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The Greymanes are a Space Wolves successor chapter, raised in the midst of the Indomitus Crusade. Skilled close-quarters combatants, they place a great emphasis on their line brothers’ individual fighting prowess and skill at arms. The autochthonous traditions of their savage fief-world, New Albia, influences them as much as Fenris does the Space Wolves. 

They were founded from Unnumbered Sons of the gene-line of Leman Russ who had survived the opening stages of the Indomitus Crusade. While they were keen to win the respect of their primogenitors, the founding cadre had little memory of Fenris and little love for its traditions. Much more prominent in the makeup of the burgeoning chapter’s culture were their shared experiences as Greyshields and the Codex orthodoxy imposed upon them. They thus agreed to the Kin-Pack Declaration set forth by Logan Grimnar in only the broad strokes. 

Assigned to the distant Feral World of New Albia in the Ultima Segmentum, they swiftly “went native”. For some reason or another, the traditions and customs of their fief-world had a profound effect on these first Greymanes. As recruits from New Albia filled the ranks, the transformation became more pronounced. Blending the customs of that world with the Fenrisian ways of war and the dictates of the Codex Astartes produced a unique Chapter culture. 


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The Greymanes are divided up into eight Fyrds, each roughly equivalent to a reinforced Company in size. Each Fyrd possesses its own, independent Armory, Librarius, and Fleet. They are not subunits, but rather self-contained warbands in their own right, with their own idiosyncratic traditions and cultures. In addition, their ways of war are reflective of disparate and diverse ways of thinking.


Fyrds contain a variable number of druht. This is a small warband of infantry roughly equivalent to the Codex squad. The lines between what a Codex-compliant chapter would deem distinct roles, however, are fuzzy.


In general, the Greymanes are as able in defense as they are in attack. When on the offensive, they prefer to fight single, decisive actions with marked shock effects. This tactic of routing the foe in one approach is termed within the chapter as the “Unswerving Sword”. When on the backfoot or fighting to hold strategic ground, however, they form up into close ranks, pelting the foe at range before charging in for hand-to-hand combat. Depending on the Fyrd, other, different strategies and tactics may be employed as well.




Greymane officers often bear titles of New Albian provenance. The Chapter Master bears the royal rank of Cyning. Rather than a Captain, the Fyrds are led by an Aetheling, who commands a retinue of veterans known as Gesith. These lieutenants often take the role of druht leaders. In the case of larger deployments, they might form druhts of their own or take up command themselves.


  • 2 weeks later...

Being an exploration of the tempers and humours of different druhts.

The Greymanes distinguish druhts by battlefield roles, as with a Codex-compliant chapter. They are as follows: 


  • Vanguard Druhts generally consist of new recruits, under the tutelage of a full Battle-Brother. Though impetuous, the Greymanes keep a tight leash on these eager youths, rather than relegating them to assault roles as the Space Wolves do. Under the watchful eyes of their druht leaders, they learn discipline, stealth, and subtlety. 
  • Close Support and Battleline Druhts are the realm of full Battle-Brothers. Aggression is best tempered with experience, and coordination is regarded as key to victory by any Aetheling. 
  • Fire Support Druhts are often elder warriors of the Greymanes chapter. They have either been passed over for promotion to the Gesith or are yet to be chosen for those august ranks. The worst of the impetuousness that Russ’s gene-seed encourages in whelps is gone, replaced with a cold and honed hunter’s instinct. If the prey can be caught obliquely or wrongfooted, these elders reason, all the better.
  • Gesith are the Veterans of the Chapter, raised from the ranks, given special dispensation to fight wholly as they wish. Often, they will continue fighting as they were, but others might take up the roles of a Bladeguard Veteran or a Terminator.


(Up to 750 points assembled and mostly painted now.)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


"Do not weep for me and the brothers under my command! Do not wail! Baleful death has already vanquished hence many of the human race; I will join their ranks soon enough. My life for New Albia!"
-Last known transmission of Aetheling Branulf, of the Bordweall.

