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99,999 followers and a Tzeentch teaser

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2 minutes ago, Shinespider said:

He's far too much of a cute 'lil guy to be the Changeling, and his design language is totally different. The Changeling's hood is important, it conveys anonymity.


An AoS Warband member is a very good bet. 


It's for sure not the Changeling as I mentioned in the OP, my suggestion was that it could be alongside the Changeling, similar to Nurglings.

It is unlikely to be a Warcry thing as they've yet to include actual daemons, however it could definitely be a Underworlds team :sweat:

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26 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

It's for sure not the Changeling as I mentioned in the OP, my suggestion was that it could be alongside the Changeling, similar to Nurglings.


The Changeling model is not even that old though, it got a new plastic sculpt at the same time as the Lord of Change and the Blue and Brimstone Horrors. 

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While warhammer underworlds is by far the likeliest, as there is a new season inbound, the other possibilities are actually 40k related ( since tzeentch already got their battletome and warcry warband they are not due an AoS update soon .. there is a chance 40k Thousand sons or Daemons will get a new codex before AoS gets a new tzeentch one.)


- We still have 2 kill teams to go, and Daemons are among the few that havent had a bespoke team yet ( either WD, New or upgrade sprue) though I think this is least likely

- We havent seen the Thousand sons boarding patrol yet, nor do I believe we have seen or know all campaign releases yet. So it could be a familiar for something 40k still.

- Fourth one is a new warhammer quest, but there too I think 40k is more likely than AoS

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I think the pink color is a coincedence and its a familiar of sorts, this one doesnt seem to have the size of the pink horror..


1 hour ago, Lord Marshal said:

Almost certainly Underworlds. The base is too detailed to be anything else.


While this is very likely WHU, 2 upcoming 40k miniatures have a more detailed base than this one ( Vashtorr and what is likely farsight ) alot of newer special character models have elaborate bases and while those often are bigger miniatures this guy might be just a part of such a base, and not a standalone miniature itself.

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Huh, i hadnt really clocked the Jade Obelisk! 

He might just have a tactical rock because its stood on very small fingers, could be a Kill team release too, we dont know anything past the name of the Q2 release and its getting close to the potential previews for that, especially if its relatively early again.

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You know...I have enough spare horror arms to add to some Pro create and make a similar model to this guy :cool: Thanks for the inspiration GW :thumbsup:... 


Side note... Took em dang long enough to get that many followers... Tzeentch does not approve the speed with which followers are gathered... :laugh:




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I like it, but it kind of puts me in mind of the Shirimi (if you're unfamiliar with this folklore entity, don't google it at work)


The sculpted base makes me think this is either for Underworlds or it's an anniversary model of some kind.

Edited by Urauloth
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4 hours ago, Mumeishi said:

Tzeentch does not approve the speed with which followers are gathered... :laugh:


Though it happened just as they have a Tzeentch warband to market, so...Just as planned?


Love the little guy. Does feel like a unique underworlds sculpt, but iI guess usable in 40k daemons as a...thing?

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