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Rethinking Laurels of Command.

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With a lot of heavy anti-tank and reserves shenanigans I need more protection. I've been thinking a lot about Laurels of Command. I want to (1) make sure I'm using it correctly; and (2) concede this isn't a complete tactic, but rather a tool in a larger kit.


Relic - Laurels of Command - OFFICER model only. Once per battle, at the start of any phase in your opponent’s turn, the bearer can issue one Order it knows from the following list, as if it were your Command phase (this cannot be an Order it has already issued this battle round): Fix Bayonets!; Take Cover!; At All Costs!; Show Them Steel, Show Them Contempt!; Remain Vigilant!; Shock and Awe!

  • Questions:
    • Does this splash?  - Regimental Tactics (if every model is AM then when you issue an order you can select one or more other friendly PLATOON or SQUADRON units to also be affected). There doesn't seem to be a limitation to 'your command phase' - just 'when you issue an order.' FAQ somewhere? We at least know that orders to abhumans don't splash per the commissar datasheet.
    • Can it go on a tank commander? 
  • Getting it on the Table - Add-ons/Points/Strats
    • Leman Russ Tank Commander - The tank Ace, Steel Commissar, can do it, as a tank commander has the OFFICER key word. This might not be great as this would only net MECHANIZED and PERFECTUS Orders. I suppose you could add the warlord trait Superior Tactical Training to grant another type of order. 
    • Commissar getting Laurels and Superior Tactical Training would work being an OFFICER and CHARACTER. 
  • Benefits
    • Defensive boost if Going second.
      • I really like the idea of Remain Vigilant! if there are enemy reserves or reinforcements coming in. Space marines (iron hands) got reinvigorated.  I feel this is an important relic just in case something real crazy is about to happen. 
      • I really like Take Cover! If I have forward units like Scout Sentinels. I mean, if I can also use the order on 1 or more units within 6" the spread would be big. And for sentinels the range would be really big (big bases). If the order is issued to units in cover the order grants even greater protection. On the other hand maybe better defense isn't really worth the effort.
      • Take Cover! could greatly benefit a huge pool of units inside the deployment zone. Pooling, clumping up or whatever you call it could encourage a double edged sword - great to have everyone in an aura - not so great to get charged, piled-in, and consolidated into (lots of armies can go greater than 3"). 
      • Take Cover! to Bullgryns at the front of your lines turn 1? Commissar's datasheet allows order to abhumans, and amusingly a steel commissar tank commander too - but this isn't a perfectus order... I'm not sure Take Cover could work. 
      • Take Cover! to Armored Sentinels out front in deployment using the 'Ablative Plating strat' 2CP - for the minus 1 damage. Soak up disproportionate firepower.  
    • Situational
      • Possibly rob an unsuspecting opponent of points with 'Shock and Awe' or 'At All Costs' - by turning on Objective secured in their turn. 
      • If the enemy is coming in strong with mortal wounds, issue 'Show them Steel!' Conceivably if you knew a big tank was about to get popped, and was about to cause an explosion, you might issue this prior to them shooting it, and splash it to several nearby squads to avoid a bunch of mortal wounds. E.g. Rogal Dorn causing D6 Mortals to everybody within 6". Using the relic does have to be at the "start" of the phase though...
      • Fix Bayonets! - I was thinking maybe the enemy tags a scout sentinel unit that happens to have chainswords - suddenly they'd fight back decently. Same for Kasrkin (who can be a bit fighty). I say this is situational as mostly I'd worry more about a strong enemy assault unit using a charge move to advance up the table (essentially a free move) and wiping the ordered unit out before it strikes back. 
      • Ratling Assault. Get them in cover and order them with a Commissar. 
  • Synergy
    • Master Tactician - Really just stacking great defensive play in moving 3x units at the start of the first battle round (read as: before you get shot or charged). Bait out that Sisters Retributor squad or Space Marine Eradicator squad into suboptimal deployment (refused flank). Additionally you might use this to move an officer to where it's most needed for Laurels.
    • Superior Tactical Training- greater flexibility in use depending on units available. 
  • Problems
    • I'd think for the most part that after turn 1 officers will be issuing orders normally in their own turn, and the issuance of an order in the opponent's turn isn't going to have significant effect. 
    • Positioning and Deployment - don't want to leave an officer stranded out front; don't want to end up blowing the one use of this relic on a sub-optimal tactic. 
    • This is extra CP
      • I like both Ursula and Lord Solar, but they are locked into their own warlord traits and relics.
      • Issuing multiple types of orders is relatively rare.
      • I don't see a way to stack multiple warlord traits or relics on a single unit.  - Aren't other warlord traits and relics better??
    • Adding additional commissars or commandants has diminishing returns on points. Arks of Omen detachments may mitigate this somewhat in terms of more free slots available. 
    • Assuming 'splashing'  orders works, it seems like in a lot of situations a benefit wouldn't happen because different types of units wouldn't splash - infantry squad to leman russ, etc. If the order is to PLATOON, it only splashes to PLATOON, and the same with SQUADRON.  Alternatively, how many like-keyworded units are you taking - 2-3 units of scout sentinels? 
    • Why not just use cheap units to screen out reserve shenanigans? 




Edited by Captain Caine 24th
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I think it's one of the strongest relics we have, even if it's only once per game. The disruption potential is huge. I would stick it on a command squad, so I have range to throw an order on my whole frontline when I need it.


Realistically, if I can use it turn 1, 2 or 3 to shut down a big deepstrike play, make a dent in my opponents MW output or survive their shooting a bit better that can be huge. A lot of streamlined armies are build around having one or two big units to make an impact to shut down your scoring. If you can hinder that so that you have the initiative instead, it can turn the game on its head. 


It's not an auto-take relic and will need some finesse to use the right order in the right moment, but it can absolutely mess with an opponents plan.

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Meta hotness builds which have big plans on deep stirke, include Daemon, GSC, Iron hands(drop pods) and TAU(XV8). 


Drop pods arrive turn1, others turn2. For effectively screw their plans, "Remain Vigilant" must be delivered exactly on their movement phase, so the relic bearer should start on the table. 


DKK marshal is an intersting choice. Due to weird FW rules update, it only cost 35pts but functions as a castellan. Opponent who is not very familliar to IG rules can't predict perfectus orders could coming from this model.  

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