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Are DKOK underrated in competitive?


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I watched that as well!


I would use a similar list, but you can get 9 heavy weapons teams for the cost of cadians vs dk:laugh:


Not being able to wound them on 2s, for ten pts difference is just not worth it:no:


Its situational as well, you have to hit them with s6 or higher:laugh:


If both units were the 65 then, maybe the dk wound be more viable. 


I would be on the fence about the psyker:ermm:


The dk marshals are a very nice pick, the castellans cost defiantly needs to come down more towards 35/40. 50pts is crazy:laugh:



Edited by Emperor Ming
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The medic that saves a guy every turn helps dk too.  I’m not sure how many points that’s worth.  Plus dk gets 3 special weapons if you don’t take a voxcaster.  Plasma and choice of 2 others.


Edit:  Guess you’d need to march a command squad close enough to get orders.  Could be an issue I guess.  I’d have a hard time giving up a plasma for a vox.

Edited by crimsondave
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It is 65pts vs 80pts, so cadian is the winner. If a DKK squad with medic is 70pts, then 90% players will prefer DKK.


One problem is, if you have mixed troops unit, e.g. 3 Cadian and 2 DKK, opponent could make easy decision when choosing targets, and the mini-transhuman ability may never be triggered. If going DKK, then all DKK may required. That will result an un-negligible increase of points cost. 3 units will reduce 1 sentinel…

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Personally I think Mordian is just getting too excited as usual. If he did take the Shocktroops he'd have opened up more stratagems and saved a ton of points. Guard always do better with more models than upgraded units. 


DKOK Marshals are decent though. So are DKOK Riders. 

Edited by jarms48
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Both the mini-transhuman and the med pack are nice...but they're also pretty situational. The concept of the he squad is pretty good to give extra staying power to a regular squad. 


However, 80p is too expensive. I don't really see why they should cost more than Shock Troops, who getter a transhuman strat, so can get similar/better staying power on demand and have better damage output. As someone said, take 3 Dk and you have to drop a Sentinel. That's not a good trade.


That you have to exchange a Plasmagun for the basically mandatory vox caster is just the rotten cherry on top.


So they're nice, but too expensive. Make them 65p base, 70p with the med pack and they're definitely good.


Oh, and Catachans should obviously also drop to 65p base. Really no reason for that premium.


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5 hours ago, sairence said:

Both the mini-transhuman and the med pack are nice...but they're also pretty situational. The concept of the he squad is pretty good to give extra staying power to a regular squad. 


However, 80p is too expensive. I don't really see why they should cost more than Shock Troops, who getter a transhuman strat, so can get similar/better staying power on demand and have better damage output. As someone said, take 3 Dk and you have to drop a Sentinel. That's not a good trade.


That you have to exchange a Plasmagun for the basically mandatory vox caster is just the rotten cherry on top.


So they're nice, but too expensive. Make them 65p base, 70p with the med pack and they're definitely good.


Oh, and Catachans should obviously also drop to 65p base. Really no reason for that premium.


Mini transhuman is situational but the dkok medipack isn’t.  It’s pays for itself with one use but I agree the total cost is a little too high.


Catachans are awful.  They should be 55 points as they get no HW or anything but flamers for special weapons.  I got some of the “Space Nam” models and would run them as regular guard squads instead of catachan if I ever played competitive.

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I picked up some plastic sprues of DKOK with a hope I’d be able to get into a plastic DKOK guard army. That doesn’t look like it’s panning out and once again there is a definite BEST army/squad to take with guard.


Shock troops are just so much better.


Im bummed out about that even though the new Cadian releases are very nice.

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16 hours ago, crimsondave said:

Mini transhuman is situational but the dkok medipack isn’t. It’s pays for itself with one use but I agree the total cost is a little too high.


While this is true, it's still not really worth 5 points. It's the equivalent of having 1 extra model per turn. The issue is, like say resurrection protocols if they die in a single turn it's a useless upgrade. For example, all it takes is 11 unsaved bolter wounds and the squad is gone. 


If you were planning on taking a medi-pack on every squad you're better off saving the points for another unit.

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