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Armoured vs. Scout – Sentinels


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So it’s somewhat asking yourself what tool kit will supplant your force. I personally like having 3x Scout sentinels act as a speed bump  and hold an objective while trying to zone out my opponent’s concealed positions. That way it can buy some time for my infantry and  heavier stuff to strike. 

a great all around load out for a sentinel is Plasma Cannons. Put some chainswords on there if the points allow it but you want to keep that unit as cheap as possible. 120 points for a decent speed bump is great if they can trade equally points or trade up.

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Scout for turn1 tricks and armored for turn2/3 outflank(outflank are cp-free in this version).


Plasma cannon is the best shooting weapon on math, and chainsaw is usually better beyond expectation. SInce sentinels are not really durable against shooting, charging towards some non-melee units, while you can,  will help them to survive longer. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/11/2023 at 6:28 PM, duz_ said:

I don't have the new kit myself, but I saw a video the other day where they built the scout sentinel and the armoured sentinel canopy was able to sit on top of the bars. 

I'm not sure if any modification was required but looked good. 


Then you can use either

The new kit is super easy for this no modification necessary. No idea about the old one.  The gun weapons are all snap fit, toght enough to hold with no glue, or magnets needed. The chainsword is a bit loose so may need magnets for that and the armoured canopy so they won’t fall when moving. Or be lazy, i plan to just use funtac to hold them there




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