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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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Tacticals are done, but the Sanguinor still needs some work until he’s finished. :whistling:

happy new year you guys! :happy:


10 hours ago, SnorriSnorrison said:

Hi guys, finished the 5 tactical marines, working on the Sanguinor at the moment for my vow. 

Not sure if I can actually make it today. :rolleyes:IMG_0676.jpeg.c2437210ecd41f696cfee0971eeb1f53.jpegIMG_0685.jpeg.c586a2487d9d4d309ea925f66254ecd3.jpegIMG_0686.jpeg.58127e05c55438824d88472d83f3aede.jpegIMG_0684.jpeg.b43fbe298516921b73ef4d790f99c801.jpegIMG_0683.jpeg.492014e6943acb608b1944e49290b2b5.jpegIMG_0680.jpeg.ff5dc3403dc5cebf42dc4e40626d5349.jpegIMG_0677.jpeg.5a1cbf3426ed560d08d64b0de77eee41.jpeg



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This post was recognized by Grotsmasha!

Lord_Ikka was awarded the badge '12 Months of Hobby 2023 - Completed'

December vow and Plodding Along vow (finally, w/the Tomb Blades and Lord-Discordant) finished! The Lion, a Lord-Discordant, 3 Tomb Blades, and 5 Lychguard to finish off the year.








Its been a busy year, with my goal of beating last year's model count of 194 models painted complete with 239 models this year. Next year I'm probably going to slow down- I've still got a small pile of unfinished stuff, but I'm not going to be painting up full armies like I did this year. Anyway, thanks to Grot for doing this and I'll see you guys next year! 

Edited by Lord_Ikka
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On 1/1/2024 at 2:44 PM, Brother Carpenter said:

:jawdrop: looks at his 14 finished models for this year...

Hey 14 finished is 14 off the pile. It took me years to actually start painting so I figure I have a lot of catching up to do. Plus, as I have 3 smalls, I literally have nothing else to do on an evening. 

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So a tally of what I achieved for the year.  Far less then I had hoped but, after tallying it up, far more then I thought I had.  Between terrain and models I managed to paint 185 Models.  That is 16 more then last year.  Majority of these are from Imperium. 


A (rough) faction based tally would be:

47x Marines

28x Necrons

15x Mechanicus

17x Sisters

22x Tyranids

50x Terrain of varying sizes.


Not going to do a full pic as some things are in cabinets I cant move easily due to my back at the moment.  A full tally is in the spoiler tags below.



5 Assault Intercessors

5 Heavy Intercessors

2 Munititorum Containers

6 Barrels

8 Ammo Boxes 

1 Necron Technomancer

10 Skitarii Rangers 

 5 Immortals

1 Tech Priest Dominus,

1 Haemotrope Reactor

3 Eradicators

3 Bladeguard Veterans

1 Tomb Spyder

3 Scarab Swarms

10 Warriors

6 Building Ruins

1 Enginseer

3 Kataphron Destroyer

1 Tomb Blade

10 Termagaunts

8 Thermic Plasma Pipes

6 Terrain

1 Tyranid Prime

3 Von Ryan's Leapers

3 Ripper Swarms

Terminator Librarian

1 Terminator Captain

5 Terminators

5 Barbgaunts

10 Infernus Marines

3 Sister Repentia

1 Repentia Superior 

2 Arcoflagellant

1 Phobos Lieutenant

5 Sternguard

7 Sisters

3 Seraphim

1 Canoness,

1 Ballistarus Dread

1 Apothecary Biologus,

1 Teleport Homer

1 Chronomancer

1 Wraith

1 Skorpehk Lord

2 Cryptothralls

1 Plasmancer

1 Canoptek Reanimator

1 Penitent Engine

1 Chaplain

5 Intercessors

13 Objective Markers


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Ace Debonair (Artificer, Speed Daemon)

andes (Artificer, Stubborn)

Boc (Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Argent (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute, Seriously)

Brother Carpenter (Artificer, Last Minute)

Brother Christopher (Stubborn, Artificer, Seriously)

Cleon (Stubborn)

Dwango (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

Grotsmasha (Stubborn, Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute, Seriously)

guardian31 (Artificer)

Jolemai (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously, Plodding Along)

KennyJapan (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute)

Lord Ikka (Stubborn, Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Madao (Artificer, Speed Daemon)

Paladin777 (Artificer, Seriously)

Rogue (Artificer)

SnorriSnorrison (Artificer, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously)

Trokair (Artificer)





Brother Captain Arkley






Congratulations to Boc for earning December's Favourite with this excellent Burning Chariot.




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2023 Painted Total - 239


Space Marines - 63

3-man Aggressor squad, 3-man Outrider squad, 10-man Infiltrator squad, 3-man Suppressor squad, 3-man Eliminator squad, 5-man Terminator squad, 5-man Sternguard Veterans squad, 10-man Infernus Squad, 1 teleport homer, 1 Ballistus Dreadnought, 1 Primaris Ancient, 1 Phobos Lieutenant, 1 Captain in Termie Armor, 1 Chaplain in termie armor, Marneus Calgar, 2 Victrix Guard, 1 Primaris Librarian, 1 Librarian in Termie armor, 1 Apothecary Biologis, 1 LT w/combi-weapon, 5 Hellblasters, 2 Watchers in the Dark, The Lion (not pictured- teleport homer) 



Sisters of Battle - 84

20 Battle Sisters, 1 Cherub, 10 Sororitas Novitiates, 1 Missionary, 2 Preachers, 4 Death Cult Assassins (Corpse Grinder Initiates), 6 Crusaders (Corpse Grinder Skinners), 3 arco-flagellants, 4 Redemptionist preachers, 22 Sisters Repentia, 5 Seraphim, 1 Penitent Engine, 1 Canoness, 1 Dialogus, 1 Hostpitaller, 1 Dogmata, 1 Imagifier, 1 Repentia Superior 



Necrons - 21

10 Lychguard, 1 Hexmark Destroyer, 1 Chronomancer, 1 Canoptek Reanimator, 1 Skorpekh Lord, 1 Plasmancer, 2 Crypto-thralls, 1 Triarch Stalker, 3 Tomb Blades 



