dees Posted February 24, 2023 Share Posted February 24, 2023 Hello Friends, I've been kicking around ideas for an upcoming charity GT in May. Because it will be using the Arks of Omen missions and rules I think a list like this will be effective. Before posting this list I will say that this in not the most competitive list that I believe Space Wolves can bring. It is what I have currently and I don't intend to spend to much money if any on new models. I'm putting a lot of war gear that is often only useable if I'm aggressively in the face of my opponent, which I think fits what Space Wolves need to be effective. I haven't decided what relics and WLTs if any will be included and hope play tests determines that. Hungry for Battle and Whirlwind are what I'm leaning towards. Please look it over, and criticism and comments are always welcome. Rune Priest (Libarian), Jump Pack, Power Axe, Armour of Russ 115 points Wolf Lord on Bike, Power Fist, Combi-Melta 100 points 5 Inflitrators, Helix Gauntlet 100 points 5 Inflitrators, Helix Gauntlet 100 points 5 Blood Claws, Plasma Gun, Power Fist 85 points Venerable Dreadnought, Multimelta and Heavy Flamer 135 points Venerable Dreadnought, Multimelta and Heavy Flamer 135 points 5 Wulfen, 4 TH & SS, 1 pair Wulfen Frost Claws 145 points 5 Wulfen, 4 TH & SS, 1 pair Wulfen Frost Claws 145 points 5 Wolf Guard Terminators w/Chain Fist & Combi-Melta, 1xCML 170 points 5 Wolf Guard Terminators w/Chain Fist & Combi-Melta, 1xCML 170 points 5 Sky Claws, 3 Melta Guns, Power Fist, WGPL TH and Combi-Melta 110 points 5 Sky Claws, 3 Melta Guns, Power Fist, WGPL TH and Combi-Melta 110 points 5 Sky Claws, 3 Melta Guns, Power Fist, WGPL TH and Combi-Melta 110 points 3 Eradicators, Multi-Melta, 2 Heavy Melta Rifles 135 points 3 Eradicators, Multi-Melta, 2 Heavy Melta Rifles 135 points 2000 points total Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TiguriusX Posted February 24, 2023 Share Posted February 24, 2023 Consider making the wolf lord a full chapter master and using HUNTER trait Reroll all hits is VERY good buff for sky claws when you launch them solo to trade over a point in the open Eradicators consider making them 1 single blob. This makes it easy to buff them if there is a priority target like a massive knight or belakor etc. (reroll all hits + keen senses on all 6 instead of just 3) You can always combat squad them back to 2 separate blobs when you don't need to take down a big target Consider making the terminators 1 giant unit. It becomes your main hammer and each buff you use benefits all 10 of them. 10 combi-melta and 2xCML with keen senses and terminator +1 hit buff are nice when shooting Even better when they hit melee and go wild Just remember we can't combat squad WG if you go that route they are NOT flexible Are you staying pure SW or going successor? Karhedron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dees Posted February 24, 2023 Author Share Posted February 24, 2023 Thanks for the feed back TiguriusX. I want to use Hunters Unleashed and Savage Fury tactics, but I keep getting told how much better the Whirlwind or Rage and Hungry for Battel are in the early game. Waiting to fully benefit from the Space Wolves tactics kind is difficult for me in game terms is hard because my my games seem to be rapped up in the first 2 or 3 turns, and in tournaments more often than not the games are forced to end early. You are completely correct on the Eradicators and I will be doing that, so very much thank you. I have never run a full Terminator Squad that I can remember in 20 plus years of playing 40K. You do make strong points regarding getting the maximum use out strats and auras. I would be getting 4 missiles, 10 meltas, and 20 bolter shots buffed all at once, and in combat they are beasts. In my mind the issue with the full 10 strong unit is how move and utilize it without given the enemy an easy unit to avoid or tie down for minimal points. How do you use them? Is deep striking the way to go? Could they be foot slogged or outflanked effectively? I'd like to use a Chapter Master but need to adjust points to do so. Hunter is nice to have. I've also been thinking of taking a Thunderwolf Lord instead of a biker, then putting Hunter on the Rune Priest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kallas Posted February 25, 2023 Share Posted February 25, 2023 21 hours ago, dees said: I want to use Hunters Unleashed Honestly, I love Hunters Unleashed - it's not got the raw power of Whirlwind/Born Heroes, but the Heroic Intervention is pretty fantastic. It usually won't trigger very often once opponents are aware of it, but its simple existence makes them much more wary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TiguriusX Posted February 25, 2023 Share Posted February 25, 2023 23 hours ago, dees said: Thanks for the feed back TiguriusX. I want to use Hunters Unleashed and Savage Fury tactics, but I keep getting told how much better the Whirlwind or Rage and Hungry for Battel are in the early game. Waiting to fully benefit from the Space Wolves tactics kind is difficult for me in game terms is hard because my my games seem to be rapped up in the first 2 or 3 turns, and in tournaments more often than not the games are forced to end early. You are completely correct on the Eradicators and I will be doing that, so very much thank you. I have never run a full Terminator Squad that I can remember in 20 plus years of playing 40K. You do make strong points regarding getting the maximum use out strats and auras. I would be getting 4 missiles, 10 meltas, and 20 bolter shots buffed all at once, and in combat they are beasts. In my mind the issue with the full 10 strong unit is how move and utilize it without given the enemy an easy unit to avoid or tie down for minimal points. How do you use them? Is deep striking the way to go? Could they be foot slogged or outflanked effectively? I'd like to use a Chapter Master but need to adjust points to do so. Hunter is nice to have. I've also been thinking of taking a Thunderwolf Lord instead of a biker, then putting Hunter on the Rune Priest. 