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Event List help


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So this is the list as I made it in the Warhammer App. I am looking at critique and ideas on this list that I am planning to use for a tournament style event using the Arks of Omen. This is a test out event in prep for the GW crusade event that is happening later this year. 1000pts. I think the format is okay for posting rules but if I am wrong I am happy to edit it.

The idea is to use the two tanks as the center piece with Infantry as objective gatherers and holders. I figure it’s a bit fragile. Straken and his squad of Catachans is my Close Combat counter.


Army Faction: Imperium

    - Game Mode: Grand Tournament

    - Army Size: Incursion

    - Regimental Doctrines: Born Soldiers


    - Faction: Astra Militarum



‘Iron Hand’ Straken (75)
    - Warlord


Cadian Shock Troops (65)
    - 6x Shock Trooper
    - 1x Shock Trooper Sergeant
    - 1x Shock Trooper: Grenade launcher
    - 1x Shock Trooper: Plasma gun
    - 1x Shock Trooper: Vox-caster

Cadian Shock Troops (65)
    - 6x Shock Trooper
    - 1x Shock Trooper Sergeant
    - 1x Shock Trooper: Grenade launcher
    - 1x Shock Trooper: Meltagun
    - 1x Shock Trooper: Vox-caster

Catachan Jungle Fighters (70)
    - 6x Jungle Fighter
    - 1x Jungle Fighter Sergeant
    - 2x Jungle Fighter: Flamer
    - 1x Jungle Fighter: Vox-caster

Fast Attack

Armoured Sentinels (50)
    - Militarum plasma cannon, Hunter-killer missile

Heavy Support


Leman Russ Battle Tanks (160)
    - Executioner plasma cannon, Heavy bolter, Armoured tracks, Dozer blade

Lord of War


Banehammer (515)
    - 2x Twin heavy bolter, 2x Lascannon, 2 X Twin heavy flamer
    - Tank Aces (Super-Heavy models) upgrade: Knight of Piety

Total Command Points: 0/6

Reinforcement Points: 0

Total Points: 1000/1000

Edited by TechCaptain
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So a superheavy in 1k points is going to put a situation in front of a lot of people that they won't be able to handle. I would check how dense the terrain will be, because the biggest problem with such a massive model will be the ability to move around. Other armies will likely try to moveblock you.


Apart drom that, I would potentially drop the Russ for more bodies or Sentinels. Firepower is great, but scoring points wins games. You realistically only have 4 units to score with and very little spare to hold up an enemy push. 

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1 hour ago, sairence said:

So a superheavy in 1k points is going to put a situation in front of a lot of people that they won't be able to handle. I would check how dense the terrain will be, because the biggest problem with such a massive model will be the ability to move around. Other armies will likely try to moveblock you.


Apart drom that, I would potentially drop the Russ for more bodies or Sentinels. Firepower is great, but scoring points wins games. You realistically only have 4 units to score with and very little spare to hold up an enemy push. 


So I know my location unless I bring a bunch of terrain it won't be that dense. Though I do plan on bringing a bit. Dropping the Russ Could net me two more squads and maybe either a heavy weapons squad or a HQ, maybe. Increased holding and platforms for less firepower and less toughness. Interesting idea. I will do up an alternate list testing out what I can do there. 


I wish I had more Sentinels lol.  Would an Inquisitor or a Heavy Command Squad with Attaches be a good bring in if I drop the Russ? Also the Superheavy is partially because I know at least two people will bring Knights or Chaos Knights as their army. There is at least one who does Eldar with their Super heavy even at 1k. It seems that my local Meta is centered a bit around Superheavies. 


Here was my Army before a Cadia Stands box which is still not fully put together. 


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1 hour ago, Tokugawa said:

Usually 1k games are for introducing more players to this hobby. The 1k events usually are not super competitive focused, and will set extra limits on units composition.


I can't believe that they allow Titanic units. If they allows, I suggest bring two.

Oh, they allow it. *laughs* My first Tourney there was where my Knight got crushed at 1000k by Chaos Space Marines. Those Khorne boys and Iron Warriors have massive number and weight of attacks. High Wounds and High Toughness only helps so much around here. Unfortunately, the regulars are all pretty tough to me. I was able to make fourth place by the time we advanced to 2000pts for the second half of that Tourney. Full Knight list did better than a Single Knight with Admech. This time I am trying out my guard for the first time since early 7th Edition.  Last time I played Guard it was all about massed fire and foot guard tar pits. But I can see them getting mulched pretty easy no matter the manner. So I am planning on trying to get as many points as I can before I get tabled. (has happened 4 out of my 6 games this edition.)

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