Inquisition/Random - 71

24 Inquisition stormtroopers (10 meltagunners, 10 volley-gunners, 3 medics, 1 casualty), 1 Ordos Alius Ogryn-quisitor, 2 Servitor Ogryns, 1 Ordo Reductor Tech-Priest, 4 privateers, 1 Ordos Xenos Inquisitor, 4 Chaos cultists, 5 Mechanicus cultists, 1 random Inquisition bodyguard, 1 Hounds of Abaddon Terminator, 1 witch and 4 familiars, 9 Orlock gangers, 8 Radical Inquisition Cultists, 2 Guild of Coin Crag Walkers, Medium Transport, Goliath truck, Lord-discordant  (not pictured- Ordo Reductor Tech-priest and Lord-Discordant)


Edited by Lord_Ikka
Years are hard...
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Before the Hobby Challenge 2023 gets completely wrapped up, I wanted to drop back in to say thanks to Grot for running it over the last five years. Sadly, I'm not taking part this year - too many small children, too much work, too much HeroQuest and BloodBowl to paint - but it's been brilliant to be involved in something like this, and to feel like part of this particular community within the wider B&C. 


Over the last five years, I've been motivated to complete something every month (even if it was bases a couple of times, and a genestealer familiar at least once), and having picked up some unexpected (but extremely encouraging) artificer awards in the first year, I determined to paint every entry from year two to that standard. It was occasionally a bit of a stretch, but I feel like my Cult army represents a step-up in my painting skills, and a consistent quality that I'm really pleased with. And scoring a couple of favourites along the way was ridiculous, but very flattering.


So, here's everything I've painted over the past five years - 209 infantry, 14 bikes, 7 vehicles.
































As it happens, this is pretty comparable to my Marine force (a full battle compamy plus options, and a half company of terminators), but that took me around 25 years on and off to put together, and at a lower standard of painting (base colours and drybrushing). So whilst this may not seem much to some people, for me it represents a big jump in both my painting standards and productivity. Again, that's something that's really grown out of participation in the Hobby Challenge, and the encouragement I've received from it.


Thanks everyone.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

2023 Header.png


2023 Summary



Once more the 12 Months off Hobby Challenge provided us another year of great models, in both quantity and quality. We had a total of 43 Frater

vow to at least one month of the Challenge, with 11 of us managing to complete the Challenge for all 12 months. Additionally, a further 8 Frater

managing to Complete every month they participated, but did not participate for all 12 months. Compared to last year, we had5 less participants, 403 more models, and the same number of Platinum Completions.


In 2019 we completed 636 models, the bulk of which were submitted with the 3 months of E Tenebrae Lux.

In 2020 we completed 2,615 models, with no ETL, the narrative campaign for The Inviolate Rage being a significant driving force.

In 2021, with no ETL or narrative campaign, we have collectively completed 2,281 models. This is an outstanding model count and

we should all be proud of what we have achieved for the year.

In 2022, a year which was generally light in board events, we completed 1,942 models,

a very impressive number, and one we should all be proud of.


In 2023, we saw Call to Arms run for the first time, which boosted the Challenge to our second highest count of 2,345 models

completed in the 12 Months.  An amzing result, and another one to be proud of.


Below you will see the list of every Participant, the total number of models they painted,

the awards they earned, and a breakdown of the models they painted each month



Ace Debonair      Jan - Dec 9 Completions, 0 Next Months, 3 Months Off - 15 Models Completed

Achievements: 8x Artificer, 3x Last Minute, 4x Speed Daemon

Jan - NIL

Feb - NIL 

Mar - 1 Kroot (Artificer, Speed Daemon) 

Apr - 2 Kroot (Artificer, Last  Minute)

May - 1 Hearthkyn Salvager (Artificer)

Jun - 1 Hearthkin Salvager (Artificer)

Jul - 2 KT LoV (Last Minute)

Aug - 2 Hearthkyn Salvagers (Artificer, Last Minute)

Sep - 4 Hearthkyn Salvagers (Artificer, Speed Daemon) 

Oct - 1 Intercessor (Artificer, Speed Daemon)

Nov - NIL

Dec - 1 Commissar (Artificer, Speed Daemon)


andes      Jan - Dec 11 Completions, 1 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 72 Models Completed

Achievements: 11x Artificer, 3x Last Minute, 2 Overtime, 6x Seriously, 4x Stubborn, 1x Next Month, 2x Favourite

Jan - 3 Ork Kommandos, 1 Drone, Commander Shadowsun, 1 Drone (Artificer)

Feb - 2 Drones, Commander Shadowsun (Artificer, Overtime, Stubborn) 

Mar - Shadowsun, (Stubborn), 4 Mega Nobz, 4 Mega Nobz (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously) 

Apr - 4 Mega Nobz (Stubborn), 1 Deff Dread (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

May - 1 Fronteris Vox Antenna, 1 Fronteris Auspex Shrine, 2 Mechanicum Containers, 2 Fronteris Bunkers, Fronteris Landing Pad, 1 Skyshield Landing Pad, 1 Valkyrie, 12 Fronteri Wall Sections, 1 Jungle Terrain piece (Artificer, Seriously)

Jun - 1 Gorkanaut, 4 Jungle Terrain pieces (Artificer, Seriously)

Jul - 2 Runtherds, 20 Grotz (Artificer, Seriously)

Aug - Favourite: Stompa (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute) 


Sep - 2 Gorkamorka Spanners1 Bayard's Revenge (Artificer) 

Oct - Favourite: Bayard's Revenge (Artificer, Last Minute)



Nov - 1 Phobos Librarian (Next Month)

Dec - 1 Phobos Librarian (Artificer, Stubborn)



Axineton      Jan - Dec 0 Completions, 1 Next Months, 11 Months Off - 0 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Next Month

Jan - HH Ultramarines

Feb - NIL 

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Blackwing530      Jan - Dec 2 Completions, 1 Next Months, 9 Months Off - 43 Models Completed

Achievements: 2x Artificer, 2x Seriously, 1x Next Month

Jan - 12 Custodian Guard, 7 Sagittarum Guard, 6 Venatari Guard, 6 Aquilon Terminators, 1 Shield Captain, 1 Galatus Dread, 1 Achillus Dread (Artificer, Seriously)

Feb - 1 Spartan, 1 Proteus, 2 Predators, 4 Rhinos, 1 Sicaran (Artificer, Seriously)