10 man terminator is a deep strike unit IMO But I also combo it with a chaplain for +2 charges...I typically shoot 1 unit and charge a different one Your list doesn't have that so you risk leaving them stranded on landing The benefit is you get to unload their guns on a priority target and then opponent has to deal with them or the termies run wild (on a flank or in backfield) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dees Posted March 30, 2023 Author Share Posted March 30, 2023 Thanks for the feedback! I've been playing 1000 to 1500 point games here and there over the past few weeks trying to see how units function. I have tried to get dreadnoughts to work but unfortunately even Bjorn struggles to keep pace. Dreads just aren't cutting it for me. So with that I've decided to give it another go with jump pack wolf guards. Lucky for me I have plenty of bodies to tool up for this and I just got 10 more jump packs. I am however running out of special ranged and close combat upgrades. I’m thinking that I have plenty of melta weapons so on the wolf guard I’m thinking plasma. That would be a total of 13 to 26 (with rapid fire) plasma shots, and 38 melta shots in the list. The WLT for the Rune Priest will be Hunter, and I’m tempted to not give one to the Wolf Lord so I can use Deed Worthy if Saga. I’m open to suggestion and if I’m right one could be generated via CP so I can determine that based on the game at hand. It is a Space Wolves Successor Chapter with Born Heroes and Whirlwind of Rage. HQ Wolf Lord on Thunder Wolf, Storm Shield, Master Crafted Thunder Hammer (120 points) HQ Rune Priest (Librarian), Force Axe, Armor of Russ Troop 5 Blood Claws, Plasma Gun, Power Fist (85 points) Troop 5 Blood Claws, Plasma Gun, Power Fist (85 points) Troop 5 Blood Claws, Plasma Gun, Power Fist (85 points) Elite Judiciar (75 Points) Elite 5 Wolf Guard w/Jumpacks, 4 Power Axes, 1 Power Fist, 5 Combi-Plasma (120 points) Elite 5 Wolf Guard w/Jumpacks, 4 Power Axes, 1 Power Fist, 5 Combi-Plasma (120 Points) Elite 5 Wulfen, 4 Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields, 1 Wulfen Frost Claws (145 Points) Elite 5 Wulfen, 4 Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields, 1 Wulfen Frost Claws (145 Points) Elite 10 Wolf Guard Terminators w/Chain Fist & Combi-Melta, 2 Cyclone Missile (340 Points) FA 5 Sky Claws, 3 Melta Guns, Power Fist, WGPL TH and Combi-Melta (110 Points) FA 5 Sky Claws, 3 Melta Guns, Power Fist, WGPL TH and Combi-Melta (110 Points) FA 5 Sky Claws, 3 Melta Guns, Power Fist, WGPL TH and Combi-Melta (110 Points) HS 6 Eradicators, 4 Heavy Melta Rifles, 2 MultiMelta (270 Points) Total Points 2000 I see this list having a lot of flexibility in the game based on my opponent and mission. The jump pack guys and Wulfen can be a fast assault force, or counter assault force. Than most everyone else helps supports with strong shooting, combat disruption, or objective scoring. Comments, criticisms, and questions are always welcome, and thanks for reading, I admit it’s a bit longer than I expected. TiguriusX 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dees Posted April 10, 2023 Author Share Posted April 10, 2023 I took the wolves out yesterday getting the chance to play some of my retooled units. My opponent and I played 1000 points and I brought Wulfen, Skyclaws, Jump Pack Wolf Guard, Blood Claws, Judiciar, and Rune Priest with a Jumpack, WLT Hunter and Armour of Russ. All my units had all the upgrades for power fists, thunder hammers and combi meltas. He played CSM Word Bears with a beefed up Lord, Master of Possession, Possessed, Legionars, Venom Crawler, and 2 Hellbrutes, and 3 Bikes. I don’t remember his war gear but his lord was a smasher with like 6 attacks at S7 and D2. This legionars had the mark of Khorne and tooled for CC. I should have done better remembering to take pics but here is how it progressed in pictures. svane jotunsbane, yan and TiguriusX 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dees Posted April 10, 2023 Author Share Posted April 10, 2023 I was able to move up in 2 waves as most of my units move 8 or 12 inches, and because of the Judiciar, Armour of Russ and merderous hurricane his counter charge was severely blunted. I do need to give his Lord credit for killing all my Wulfen, but because of their fight on death ability they still killed multiple units. He also used the Word Bearers strat to bring his characters back to life which was very effective. On turn 3 the Wolf Guard and Rune Priest killed the Master of Possessionfor the second time completing the purge. given the table we played on I’m not sure if The Emperor or Sigmar was more pleased. TiguriusX 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yan Posted April 12, 2023 Share Posted April 12, 2023 Looks like a solid list. I personally would prefer a chaplin (on bike) over the thunderlord. Or would try to free up points for