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Since the images of the Mk6 were first shown I knew I was going to start an army for games of Rogue Trader, I was thinking Fire Hawks as Im also doing Legion of the Damned or maybe Lamenters until I was having a flick through the 1st ed rulebook at the pages with the colour images of marines and decided on Blood Drinkers. Picked up some bits just before xmas and now I have gotten this far...


Test mini

2022-12-17 21.27.00.jpg


Everything else is WiP.



2022-12-24 07.17.22.jpg


Medic (and the art he was based on)

2022-12-24 07.18.18.jpg

War Paint : Blood Drinker Priest Markings - Wargaming Hub


Half of a Tactical Squad

2022-12-24 07.19.13.jpg


Assault Marines

2022-12-24 07.20.00.jpg


Ancient and Devastators

2022-12-24 07.20.36.jpg


Veterans (and their inspiration)

2022-12-31 01.12.48.jpg



Chaplain, Librarian and Techmarine

2023-01-06 08.46.43.jpg


Family shot as of 2 weeks ago

2023-01-06 08.47.35.jpg

since then I have added another 5 Assault Marines, 5 Scouts (mohawked plastics), 5 Terminators (converted Dark Vengeance), 2 more Techmarines (you need one per vehicle in 1st ed), Captain, Deimos Rhino, Deimos Predator and I have the bits to make a Chapter Master (shame I lack the motivation at the moment).


I am trying to build the army so it is useable in 1st/2nd edition and current if I ever get around to playing it, certain unit types didnt exist in Rogue Trader (Ancient, Chapter Master, Veterans being some of them) so I have had to think outside the box a bit, so the Ancient is my Lieutenant, Chapter Master is Lieutenant Commander, Death Company were just marines that took a blood oath so they will be basic Tacticals or Assault squads, Medics had various ranks so I can have normal Medics using the lowest rank, Sanguinary Guard as the mid tier ranks and Corbulo will be the top rank (cant remember the first ed ranks for them off the top of my head).


Unit and Character names will be shamelessly lifted from Vampire folklore and novels, seems appropriate as they are called Blood Drinkers.  Dreadnought is called Tepes, Chapter Master Vlad, Captain Radu, Lieutenant Vitorio, Squads Armand, Varney and Legosi, floating around the void in their battle barges 'Carpathia' and Carmillas Wrath'... Think I need to dust off my Necroscope books to steal more names.  

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  On 1/20/2023 at 9:03 AM, Slave to Darkness said:

Carmillas Wrath



Hopefully some more castlevania references? A few of my characters follow the Alucard convention: I have brothers Olubroc and Notsihpem in my army.


Real nice use of the beakies, they really have that RT vibe, but a bit washed out, maybe due to the lighting?


The FW BA heresy transfer sheet has some BD decals as I recall, if you're interested in that. 

Yeah the lighting in my kitchen isnt great, and my phone is 11 years old and the screen is held in with duc tape.


Ill have a look at the FW sheet, I keep forgetting they exist tbh. I had to get Carmilla in there somewhere, I like the Castlevania games and I LOVE the novel by Sheridan Le Fanu so it oud have been rude to not make the reference. Now I have an excuse to play the games again though and they are on sale on the xbox store... 


Had a game of 2nd ed yesterday against my mate using my Biel Tan, just starting to write it up as a bat rep now. Ill have that up later. 

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