Mar - 5 Pyroclasts, 5 Firedrakes 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Boc      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 129 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 6x Last Minute, 12x Seriously, 4x Stubborn, 1x Favoutrite

Jan - 5 Havoks, 1 Wardog (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Feb - 5 Cataphractii, 1 Leviathan Dreadnaught (Artificer, Seriously)

Mar - 2 War Dogs, 1 Knight Abominant, 2 Dark Disciples (Artificer, Seriously) 

Apr - 2 War Dogs, 5 Possessed (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

May - 10 Havoks (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Jun - 1 Knight Desecrator, 1 Abaddon, Re-base 30 Marines, 1 War Dog Stalker (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Jul - 1 Ceratus Knight Lancer, 1 Knight Despoiler, 1 Wardog Karnivore (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Aug - 1 War Dog Stalker1 Knight Tyrant, 8 Obliterators (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Last Minute) 

Sep - Knight Tyrant32 Accursed Cultists, 10 Cultists (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Oct - 2 Forgefiends, 1 Master of Possession, 5 Dark Communes (Artificer, Seriously)

Nov - 4 Obliterators, 1 Cypher proxy, The Blue Scribes (2), 1 Dark Apostle, 2 Dark Disciples (Artificer, Last Minute, Stubborn, Seriously)

Dec - Favourite: Burning Chariot, 1 Changeling, 1 Skullmaster (Artificer, Seriously)




Brother Argent      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 183 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 7x Last Minute, 2x Overtime, 2x Speed Daemon, 12x Seriously, 2x Stubborn

Jan - 5 Assault Intercessors, 5 Heavy Intercessors, 2 Munititorum Containers, 6 Barrels, 8 Ammo Boxes,  1 Necron Technomancer (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Feb - 10 Skitarii Rangers (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Mar - 5 Immortals, 1 Tech Priest Dominus, 1 Haemotrope Reactor (Artificer, Seriously)

Apr - 3 Eradicators, 3 Bladeguard Veterans, 1 Tomb Spyder (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Last Minute)

May - 3 Scarab Swarms,10 Warriors (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously, Last Minute)

Jun - 4 Building Ruins, 1 Enginseer, 1 Kataphron Destroyer, 1 Tomb Blade (Artificer, Seriously)

Jul - 1 Kataphron Destroyer, 10 Termagaunts, 8 Thermic Plasma Pipes, 6 Terrain, 1 Tyranid Prime, 3 Von Ryan's Leapers, 3 Ripper Swarms, TDA Librarian (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Aug - 1 Terminator Captain, 5 Terminators, 5 Barbgaunts, 5 Infernus Marines (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Sep - 1 Sister Repentia1 Arcoflagellant1 Phobos Lieutenant, 5 Sternguard, 3 Sisters, 2 Seraphim, 1 Canoness, 1 Ballistarus Dread, 1 Kataphron Destroyer, 5 Infernus Marines, 1 Biologus, 1 Teleport Homer, 2 Ruins (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously, Last Minute)

Oct - Chronomancer, 1 WraithSkorpekh Lord, Reanimator, 1 Plasmancer, 2 Cryptothralls (Artificer)

Nov - 1 Skorpekh Lord, 1 Canoptek Reanimator, 2 Cryptothralls, 1 Plasmancer, 4 Sisters of Battle, 1 Repentia Superior, 1 Seraphim Superior, 1 Penitent Engine, 2 Repentia, 1 Arco Flagellant (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Overtime)

Dec - 1 Primaris Chaplain, 5 Intercessors, 13 Objective Markers (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute, Seriously)



Brother Captain Arkley      Jan - Dec 8 Completions, 3 Next Months, 1 Months Off - 75 Models Completed

Achievements: 8x Artificer, 8x Seriously, 4x Stubborn, 3x Next Month

Jan - 10 Heavy Intercessors (Artificer, Seriously)

Feb - 10 Intercessors, 1 MotF (Artificer, Seriously)

Mar - 1 MotF, 5 Intercessors, 5 Assault Intercessors, 1 Cataphractii, 1 SoH Beakie, 4 SoH Beakies (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Apr - 4 SoH Beakies, Roboute Guilliman, 1 Primaris Ancient, Counts-as Perturabo, 5 Intercessors (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

May - Commander Dante, 1 WB Contemptor (Next Month)

Jun - NIL 

Jul - 1 Daemon Perturabo, 5 Terminators (Artificer, Seriously)

Aug - 5 Terminators, 3 Epic Fellblades, 3 Epic Predators, 1 Terminator Librarian, Azrakh the Annhilator (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously) 

Sep - 5 Intercessors (Next Month)

Oct - 10 Intercessors, Lieutenant (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Nov - 1 Dark Angels Combat Patrol: 1 Chaplain, 5 Intercessors, 3 Inceptors, 1 Redemptor Dreadnought, 1 DA Secret Santa, 1 Intercessor Sgt (Artificer, Seriously)

Dec - 1 Intercessor Sgt  (Next Month)



Brother Carpenter      Jan - Dec 5 Completions, 4 Next Months, 3 Months Off - 16 Models Completed

Achievements: 5x Artificer, 2x Last Minute, 1x Seriously, 3x Stubborn, 4x Next Month

Jan - Bayards Revenge 

Feb - Bayard's Revenge (2) (Artificer, Overtime, Stubborn)

Mar - NIL 

Apr - Belisarius Cawl

May - Belisarius Cawl

Jun - NIL 

Jul - Belisarius Cawl

Aug - Belisarius Cawl10 Skitarii (Artificer, Stubborn) 

Sep - 10 Skitarii (Artificer, Seriously, Stubborn, Last Minute) 

Oct - 1 Serberys Raider (Artificer)

Nov - NIL

Dec - 2 BT Initiates (Artificer, Last Minute)



Brother Christopher      Jan - Dec 10 Completions, 0 Next Months, 2 Months Off - 35 Models Completed

Achievements: 10x Artificer, 1x Last Minute, 1x Speed Daemon, 5x Seriously, 3x Stubborn, 1x Favourite

Jan - Favourite: Redemptor Dreadnaught - 5 Assault Marines, 2 Honour Guard (Artificer, Seriously)


Feb - 4 Neophytes, 4 Biker Initiates  1 Chaplain Biker (Artificer, Overtime)

Mar - 4 Bikes, 1 Chaplain (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Apr - Emperors Champion (Artificer)