him. Cos that +2 to charge is making most of my games Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dees Posted April 24, 2023 Author Share Posted April 24, 2023 Last Friday I was finally able to play a 2000 point game with my Dire Wolves. Before most games were 1000 points which kind of end up being a “test these 3 units” games instead of a build a real list to practice. I played mostly the list above but with a Primaris Wolf Priest and less Blood Claws to make the points work. My opponent played DA with 2 Sicaran (spelling?) tanks, a Leviathan Dreadnought, 3 Terminator Squads, a bunch of characters I do not remember the names of in terminator armor, and 2 small tactical marine squads. We Played the Abandoned Sanctuaries map and objective placements. I deployed but kept the WGT and SC in reserve. He kept one Terminator squads in reserve with everything else on the board. I got the first turn and moved my army up into the mid board behind LOS blocking terrain as much as possible. The only damage I do was to kill one of the Sicaran tanks, which was just fine with me. On his turn he moved up a bit to get the SuperDread and LC Terminators closer. His Remaining Sicaran killed 2 Eradicators because of a lot of misses and transhuman thankfully. The Dread killed some BC. I start to realize that the stars are aligned with me here as my dead pill was smaller than it should have been. My turn sees the WGT and SC come in and some movement with everything else to the mid board. I also place my Judiciar and RunePriest with AoR in the thick of my army so his charge will be muted. I kill the second Sicaran with the WGT and the Dread with the Wolf Guard with JP use melta and power axe to cut down the Dread. The action in his next turn is his Deep Striking Terminators charge and kill one squad of Wolf Guard, while his Lightning Claw Terminators charge SC but are intersected by the Judiciar snd get killed but for one. To wrap this up the only major events of the next turn were the Wulfen getting a go at the Terminators that killed the Wolf Guards. There were only 8 DW Terminators left after a melta gun barrage, and the Wulfen got something like 18 hits on the charge with exploding 6s. The Inner Circle bonus being gone meant that wounding them was no issue and all were killed. At that point he conceded the game. I was pleased with how the Wolves played this out and he was a good guy to play against. TiguriusX, Bouargh and Prot 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted April 25, 2023 Share Posted April 25, 2023 Congratulations. I just played my Wolves vs DA as well but the list was very different, leveraging tons of 3D plasma through bikes, and multi hellblasters. I nearly got tabled but pulled off a win as well. I think this is a tough match up for us but I love our secondary over theirs a lot more. I’m glad your Wulfen had a great showing. Mine got stuck in reserves failed two charge attempts amd got shot to death. Lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dees Posted April 25, 2023 Author Share Posted April 25, 2023 Thanks Prot. I was lucky in the way the vast majority of his shooting was his tanks, and one was killed before it could fire. I’ve had my Wulfen come in from reserves to do nothing as well so I’ve been trying hide them and then get them to charge in the mid board which has been mostly successful. I run them in my second wave, so my SC or WG can tie up stuff to protect the Wulfen, and the Wulfen help the others make more charges. The tactic has some major issues against gun lines but if I get the charge off the gun lines disintegrate more often than not, and very few things survive a Wulfen charge. TiguriusX 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dees Posted May 7, 2023 Author Share Posted May 7, 2023 On Saturday I got the chance to go roll some dice at the local store again. It was 1000 points and I brought the Rune Priest, 2 units of SkyClaws, 2 units of Wolf Guards, 2 units of Wulfen and 5 Desolators. He had 2 LRBT with one being an HQ, a command squad, 2 Sentinels and something like 4 or 6 Cadian infantry squads. We played a basic 3 objective game because of the small board size. I hid all my units as much as I could, and he foreword deployed the sentinels. Luckily I got first turn and moved all but the Desolators foreword and into melta gun range of the sentinels. The Desolators killed one infantry squad off. I killed one sentinel with shooting and killed the other with a charge from the SkyClaws. I then payed the CP to add 3 inches to the consolidation move putting the SkyClaws right into his infantry. On his turn the LRBTs killed all the Desolators and his bullgrin killed all but one SkyClaws of the unit that got into his lines. We called the game on the next turn as I was able to destroy a LRBT HQ with melta guns and charge and engage all his units but for the command squad. He is a great opponent and had he had the chance to shot before i moved forward the game would have at least been much closer. I played him once before with my IG army in basically a mirror mach and know how devastating an IG (astra militarum for you pups reading this) can be. Here are some picks of the game. TiguriusX, Rune Priest Jbickb and Bouargh 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TiguriusX Posted May 7, 2023 Share Posted May 7, 2023 quality win...taking astra militarum in this meta is not easy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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