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The Lord Solar can be ordered by a Death Rider Commander


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Lmao, working on my all Cavalry list noticed this tid bit that’s worded like vaulted praetorian. The death rider squadron commander can give orders to themselves and Lord Solar Leontus..


++ Arks of Omen Detachment (Imperium - Astra Militarum) ++

+ Configuration +

Arks of Omen Compulsory Type: Fast Attack

Battle Size: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) 

Detachment Command Cost

Game Type: 5. Chapter Approved: Arks of Omen

Regimental Doctrine: Recon Operators, Swift as the Wind

+ No Force Org Slot +


3x Death Rider Command Squadron
. 4x Death Rider Veterans: 4x Death Rider Hunting Lance, 4x Laspistol, 4x Savage claws


+ HQ +

Death Rider Squadron Commander: Plasma pistol, Power sword, Relic: Tactical Auto-Reliquary of Tyberius, Stratagem: Imperial Commander's Armoury, Stratagem: Officer Cadre
. WT: Superior Tactical Training: Prefectus Orders


Death Rider Squadron Commander: Plasma pistol, Power sword, Relic: Claw of the Desert Tigers, Stratagem: Imperial Commander's Armoury


Death Rider Squadron Commander: Plasma pistol, Power sword, Stratagem: Officer Cadre, WT: Master Tactician


Lord Solar Leontus: Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord, WT: Grand Strategist



+ Fast Attack +

3x Attilan Rough Riders: .

. Rough Rider w/ Goad Lance

8x Rough Rider w/ Hunting Lance
. Rough Rider Sergeant: Goad Lance, Power sabre


3x Death Rider Squadron
. 9x Death Korps Death Riders: 9x Death Rider Hunting Lance, 9x Frag & Krak grenades, 9x Laspistol, 9x Savage claws
. Ridemaster: Death Rider Hunting Lance, Plasma pistol


++Heavy Support++
Heavy Mortar 

. 3x Heavy Mortar 


Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)


its this I am referencing to.




Lord Solar Keywords



Reference to something similar..


Edited by Hiroitchi
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31 minutes ago, Harrowmaster said:

The generic rules for orders say they must be issued to platoon units (for regimental orders), the rule here says all other rules still apply, ergo the death rider commander can't issue orders to Lord Solar as he does not have platoon

That's sad. I feel like the Lord solar should know his place. Which is, you know...dyeing for the emperor on a suicidal and pointless charge across a minefield and into machine gun fire.   Drawing fire away from the troops. It's really the only sensible thing for him to do. Isn't that what the cape is for?  GW should fix it.  

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11 hours ago, Harrowmaster said:

The generic rules for orders say they must be issued to platoon units (for regimental orders), the rule here says all other rules still apply, ergo the death rider commander can't issue orders to Lord Solar as he does not have platoon

the thing is, he has cavalry keyword which by the regards of the Death Rider squadron commander can order him much like vaulted praetorian can. Even the commanding authority ability allows him to order the Lord Solar. The platoon is in reference to the lord Solar not having the platoon keyword so the order doesn’t bounce. This works like having vaulted praetorian having the ability to order super heavies without a squadron keyword.

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2 hours ago, Hiroitchi said:

the thing is, he has cavalry keyword which by the regards of the Death Rider squadron commander can order him much like vaulted praetorian can. Even the commanding authority ability allows him to order the Lord Solar. The platoon is in reference to the lord Solar not having the platoon keyword so the order doesn’t bounce. This works like having vaulted praetorian having the ability to order super heavies without a squadron keyword.

I would agree if it didn't say all the other rules for orders still apply.


A unit can be cavalry but it must meet all the other criteria i.e. having the platoon keyword, which is needed to receive regimental orders unless an exception is called out for officers.


Pg. 75 of the codex:


"If issuing a Regimental or Prefectus Order, select one friendly PLATOON unit within 6" of that OFFICER's unit."



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1 hour ago, Harrowmaster said:

I would agree if it didn't say all the other rules for orders still apply.


A unit can be cavalry but it must meet all the other criteria i.e. having the platoon keyword, which is needed to receive regimental orders unless an exception is called out for officers.


Pg. 75 of the codex:


"If issuing a Regimental or Prefectus Order, select one friendly PLATOON unit within 6" of that OFFICER's unit."



then by all aspects vaulted praetorian doesn’t work by your exact reading of the rule.

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My view is that Vaunted Praetorian gets away being able to order Titanic units without requiring them to be Squadron keyworded only because it specifically states that Titanic units are able to be ordered in the wording (thus removing the Squadron requirement but keeping the 12" range requirement).


Giving the Death Rider Commander the ability to order Calvary in addition to Infantry doesn't change the basic requirement that the Platoon keyword is needed for Regimental Orders- this is why Attilan Rough Riders and Death Riders for example, all have the Platoon keyword. If the Death Rider Commander's ability only stated that he was able to order Calvary keyworded units, that it didn't have the section that stated "all other rules for issuing Orders apply", then yes he would be able to Order the Lord Solar. 

Edited by Lord_Ikka
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46 minutes ago, Hiroitchi said:

then by all aspects vaulted praetorian doesn’t work by your exact reading of the rule.

Vaunted Praetorian is actually slightly different as @Lord_Ikka pointed out. A Dorn can order itself because it has squadron (the keyword for mechanised orders), and a superheavy can order titantic units because the rule explicitly allows to. There is no exception for the Death Rider commander to issue orders to units without platoon

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 The Lord Solar and the death rider squadron commander have the cavalry keyword. So by the logic y’all present on the table it specifically allows orders to cavalry keyword unit even instances without the platoon/squadron keywords. The death rider squadron commander has two rules referencing this under commanding authority and the rule death rider officer.


The wording “all other rules for issuing orders still apply.” appears in both. They both reference specific keywords that get affected by orders hence mentioning cavalry.


Oh and to reinforce these points. Especially commanding authority for the man himself, the lord Solar, Last sentence states he can give orders to super heavy units. Thus reinforcing the point that you can order a super heavy unit without the squadron/platoon keyword there for the commanding authority for a death rider squadron commander can give orders to cavalry units without squadron/platoon keywords.



Edited by Hiroitchi
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8 minutes ago, Hiroitchi said:

 The Lord Solar and the death rider squadron commander have the cavalry keyword. So by the logic y’all present on the table it specifically allows orders to cavalry keyword unit even instances without the platoon/squadron keywords. The death rider squadron commander has two rules referencing this under commanding authority and the rule death rider officer.


The wording “all other rules for issuing orders still apply.” appears in both. They both reference specific keywords that get affected by orders hence mentioning cavalry.

I'm not sure I get your point here

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