May - 1 BT Marshal, 4 Terminators (Artificer)

Jun - NIL 

Jul - TDA Castellan, TDA Ancient (Artificer, Overtime)

Aug - TDA Ancient (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Stubborn)

Sep - 1 LR Executioner (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute) 

Oct - NIL

Nov - 8 Space Marine Scouts, 6 Scouts (Artificer, Seriously)

Dec - 6 Scouts, 5 Scouts (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)



Cleon      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 243 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 6x Last Minute, 3x Overtime, 11x Seriously, 7x Stubborn

Jan - 10 Cultists, 6 ZM Walls, 10 HH EC mkIII Marines  (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Feb - 10 HH EC mkIII Marines, 10 HH EC Lascannon Maines, 1 Centurian, 5 Custodians, 5 Rubrics, 12 Terrain pieces (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously, Stubborn)

Mar -  5 Rubrics, 3 Allarus Custodians, 1 Trajann Valoris, 1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 6 ZM Columns, 6 ZM Walls (Artificer, Seriously)

Apr - 1 Maulerfiend, 1 EC Praetor, 5 EC Terminators, 5 Custodian Guard, 15 ZM Wall Sections (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

May - Custodes Telemon Dreadnought, 8 ZM Columns, 6 ZM Walls, 5 Rubric Marines, EC Contemptor Dreadnought, EC Leviathan Dreadnought (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Jun - 5 Rubrics, 1 Leviathan Dreadnaught, 1 Contemptor Dreadnaught, 4 Rubrics, 6 ZM Ends, 3 ZM Walls (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Overtime)

Jul - 5 Custodes, 4 ZM Columns, 9 ZM Walls, 1 Primaris Lieutenant, 5 Sternguard, 5 Infernus Marines, 1 EC Rhino, 3 LI Knights, 5 Gaunts, 1 TS Sorceror (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Last Minute)

Aug - TDA Captain, 1 TDA Librarian, 5 Terminators, 5 Infernus Marines, 7 ZM Walls, 3 ZM Doors, 10 Volkite mk VI, 1 Imperial Knight (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Sep - Dante, Apothecary Biologus, Company Champion, Balistus Dreadnaught, 1 Inquisitor, 5 Heavy Intercessors, 3 LI Questoris Knights, 30k Consul30k Spartan (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Last Minute) 

Oct - Spartan, 4 TS SorcerersLucius, 5 Palatine Blades, Epic Knight Porphyrions, 5 Desolator Marines, Brutalis Dreadnought (Artificer, Last Minute, Stubborn, Seriously)

Nov - Two AT Knight Porphyrions, 5 Desolation marines, Brutalis Dreadnought, Lucious, 5 Palatine Blades, 2 Helverins, 1 Sicaran Venator, AT Knight Lancers (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Dec - 2 Cerastus Lancers (Artificer, Stubborn)



Daimyo_Phaeron Lenoch    Jan - Dec 5 Completions, 0 Next Months, 7 Months Off - 56 Models Completed

Achievements: 3x Artificer, 3x Seriously, 4x Stubborn, Plodding Along

Jan - 2 Intercessors (Stubborn)

Feb - NIL 

Mar - 1 Assault Intercessor (Stubborn) 

Apr - NIL

May - 5 Immortals (Stubborn)1 Plasmagunner, 1 Assault Marine (Artificer, Seriously)

Jun - NIL 

Jul - 36 Space Marines (Artificer, Seriously, Stubborn)

Aug - 7 Infantry, 1 Heavy Weapon Team4 Chaplains (Artificer, Seriously) 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Dwango      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 245 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 5x Last Minute, 4x Overtime, 1x Speed Daemon, 12x Seriously, 2x Stubborn, 1x Favourite, Plodding Along

Jan - HH Dark Angels Predators, 1 Catachan Colonel (Artificer, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously)

Feb - 2 Drop-pods, 1 Interemptor, 3 Enigmatii, Yvraine (Artificer, Seriously) 

Mar - 1 Esher Ganger, 5 Medusa crew, 1 Storm Eagle, 1 Fire Raptor (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously) 

Apr - Eldrad Ulthran, 5 Fire Dragons, 5 Warp Spiders, Feugan the Burning Lance (Artificer, Seriously) 

May - Favourite: Tariana Palos, 5 Warp Spiders, Tariana Palos (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Last Minute)


Jun - The Visarch, 2 Farseers, 4 Warlocks, Necromunda Conversion (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Jul - 1 Autarch, 1 Autarch Wayleaper, 3 Farseers, 4 Warlocks, 1 Bone singer, 1 Spiritseer, 5 Dire avengers, 10 Dark Reapers, Maugan Ra, 3 Hornets, 1 Waveserpent, 1 Falcon, 1 Warp hunter, 1 Night spinner, 2 Vypers, 6 Windriders, 2 support weapon batteries, 1 Necromunda Conversion (Artificer, Seriously)

Aug - The Yncarne, 2 Vypers, 6 Windriders, Necromunda Conversion (Artificer, Stubborn, eriously, Overtime) 

Sep - 1 Magos on Abeyant, 1 Magos, 3 Myrmidon Secutors, 3 Thallax, 3 Castellax, 97 Scenery/Terrain pieces (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute) 

Oct - 1 Knight Aberrant, 1 Knight Magaera/Rampager, 2 Wardogs, Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Nov - 1 Shadow Specter Pheonix Lord, 1 Shadow Specter Exarch, 5 Shadow Specters, 6 Nurgling bases, 3 Dark Mech Castellax, 1 Grey Knight, Operative Umbral-Six (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Dec - Inquisitor Greyfax, 2 Techpriests, 13 Servo-Automata, 5 Grey Knights, 3 Harlequin's, 10 Octarius terrain (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously)



Grotsmasha      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 237 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 5x Last Minute, 5x Overime, 3x Speed Daemon, 12x Seriously, 6x Stubborn

Jan - 6 Fiends, 1 Overlord, 1 Contorted Epitome, 1 Galvanic Magnavent, 1 Thermic plasma Regulator, 2 Munitorum Containers, 8 Sector Munitorum Ruins, 4 Crators  (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Feb - Trajaan Valoris, 1 Saunguinary Priest, 9 KT Blood Angels, 9 KT Sythes of the Emperor, 5 KT Iron Warriors (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously) 

