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Welcome to part two of the Blood Angels Unit of the Week Series!


Following the release of the 9th edition Supplement, there is no better time to discuss all the units we have access to. Each week a different unit will appear, with the idea being that we discuss how best to use that model on the battlefield. Where part one will focus on the unique BA units and part two will focus on BA units that are new to this edition of the Codex, part three will discuss how to get the best use the generic units from the past that are still with us (and that many of us have in our armies still), and part four will discuss the Legends units that we still own and love. Forge World and Forge World Legends comprise parts five and six.


Note, this isn't to lament any nerfs, etc, from previous editions; the rules are as they are so try to unlock its potential for those who wish to use them all the same. Similarly, this thread is only for using the option being discussed; it matters not if you feel something is a better choice as such comments aren't constructive to the topic and shall be removed.


Without further ado, here's this week's entry:


sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Desolation Squad

What are your thoughts here folks? How best would you use your Desolators? (WarCom downloads, direct link)

  • To compliment a list, or to build a list around? Will the Chapter Approved and current Warzone changes affect your list(s)?
  • Will you be running multiple units? What Deployment options do you prefer?
  • What weapons and equipment are you taking and does the above affect how you run them?
  • What is your preferred Signum choice?
  • Are you buffing this unit? If so, how?
  • Stratagems of note?

Over to you

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I think they're a bit too expensive for their points. There is a role for them to fill, but I don't see them dethroning existing builds.


I might experiment with them if I end up getting a game of SM before the edition flips over, but I wouldn't tool my whole army around them.

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1 hour ago, Jolemai said:


I picked up the strike force box, but primarily for the dreadnought, so I haven't really been thinking about what to do with the Desolators yet, my guess is a few others are the same. To be honest I doubt I'll get them painted during 9th edition...

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They are a bit overpriced at the moment compared to Devastators + Whirlwind but I can see some uses for them.


Now that we can sit in Devastator Doctrine, the superkrak missiles will negate 3+ saves and the castellans will be getting some AP, even when firing indirectly. Take 2 or 3 squads and sit them in Devastator Doctrine along with the Codex Warfare Secondary and they should be reasonable at raking in the VPs provide you are not facing too many T8+ targets.


Then take a Sanguinary Priest and use the Chalice to kick 1 or 2 key melee units into the Assault Doctrine each turn. Sanguinary Guard or tooled up DC should be able to tear through many targets and will crucially allow us to double-dip on Codex Warfare by scoring points in both the shooting and melee phases.


Granted you can pull the same trick with other heavy support units but Desolators do offer the chance to attack multiple targets per turn and help leverage those VPs. Is this the best we can do with them? I am not completely sure but it looks like it could work well on paper.

Edited by Karhedron
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