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10th edition wishlist & predictions

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I know we just got a new codex, and all, but with 10th seemingly just around the corner, what would you like to see for us in 10th? What do you think we’ll get?


i think veterans may come back in some way.

i think at the very least we’ll see a redesign for Catachan line.


i hope we get some new Catachan kits even if they’re just Catachan versions of generic datasheets like the FOB.

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40 minutes ago, Warhead01 said:

I'd like conscripts back. 

I really don’t understand the obsession people have with conscripts. 

just keep your squads barebones.

if they do bring them back they’ll probably won’t make them much cheaper points wise. I’d be surprised if they were even as cheap as 50 points, but would expect 55-60points

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To be realistic:tongue:


We will get a index book, the current dex can be used as large coaster:laugh:


Then sod all for 2+ years:sad:


Maybe we might get something in a kill team:ermm:


Catachans would fit, but chances of a cadia style range refresh? cant see it happening. 


Cant see all of the fw units surviving another ed change either. 


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54 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I really don’t understand the obsession people have with conscripts. 

just keep your squads barebones.

if they do bring them back they’ll probably won’t make them much cheaper points wise. I’d be surprised if they were even as cheap as 50 points, but would expect 55-60points

The larger than 10 model unit size is a big attraction for one. How many troop slots do we get and how am I to field my army the way I want with so few slots. I have 150 conscripts and another 40 or 60 infantry men. I haven't a clue how I'll field all of those models now. I'll forego the conscripts for more troop slots. No problem with that I just need like more than 20 slots.  Or infantry squads  with unit sizes above 10 models maybe 20 or 30 models. I'd be fine with that. In fact that might even be better. 

I have no expectations that 10th will bring anything good to the table past a, hopefully, playable set of rules.  Heck if 10th is compatible with the index book from 8th I'll have a blast. 

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Personally, I like the idea of a more streamlined rules set.


I think 9th is bloated and I’d like to see another reset like we had at the beginning of 8th.


There’s too much bookkeeping atm and unnecessary extra rules.


Hopefully there will be less “gotcha” moments and the amount of Stratagems will be reduced.





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Generally for 10.Ed i wish for CP and Stratagems to die, and Mortal Wounds tone down to something very special and rare or also gone.

Nowaday everything can shoot mortal Wounds.


For Guard in Detail i wish for Veterans and Conscripts to come back. those two are a staple of Guard in Lore and should be available to be played.

and maybe some more variaty model wise, yes the new Cadian shocktroops are cool, and the new Cadian Command Squads and Castellan also look good. and don't forget the Cadian Upgrade frame so you can Cadian while you Cadian.:tongue:


A more generic Infantry Kit with multiple upgrade Kits to make them Cadian,Catachan, Valhallan,... would be a dream come true

Edited by domsto
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More options for squad leaders and I think a bayonet melee weapon for regular troops added would be fun(+1 str or an extra attack maybe. something to give the guard a lil punch). The poor catachan squad leader has no options except stock las pistol and chainsword, and these guys are supposed to be the melee specialists. 

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I want conscripts and veterans back.  I have both modeled with 3rd party parts on cadian models that I have no real use for at this point.


edit:  I really don’t care if they are even very good.  Just rules to use them.

Edited by crimsondave
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