomorrow as well as get my finished Sisters up (just need to do bases).  Hopefully that will still be in this month.  Now to figure if this year is going to end with a triumphant roar or a defeated whimper...

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On 11/27/2023 at 11:30 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of November pledge to complete 1 Intercessor Sergeant by month's end, for the glory of the Lion.


As I have not painted one of my Consecrated Blades in the new paints I am doing a test model for this. He will end up being part of a new Squad.





Carry over for me, past week has been insanely busy... And probably will be for another week.

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I, Lord_Ikka, vow to paint for the month of December the following- the Lion, Firestrike servo-turret, and a Lord-Discordant (both previously shown), to make up from not having finished them the month before. Hopefully I can also get in the three Tomb Blades as well to finish off my Plodding along vow, but I'm not going to vow them yet because I have no idea how my month will turn out...

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So... While I wait for basing materials to dry I will start off my December attempt at a comeback.


I, Brother Argent, vow for the month of December to paint; 1x Primaris Chaplain as part of my Plodding Along Vow.




Excuse the badly stripped paint.  For some reason it wouldn't come off.  I painted this guy as past of my Star Leopards a couple of years ago but as I move away from them till I can revisit them how I want I am re purposing a few of them for the Interdictors.  This guy and the redemptor I will get up later.  I think I might try and do this guy via the Two Hour Challenge as well.  He is all primed and ready to go now.  Lets get this thing started...

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Makes me ashamed to post after some of that awesome stuff from Grot but:


I hearby declare my November vow rather belatedly complete.  Those models were damned painful.  Tool me longer to paint each of the sisters the it did the pentitent engine.  I am happy with me first attempt at darker skin tones though (see Repentia on far left) and I feel my new way of doing gold and the white has worked well too.  With any luck I will get my first completion for this month up shortly too.

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I have a plan for December, kind off.


First of all I am building a Loyalist Iron Havoc as an incarnation of my character for a game down in the RPG Nook.




Secondly a teeny tinny cutesy RH1NO turned up, Not sure what colour scheme I am going to go for yet.





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And done...



Not a great photo but, eh, what else is new.  


Anyway, to keep the ball rolling (Its got a long way to go yet) I, Brother Argent, vow for the Month of December to vow another part of my Plodding Along vow in the form of 5x Intercessors




I've got a huge weekend coming up (starting Thursday Night) so wish me luck.  With any chance of finishing everything I hope too I need to have these guys done no later then Wednesday night...

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On 11/20/2023 at 6:00 PM, Brother Christopher said:

I, Brother Christopher, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of November pledge to complete 6 Space Marine Scouts by month's end, for the glory of the Black Templars.







Having failed my November vow due to bad planning and bad luck (I allocated free hobby time for end of last week and intended to get the models done by that timebut got covid instead), I would like to re-pledge the 6 scouts; therefore, I, Brother Christopher, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete 6 Space Marine Scouts by month's end, for the glory of the Black Templars.

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I, Reclusiarch Jolemai , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete 1x Space Hulk Broodlord, 1x Space Hulk Artefact , 1x Space Hulk Dead Terminator (Objective), 1x Sanguinor, 1x Captain, 1x TDA Ancient by month's end.





To do:

  • Sanguinor just needs some detail (sword transitions, text, base, touch ups
  • The rest need painting from start to finish


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