Mar - 3 Aggressors, 1 Contemptor, 1 Leuitenant, 1 Repulsor (Artificer, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously) 

Apr - 1 Deathwing Terminator, 10 Skitarii, 1 Kataphon Destroyer1 Ravenwing ATV (Artificer, Last Minute, Overtime, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

May - 1 Ravenwing Ironshark Jetbike, 3 Slaverz, 30 Grots, 2 Ghazghull Thraka (1 plastic, 1 metal), 1 Makari (banner Grot), 1 Grukk Face-Rippa, 1 Zagstrukk, 10 Stormboyz, 8 Squig Hogz, 10 Beast Snaggas, 1 Kill Rig, 15 Nobz, 1 Banner Nob, 10 Kommandos, 3 Killa Kans (Arificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Jun - 10 Beast Snaggas, 1 Killa Kan (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Jul - Ghazghull, 2 Killa Kans, 8 Squighogs, 5 Kommandos (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Overtime)

Aug - 5 Ork Kommandos, 1 Sororitas (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously) 

Sep - 1 Dark Angel Master, 1 Canoness, 10 Sororitas, 1 Exorcist, Ghazghull, Makari, Warboss w/Squig, Boss Zagstrukk, 16 Nobz, 10 Stormboyz, 2 Squighog Grotz, 1 Killa Kan, 1 Kill Rig, 5 Crew, 1 Weird Boy, C'tan Shard of the Deceiver, Chronomancer, Harpy, Hive Tyrant (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Stubborn, Seriously) 

Oct - 12 Raider Crew, 10 Scourges, 3 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers, Ghazghull and Makari (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Nov - 1 Excorcist, 1 Drukhari Raider, 2 Raider Crew, 7 Terrain pieces, DA Secret Santa (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Dec - DA Secret Santa (2)1 LI Rhino, 1 Palatine, 2 Tyrannofex, Tariana Palos (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute, Stubborn, Seriously)



gaurdian31      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 16 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 2x Seriously

Jan - 1 Traitor Guardsman (Artificer)

Feb - 1 Chaos Lord (Artificer)

Mar - 1 Master of Executions (Artificer)

Apr - 1 Sororitas Canoness (Artificer)

May - Khârn the Betrayer (Artificer)

Jun - 1 Decimator (Artificer, Seriously) 

Jul - 1 Helbrute (Artificer, Seriously)

Aug - 1 Dark Apostle, 2 Dark Disciples (Artificer)

Sep - 1 Master of Possession, 1 Chaos Lord, 1 Sorcerer (Artificer)

Oct - 1 Gretchin (Artificer)

Nov - 1 Cultist Champion (Artificer)

Dec - 1 Khorne Bezerker Champion (Artificer)



Halandaar      Jan - Dec 2 Completions, 2 Next Months, 8 Months Off - 17 Models Completed

Achievements: 2x Artificer, 2x Seriously, 1x Stubborn, 1x Favourite

Jan - 10 Kasrkin (Artificer, Seriously)

Feb - 7 Plague Marines

Mar - 7 Plague Marines

Apr - Favourite: Plague Marines (Stubborn, Artificer, Seriously)


May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Heraclite      Jan - Dec 1 Completions, 1 Next Months, 10 Months Off - 6 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Artificer, 1x Last Minute, 1x Seriously

Jan - NIL

Feb - NIL 

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - 6 Eliminators (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Dec - 1 Primaris Lieutenant



INKS      Jan - Dec 1 Completions, 0 Next Months, 11 Months Off - 1 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Artificer, 1x Seriously

Jan - NIL

Feb - GDo Tzeench (Artificer, Seriously)

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



jkoczan42      Jan - Dec 4 Completions, 1 Next Months, 7 Months Off - 47 Models Completed

Achievements: 4x Artificer, 1x Last Minute, 1x Seriously, Plodding Along

Jan - NIL

Feb - 5 Sentinal Guards

Mar - NIL 

Apr - 5 Tactical Marines (Artificer, Seriously)

May - 5 Tactical Marines, 2 Heavy Support Marines, 3 Despoilers, 1 Vulkite Predator (Artificer, Seriously, Plodding Along)

Jun - 5 Despoilers, 2 Iron Havocs, 2 Destroyers, 1 Destroyer Sgt, 1 Mortar Rapier, 2 Crew, 2 Support Marines (Artificer, Seriously) 

Jul - TDA Librarian, 5 Infernus Marines, 5 Terminators, 2 Support Marines, 3 Despoilers, TDA Captain, 1 Leviathan Dreadnought (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Jolemai      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 67 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 12x Overtime, 12x Seriously, Plodding Along

Jan - 10 mkIV BA Marines (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Feb - 1 Vindicator (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously) 

Mar - 4 Genestealers, 3 Scout Bikes (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Apr - 4 Genestealers, 1 Rapier Carrier, 2 Rapier Crew, 4 Devastator Marines ( Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

May - 1 Vindicator Laser Destroyer (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Jun - 9 Recon Marines (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Jul - 3 Genestealers, 5 Terminators (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Aug - 1 Predator Annihilator (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Sep - 1 Thunderhawk (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Oct - 1 Dreadnought (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Nov - 11 SH Genestealers (Artifice, Seriously, Overtime)

Dec - 1 Space Hulk Broodlord, 1 Space Hulk Artefact, 1 Space Hulk Terminator (Objective), 1 Sanguinor, 1 Captain, TDA Ancient (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously, Plodding Along)



Kazian      Jan - Dec 3 Completions, 1 Next Months, 8 Months Off - 37 Models Completed

Achievements: 3x Artificer, 2x Last Minute, 1x Speed Daemon, 3x Seriously

Jan - 1 Mega Armour Warboss, 10 Boyz, 1 Deff Dread (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

Feb - 10 Gretchin, 1 Wazbom Blastajet, 3 Deffkoptas (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Mar - 1 Deffdread, 10 Boyz (Artificer, Last  Minute, Seriously) 

Apr - 1 Deffrolla Wagon, 1 Squigbuggy, 1 Megatrakk Scrapjet, 1 Chaos Space Marine

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



KennyJapan      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 99 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 6x Last Minute, 2x Overtime, 1x Speed Daemon, 10x Seriously, 1x Favourite, Plodding Along

