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first game in a long time

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with my marines.

played against deathwatch and was very unpleasantly surprised by the mixed squads allowing terminators to be part of troops choices, and the numbers of shields they could take.

as per usual my list wasn't remotely optimized or meta, so i don't think i had many if any mortal wound opportunities, so those terminators and shield models tanked so much firepower it was kind of ridiculous.

bright side, my thunderstrike performed amazingly against a redemptor and repulsor executioner.
overwatched one repulsor to death, and overwatched another nearly to death. gravis captain backing  up palsceptors did some heavy lifting on their flank. aggressors did some good work, but failed a 7" charge, meaning they didn't perform as well as they normally do for me.

i decided to play custom traits, going with rapid assault, and master artesans. ngl i completely forgot about my rerolls...every. single. time...so that could have made some big differences.

SHP revived an inceptor, which eventually ended up killing his warlord.

was pretty close in VP i don't recall exactly, but not too far off.

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11 hours ago, Xenith said:

Good to see it was such a close game despite how hard it was - DW still have some tricks up their sleeve, I recall they were one of the better performing marine factions for a while. 

Yeah, he had a mixed squad with like 4 termies with missile launchers, and 4 normal marines with rocket launchers. 
so much krak I’m still high.

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