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Wanted to share some of my "work in progress" without crowding up the community threads so I am resurrecting my old thread in a new form ( https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/243494-vulpis-virtus-the-virtue-of-foxes-lpc-vow-2012/ has been archived for some strange reason :P)


Here's how my Captain and Apothecary are coming along for the narrative campaign I've joined at Mox Boarding House. Still have some highlighting to do, their power packs, finding a place to mount my Apothecary's chainsword, etc., plus of course basing, but I think that I could put these down on a table and not be ashamed of them. Also was a good chance to make a new skin recipe which I think conveys my intent of a marine of east asian descent.



Finished up the leaders for my narrative campaign game so now it’s time to move on to the terminators, who like the librarian are veterans doing penance for some failing as a fox should not rely on heavy and cumbersome armour over speed and cunning. On that front, probably the scout sergeant after them to show them inspiration and guidance to be proper vulpines of the chapter. 


While I made some progress on the terminators our local shops are all completely booked thanks to the new magic set and so I offered to host games today and that redirected me to build my backlog of terrain. Still progress, if not what models I intended.




Edited by Stolid Fox

Got my midtone down on all the terminators and some progress on the pipes today. Will definitely be a challenge to finish my pledge this month, as I still have the sisters and ruins left to start


On 2/3/2023 at 8:34 AM, Stolid Fox said:

Also was a good chance to make a new skin recipe which I think conveys my intent of a marine of east asian descent.

You maybe have thouhgt about this but a suggestion regarding showing that your inspiration for them are East Asian is to use numbers, letters and/or symbols from one (or more) of the scripts from that area.

3 minutes ago, Gamiel said:

You maybe have thouhgt about this but a suggestion regarding showing that your inspiration for them are East Asian is to use numbers, letters and/or symbols from one (or more) of the scripts from that area.

I'm going for some ethnic variety in the chapter but yes -- I actually have a bunch of transfers with kanji on them for some projects.

Midtones sketched in for the armor and helmets mostly; still need to pick out the details a bit more but progress.



Edited by Stolid Fox

Moved from batch painting to one mini at a time as I think my technique is better suited to it. I’m finishing up the assault sergeant and remembered that the base of this model is the same as my first ever painted mini so I put them side by side. Some evolution of technique and learning at least a bit better how to manage my paint. 



Moved on to my scout sergeant and got him mostly base coated. Converted to a standard sniper rifle from the metal stalker that he came with so he’s more cohesive with the squad


Edited by Stolid Fox

I've also discovered that I prefer to base / shade in batches, then switch to layer / highlight models individually, and then back to batches to finish of the models with basing. I think it's just a mental thing, but seeing the number of "finished" models grow vs. a glob of 20 models at 95% is more satisfying, and it keeps my motivation to keep going for longer.

6 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

I've also discovered that I prefer to base / shade in batches, then switch to layer / highlight models individually, and then back to batches to finish of the models with basing. I think it's just a mental thing, but seeing the number of "finished" models grow vs. a glob of 20 models at 95% is more satisfying, and it keeps my motivation to keep going for longer.

I told a similar thing to my partner when they were batching like 30 necrons and then found motivation waning -- saying a model is "done" has a really nice feeling. I've been a bit conflicted this month as my pledge is pretty large so I'm pushing myself to call things done but I know they could use another highlight or two. Still, making progress because my current task at work involves lots of 30-45 minute compiles so I can do a few painting details every cycle and maybe if I get more things checked off I'll have time to circle back and really put in some love.

That is a nice, smooth and solid purple there.  And I do so love real marine terminators.  Its the one thing making me sad with my latest army is I intend on going all Primaris so the wonders of terminators are a distant dream.


Keep up the good work.  I love popping in to see what you have come up with, even if I don't comment.  The speed and quality you put out amazes me. 

Got through the hammers core and got the first claw terminator ready. Need to go in on the last two hammer and shields to get those bits painted in but that’s 7/12 of my terminators for Feb with some solid progress. 


You know what’s really dumb when you’re the day before your pledge deadline and have a pile of minis left? To put in the time to try and improve your painting skills and push the model quality of your new sisters force. 



My forces got the painting spotlight this week for my narrative campaign (Tern's Endeavour), where Vulpis Virtus are secretly Alpha Legion Infiltrators... which they may be more generally but that's the thing about Vulpis Virtus, no one knows quite what they're up to... Kind of like Alpha Legion. :P I'm working on the sisters tonight in hopes of not being late on my pledge but this was a nice feel good moment!


So I finished off my sisters today; pics of them are in the monthly pledge thread but once I get my printer setup and running and print their bases I’ll showcase them here. I also primed the factorum for the last part of my pledge for Feb. if I finish tomorrow I get in under the wire with overtime. 
while I wait for the primer to set I started on my plodding pledge — building and cleaning the boarding terrain from the Killteam boxes. 


  • 3 weeks later...

Well, as mentioned in the monthly pledge thread I have had a heck of a month including being bed ridden for a week with some not-covid virus. Still, time to get back to it and this time with some fun conversions!




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