Jan - 1 HH Ultramarine Terminator (Artificer, Last Minute)

Feb - 10 HH Tactical Legionaires, 10 Guardsmen (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously) 

Mar - HH Chaplain, 1 HH Master of Signals (Artificer, Last Minute) 

Apr - 5 man Platoon Command, 1 Recon Marine (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

May - 1 Invictarii, 10 Guardsmen (Artificer, Seriously)

Jun - Favourite: HH Roboute Guilliman (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute) 


Jul - 10 HH Legionaires (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Aug - 1 Legion Scout, 1 Legion Terminator, 1 Rough Rider Commander, 1 Guard Platoon, 1 30k Centurion (Artificer, Seriously)

Sep - 10 Guardsmen, 4 Lascannon HWT, 1 Rhino (Artificer, Seriously)

Oct - 10 Tacticals, 4 Terminators, 1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 1 Xiphon, 1 Dark Angel (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Nov - 1 Imperial Guard Commander (Artificer)

Dec - 1 Guardsman (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute)



Lamebeard      Jan - Dec 4 Completions, 2 Next Months, 6 Months Off - 5 Models Completed

Achievements: 4x Artificer, 1x Last Minute, 3x Stubborn

Jan - 1+ Carchadorons

Feb - 1 Charcharadron, 1 Guardsman, 2 Tzangors (Artificer, Stubborn)

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - 1 Guardsman, 1 Tzaangor (Artificer, Stubborn, Last Minute)

Jul - HH EC Marine

Aug - 1 EC Legionaire (Artificer, Stubborn)

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - DA Secret Santa (Artificer)

Dec - NIL



Lord_Ikka      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 238 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 1x Last Minute, 5x Overtime, 1x Speed Daemon, 12x Seriously, 2x Stubborn, Plodding Along

Jan - 10 Inquisition Meltagunners, 10 Inquisition Volley-Gunners, 3 Inquisition Medics, 1 Inquisition Casualty (Artificer, Seriously)

Feb - 10 Battle Sisters, 1 Cherub, 10 Sororitas Novitiates, 1 Missionary, 2 Preachers (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Mar - 1 Ordos Alius Ogryn-quisitor, 2 Servitor Ogryns, 1 Ordo Reductor Tech Priest, 4 Death Cult Assassins (Corpse Grinder Initiates), and 6 Crusaders (Corpse Grinder Skinners) (Artificer, Overtime, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

Apr - 5 Lychguard, 1 Hexmark Destroyer, 1 Chronomancer, 1 Canoptek Reanimator, 1 Skorpekh Lord, 1 Plasmancer, 2 Crypto-thralls, 1 Triarch Stalker, 1 Ordo Xenos Inquisitor, 4 Privateers, 5 Mechanicus Cultists, 4 Chaos Cultists (Artificer, Seriously)

May - 3 Arco-Flagellants, 3 Redemptionist Preachers, 1 Inquisition bodyguard, 1 Hounds of Abaddon Terminator (Azrakh the Annhilator), 1 Witch, 4 Familiars, 7 Orlock Gangers (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Overtime)

Jun - 8 Cultists (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Jul - 10 Infiltrators, 3 Outriders, 3 Aggressors, 3 Eliminators, 5 Terminators, 1 Teleport Homer, 3 Suppressors, 1 Phobos LT, 1 Chaplain in TDA10 Infernus Marines, 5 Sternguard, 1 Captain in TDA, 1 Ballistus Dreadnought (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Aug - 1 Terminator Librarian, 1 Primaris Librarian, 1 Apothecary Biologis, 1 Lieutenant, Marneus Calgar, 2 Victrix Guard (Artificer, Seriously)

Sep - 10 Sisters of Battle, 22 Sisters Repentia, 5 Seraphim, 1 Penitent Engine, 1 Canoness, 1 Dialogus, 1 Hostpitaller, 1 Imagifier, 1 Dogmata, 1 Repentia Superior (Artificer, Seriously)

Oct - 2 Crag Pattern Walkers, Goliath Truck, Ash Wastes Vehicle, 2 Orlock Gangers (Artificer, Seriously)

Nov - 2 Watchers, 5 Hellblasters, The Lion, 1 Firestrike Servo-turret (Artificer, Seriously)

Dec - The Lion, 1 Lord-Discordant, 3 Tomb Blades, 5 Lychguard, 1 Firestrike Servo-turret (Artificer, Last Minute, Stubborn, Seriously)



Lork (DrGlove)      Jan - Dec 2 Completions, 2 Next Months, 8 Months Off - 5 Models Completed

Achievements: 2x Artificer, 2x Last Minute, 1x Seriously, x Stubborn, 2x Next Month

Jan - NIL

Feb - NIL 

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - 1 BT Marshal (Artificer, Last Minute)

Aug - 3 Bladeguard Veterans 

Sep - 3 Bladeguard Veterans1 Landspeeder (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Last Minute) 

Oct - 7 Intercessors

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Madao      Jan - Dec 9 Completions, 1 Next Months, 10 Months Off - 58 Models Completed

Achievements: 9x Artificer, 4x Last Minute, 1x Overtime, 1x Speed Daemon, 7x Seriously, 2x Stubborn

Jan - 9 Sicarian Infiltraitors (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Feb - 1 Tech Priest Dominus, 7 Skitarii Vanguard (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Mar - 1 Serberys Raider, 5 Serberys Raiders (Artificer, Last  Minute)

Apr - 5 Serberys Raiders (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Overtime)

May - Commander Farsight, 10 Breachers (Artificer, Seriously)

Jun - 10 Drones, 1 Turret, Cybernetica Datasmith (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Jul - 3 Crisis Suits, 1 Broadside Suit, 1 Sanctum Administratus

Aug - 3 Crisis Suits, 1 Broadside Suit (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - 1 Necron Overlord, 1 Plasmancer, 2 Cryptothralls, Skorpekh Lord, Canoptec Reanimator (Artificer, Seriously)

Dec - 1 Eversor Assassin, 1 Culexeus Assassin (Artificer, Speed Daemon)



MadGreek      Jan - Dec 0 Completions, 1 Next Month, 11 Months Off - 0 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Next Month

Jan - NIL

Feb - NIL 

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - 1 Ballistus Dreadnaught, 1 Redemptor Dreadnaught

