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Artillery or no Artillery?

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So after a long break of WH40K i startet looking to build a Guard List for a small local Tournament.

and i stumbelt about the Artillery Question.

Is Artillery in Guard now as dead as it is in every other Faction or does it still have some value?

I mean with the "expert Bombadier" Regimental Trait you can negate the -1 to hit from Barrage, but is worth it sacrificing a Regimental Trait slot for that?

The AP nerf still remains

with the Manticore beeing only Ap-2, so still struggeling to remove some Objective holders in the enemy backfield if they benefit from cover.

And the Basilisk only Damage 2 seems also like a small nerf.

The Wyvern is.... yeah let`s not talk about it.

leaving us with only the Field Ordinance Battery (i exlude the Deathstrike on porpose as it is a no brainer MW machine and so no real Artillery in my book)


i had the thought experiment of using Creed with 3 Field Ordinance Batterys Bombast field guns.

You can Orde them take aim so you get +1 to hit and -1 Ap so you can negate the Barrage nerf complety, in addition because Creed Orders them they get +1S and combinded with the "expert Bombadiers" regiment you get at the end 6d6 S8/-2/2 hitting on 3s

Costing 470 Points that`s 3 Leman Russ Battletanks, and i think we all know who is making more Damage while also tanking more fire.



And that`s my main problem while trying to include Artillery to my List, yes it could work if i build around it, but.......is it worth it?

A list composed of almost exlusively Leman Russ and Cadian Shocktroops look soo much better.

Edited by domsto
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I mean yes artillery is somewhat dead but given the FAQ for FW models, it kinda puts it back on the menu as an option. Like, you like basilisk earth shaker cannons, but don’t like how the buffs for it are meh, the. Step it up  a notch and choose an Earthshaker carriage battery because they are units of 1-3 and get the platoon keyword.

8 hours ago, Hiroitchi said:

I mean yes artillery is somewhat dead but given the FAQ for FW models, it kinda puts it back on the menu as an option. Like, you like basilisk earth shaker cannons, but don’t like how the buffs for it are meh, the. Step it up  a notch and choose an Earthshaker carriage battery because they are units of 1-3 and get the platoon keyword.


The biggest problem with the carriages is they still have the old earthshaker profile, so you're stuck with D3 damage. 

2 hours ago, jarms48 said:

The biggest problem with the carriages is they still have the old earthshaker profile, so you're stuck with D3 damage

It’s been updated. It has Earthshaker, same weapon name as a basilisk. So yeah same weapon profile.

14 hours ago, Tokugawa said:

The only IG indirect artillery which favored by current version rules, is the very basic mortar.

I quess you are right, everything considered if one want indirect fire only real option is the mortar.

Now i have to find shelf space for my 9 Basilisk and Manticores

12 hours ago, jarms48 said:

Where does it say that in the FW FAQ? I don't see it.

it’s hidden but if you look at the dataslate for the Armageddon pattern basilisk, the weapons Earthshaker cannon was updated. When that happened the weapon Earthshaker cannon was updated with the Earthshaker carriages since the weapon name of the Earthshaker carriage weapon is  still Earthshaker cannon. It’s sneaky sneak. Lol


also to quote sources: battlescribe, wahpedia, and even the Warhammer 40K app was updated to reflect this.

Edited by Hiroitchi
Quoting sources
14 hours ago, Hiroitchi said:

also to quote sources: battlescribe, wahpedia, and even the Warhammer 40K app was updated to reflect this.


If it's on the 40k app then it's definitely official. Such a strange way to do it. Actually makes the carriage worth considering. 120 points and the ability to take infantry orders makes it pretty decent. 

6 hours ago, jarms48 said:

120 points and the ability to take infantry orders makes it pretty decent. 

don’t forget it has the artillery keyword too.. so there is a possibility to help with the +1/-1 stuff of shooting through dense/obscuring terrain in addition to the take aim order.

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