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Majkhel      Jan - Dec 4 Completions, 2 Next Months, 6 Months Off - 7 Models Completed

Achievements: 4x Artificer, 1x Overtime, 1x Seriously, 2x Stubborn, 2x Favourite

Jan - 1 Intercessor Sgt (Artificer)

Feb - 1 BA Bladeguard Veteran

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - Favourite: Blood Angel Terminator, TDA Librarian, 1 TDA Captain, 4 Terminators (Artificer)


Aug - 3 Terminators (Artificer, Stubborn, Overtime)

Sep - 1 Terminator, 1 Repulsor

Oct - NIL

Nov - Favourite: Terminator Captain, 1 Repulsor, 1 AC Terminator (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)


Dec - NIL



mandaloriano      Jan - Dec 4 Completions, 1 Next Months, 7 Months Off - 30 Models Completed

Achievements: 4x Artificer, 2x Last Minute, 1x Speed Daemon, 4x Seriously, 1x Next Month

Jan - NIL

Feb - 5 Striking Scorpians (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Mar - 4 Warlorcks, 2 Heavy Weapon crew, 2 Heavy Weapon Platform (Artificer, Last  Minute, Seriously)

Apr - 10 Renegade Miltarum Veterans (Artificer, Seriously)

May - 1 Defiler, 2 Redegade Militaurm Militia, 1 HWT (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

Jun - 1 Heretek Magus, 1 Renegade Hydra, 10 Noise Marines

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Paladin777      Jan - Dec 10 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 37 Models Completed

Achievements: 10x Artificer, 2x Last Minute, 8x Seriously

Jan - NIL

Feb - NIL 

Mar - 5 Howling Banshees (Artificer, Last  Minute, Seriously)

Apr - 5 Heavy intercessors (Artificer, Seriously)

May - 5 Striking Scorpions (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Jun - 1 Dreadnaught (Artificer, Seriously)

Jul - 1 Terminator Captain, 5 Heavy Intercessors (Artificer, Seriously)

Aug - 1 Sanguinary Priest, 1 BA Terminator Librarian (Artificer)

Sep - 1 Ironclad Dreadnought (Artificer, Seriously)

Oct - 1 Farseer (Artificer)

Nov - 1 Apothecary Biologis, 6 Aggressors (Artificer, Seriously)

Dec - 5 Van Vets, 1 Librarian Dreadnought (Artificer, Seriously)



Rhavian      Jan - Dec 10 Completions, 2 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 18 Models Completed

Achievements: 10x Artificer, 1x Last Minute, 5x Seriously, 1x Stubborn, 2x Next Month, 1x Favourite

Jan - 1 Hammerstrike Stormspeeder (Artificer, Seriously)

Feb - 1 BA Leviathan Dreadnaught (Artificer, Seriously) 

Mar - Favourite: SH Terminator Librarian (Artificer)


Apr - 3 Terminators (Artificer)

May - 3 Bladeguard Veterans (Artificer)

Jun - 1 Landraider (Artificer, Seriously)

Jul - 1 Baal Predator (Artificer, Seriously)

Aug - 2 Gladiators 

Sep - 2 Gladiators (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously, Last Minute)

Oct - Dante (Artificer)

Nov - 1 Gravis Captain, 3 Aggressors (Artificer)

Dec - 1 LR Redeemer



Rogue      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 33 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 2x Last Minute, 5x Seriously, 1x Stubborn, 1x Favourite

Jan - 1 GSC Goliath (Artificer, Seriously)

Feb - 1 GSC Ridgerunner (Artificer, Seriously)

Mar - 4 Atalan Jackals (Artificer, Stubborn, Seriously)

Apr - 4 GSC Jackals (Artificer, Seriously)

May - 2 GSC Quads (Artificer, Last Minute)

Jun - 1 Reductus Saboteur (Artificer, Last Minute)

Jul - 1 GSC Locus (Artificer)

Aug - 2 GSC Icon Bearers, 1 Ridge Runner Spotter, 4 GSC (Artificer, Seriously)

Sep - Favourite: GSC Acolytes (Artificer, Seriously)


Oct - 2 Neophytes (Artificer)

Nov - 4 Flamer Neophytes (Artificer)

Dec - 1 GSC Primus (Artificer)



shmvo      Jan - Dec 0 Completions, 1 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 0 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Next Month

Jan - 3 SoS Questoras, 5 SoS Seekers

Feb - NIL 

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Skidman     Jan - Dec 7 Completions, 2 Next Months, 3 Months Off - 35 Models Completed

Achievements: 7x Artificer, 2x Last Minute, 5x Overtime, 7x Seriously, 1x Stubborn, 2x Next Month

Jan - 10 HH Iron Warriors

Feb - 10 Iron Warrior Veterans (Artificer, Stubborn, Overtime, Seriously)

Mar - 10 Cataphractii (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Apr - 1 Contemptor Dreadnaught, 1 Leviathan Dreadnaught (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

May - 1 Deimos Predator (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Jun - 1 Deimos Predator (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Jul - 10 HH Iron Warriors (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Aug - 1 Medusa (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Sep - 1 Medusa, 5 Cataphractii Terminators

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



SnorriSnorisson      Jan - Dec 1 Completions, 0 Next Months, 11 Months Off - 6 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Artificer, 1x Last Minute, 1x Overtime, 1x Seriously

Jan - NIL

Feb - NIL 

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - The Sanquinator, 5 Tactical Marines (Artificer, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously)



Stolid Fox      Jan - Dec 3 Completions, 1 Next Months, 8 Months Off - 76 Models Completed

Achievements: 3x Artificer, 1x Last Minute, 1x Overtime, 1x Speed Daemon, 3x Seriously, 1x Favourite

Jan - 1 Tech Priest Dominus, 5 Flayed Ones, 1 Haemotrope Reactor, 1 Ruined Factorum, 11 Gallowdark Terrain (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

Feb - Favourite: Necrons3 Kataphron Destroyer, 1 Tech Enginseer,  2 Manufactorum Ruins, 3 Plasma Conduits, 1 Necron Overlord, 10 Warriors, 3 Scarab Swarms, 1 Canoptek Spider, 1 Canoness, 3 Battle Sisters, 2 Seraphim, 1 Sister Repentia, 1 Arco-flagellant, 1 Bike Captain, 1 Bike Apothecary, 1 Terminator Librarian, 12 Terminators, 1 Scout Sergeant (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously)


Mar - 1 Inquisitor, 1 Bike Captain, 5 Battle Sisters, 1 Seraphim, 1 Repentia Superior (Artificer, Seriously)

Apr - 3 Battle Sisters, 1 Penitent Engine

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Sviar      Jan - Dec 5 Completions, 0 Next Months, 7 Months Off - 8 Models Completed

Achievements: 5x Artificer, 4x Last Minute

Jan - NIL

Feb - NIL 

Mar - Captain Kubrik Chenkov (Artificer)

Apr - Cypher the Fallen Angel (Artificer, Last Minute)

May - 2 HWT (4) (Artificer, Last Minute)

Jun - 1 Tallern Guardsman (Artificer, Last Minute)

Jul -  1 SW Reiver (Artificer, Last Minute)

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



TheOneWurm      Jan - Dec 1 Completions, 1 Next Months, 10 Months Off - 2 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Artificer, 1x Seriously, 1x Next Month

Jan - NIL

Feb - NIL 

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - 1 Chaos Cerastus Knight (Artificer, Seriously)

Oct - 1 Knight Abominant, 1 War Dog Carnivore

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



ThePenitentOne     Jan - Dec 0 Completions, 1 Next Months, 11 Months Off - 0 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Next Month

Jan - NIL

Feb - NIL 

Mar - 10 Kabalite Warriors

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Torin      Jan - Dec 0 Completions, 1 Next Months, 11 Months Off - 0 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Next Month

Jan - HH Scimitar Jetbikes, 1 Wolves Contemptor

Feb - NIL 

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



TPS      Jan - Dec 1 Completions, 1 Next Months, 10 Months Off - 11 Models Completed

Achievements: 1x Next Month

Jan - 10 Guardsmen, 1 Chimera  (Artificer, Seriously)

Feb - NIL 

Mar - NIL 

Apr - NIL

May - NIL

Jun - NIL 

Jul - 1 Stormsurge

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - NIL

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL



Trokair      Jan - Dec 12 Completions, 0 Next Months, 0 Months Off - 96 Models Completed

Achievements: 12x Artificer, 3x Last Minute, 1x Speed Daemon, 7x Seriously

Jan - 10 Guardsmen, 1 Chimera  (Artificer, Seriously)

Feb - 9 Death Guard Terminators, 3 DG Independent Characters (Artificer, Seriously)

Mar - 6 Ironhead Prospectors, 1 Ironhead Exo-Driller, 1 Ordo-Reductor Tech Priest (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously, Last Minute)

Apr - 1 WE Jakhal, 2 Eldar Ghost Warriors (Artificer)

May - 1 Chaos Lord on Juggernaught (Artificer)

Jun - Khârn the Betrayer, 1 Lord Invocatus, 10 Berzerkers (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Jul - 10 Hearthkyn Warriors (Artificer, Seriously)

Aug - 20 Hearthkyn Warriors (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Sep - 10 Hearthguard, 2 Einhyr Champions (Artificer, Seriously)

Oct - 1 Grimnyr, 2 CORVs, 10 Votaan Bezerkers (Artificer)

Nov - DA Secret Santa (Artificer)

Dec - 1 Iron Warrior Havok, 1 LI Rhino (Artificer)



Valkia the Bloody      Jan - Dec 6 Completions, 0 Next Months, 6 Months Off - 46 Models Completed

Achievements: 6x Artificer, 1x Last Minute, 6x Seriously

Jan - 6 Primaris Intercessors, 10 KT Karkin, 5 Deathmarks (Artificer, Seriously)

Feb - 1 Moritat, 5 Night Lords Raptors (Artificer, Seriously)

Mar - 1 Forgefiend, 1 Gallodark Terrain (Artificer, Seriously)

Apr - 4 Terminators, 1 Chaos Lord, SH Wall Panel, 1 Tomb Spyder (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

May - 6 ZM Corners, 4 ZM Walls (Artificer, Seriously)

Jun - NIL 

Jul - NIL

Aug - NIL 

Sep - NIL 

Oct - 1 Rhino, 15 Gallodark Terrain pieces (Artificer, Seriously)

Nov - NIL

Dec - NIL

Edited by Grotsmasha
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Posted (edited)
Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

Grotsmasha was awarded the badge '12 Months of Hobby 2023 - Completed'

Additional Awards


In addition to the Monthly awards, I have the 2023 Platinum Awards for Outstanding achievements throughout the year.



For the 11 Frater who managed to complete all 12 months in 2023, the 2023 Completed Platinum Badge,



Brother Argent












For the 11 Frater who earned the Artificer badge every month, the 2023 Artificer Platinum Badge,



Brother Argent












For earning the most (4) Speed Daemon badges in 2023, Ace Debonair is awarded the 2023 Speed Daemon Platinum Badge,




For earning the most Last Minute badges (7) in 2023, Brother Argent is awarded the 2023 Last Minute Platinum Badge,




For earning the Overtime badge every month in 2023, Jolemai is awarded the 2023 Overtime Platinum Badge,




For 7 Frater who earned the Seriously badge every month in 2023, the 2023 Seriously Platinum Badge,



Brother Argent





Lord Ikka



For painting 245 models, the most individual models within the 2023 Challenge, Dwango has earned the 2023 Champion Platinum Badge,




For earning the most Stubborn badges (6) in 2023, Grotsmasha has earned the 20223 Stubborn Platinum Badge,




Lastly, that just leaves the 2023 Favourite Platinum Badge, which I have not chosen, you have. After almost two wweks of polling, the Frater of the B&C have chosen their Favourite from amongst my 12 monthly picks of Favourites.


Linky to Poll


The 2023 Favourite

Winning by a considerable margin, Majkhel's amazing Blood Angels Terminator Captain has earned the 2023 Challenge Favourite Badge with 12 votes.


Please join me in congratulating Majkhel on the well deserved victory for the third year in a row...




Edited by Grotsmasha
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Posted (edited)

Linky to Poll


The 2023 Favourite

Winning by a considerable margin, Majkhel's amazing Blood Angels Terminator Captain has earned the 2023 Challenge Favourite Badge with 12 votes.


Please join me in congratulating Majkhel on the well deserved victory for the third year in a row...




Edited by Grotsmasha
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