Being an elaboration on the Eight Fyrds, each one the others' equal in glory:

  • The Wighthounds:  Led by the Cyning, this ill-starred Fyrd contains the Kingsguard, the chapter’s Veterans. Some miasma surrounds the Wighthounds; they frequently suffer reverses and casualties are high. Though the exact origin of this remains obscure, many blame the touch of the New Albian death deity Arawn for their fate. However, the Wighthounds’ Veterans are second to none in skill at arms and they have a number of suits of Terminator armor.
  • Sons of Ghogmagog: The boisterous brothers of this Fyrd are distinguished by their love of heavy weaponry and armored vehicles. Their leader, Hely Oakskin, is known for his indomitable spirit, tremendous size, and preternatural strength. Unsubtle by nature, the Sons of Ghogmagog favor pounding the enemy with their firepower.
  • The Bordweall: The Bordweall are known for their preference for tried-and-true tactics. A large number of their druhts take the field as versatile Intercession Squads. By no means, however, are they slow to adapt. They are led by Branulf. As of this writing, the Bordweall is deployed as part of a Solblade task force.
  • The Scaich: A wrongfooted, blinded foe is soon to be a dead one. To this precept, hew the brothers of the Scaich - shadow-warriors without peer. Ferdiad, their Aetheling, is more a ghost than a man, rarely seen in the halls of Kamahaloth.
  • Sons of Vadi: Vadi is a legendary seafarer of New Albian myth, and he lends his name to this Fyrd of void warfare specialists. When doing battle planetside, the Sons of Vadi prefer to make heavy use of Stormwolf assault craft and other such aircraft. 
  • Hounds of Wayland: Skilled technologists, the Hounds of Wayland are ever pushing the bounds of Mechanicus orthodoxy with their tinkering. Their Aetheling, Volund, is more machine than man at this point. 
  • Ironsides: Named for the armored knights of Old Albia, the Ironsides favor the use of heavy infantry of all types over lighter assets. Terminators, Aggressors, and Centurions are all common sights within this Fyrd.
  • The Wake: Grim outriders and lookouts, the security of the New Albia system’s marches is left to this Fyrd. As such, they rarely leave it. 



"Ironsides Terminators broke the Winter of Woes, cut the threads of many of the Tizcan Flame, broke their witch’s sticks. By our strength, by our dedication, the Chapter’s homeworld was liberated. Our people look to us for heroes! We will not be found wanting!"
-Eisbran, Aetheling of the Ironsides.

He got uprated; I figured the model was unique enough to warrant it. 


Abrecan Soul-Storm is the foremost Librarian of the Wighthounds, and therefore of the Chapter. He has overcome many hurdles in the course of his career. The Greymanes are intensely suspicious of so-called Wycca. That Abrecan has risen so high is a testament to his true grit and determination. 

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


BASTIOR was giving way. That much was clear to anyone with sense, Abrecan morbidly noted to himself. On Oghram, the Bordweall had fought a costly rearguard action - giving their bodies and souls for time to save a handful. Though the Chief Librarian had dragged away the wounded Aetheling Branulf, keeping him from futilely selling his life to the Tyranids, billions of Imperial citizens had died on that benighted world - and for what? This was a blasphemy to contemplate, but the Xenos were clearly prevailing. 


As the chief communications officer of the Chapter, he himself relayed messages back to New Albia, ceaselessly battling the Shadow in the Warp for scant seconds of conversation. Each time, it was taxing. It drained him. He could still hear their chittering cries of rage in his dreams. He could feel their claws, scratching at his defenses. He wearied of this lonely torment, that only a few of his brothers could ever truly understand. 

But Abrecan was made of sterner stuff than despair. He thought back to Oghram - of the lives he'd helped save, putting himself between the horde and his brothers, between the meek, blameless masses. Over his long life, he'd seen a galaxy of horrors - both manmade and alien. But he wasn't about to give up yet. Pride swelled. Make hope peal out, even if we sink into darkness. He told his subordinate Epistolaries psychically. More so than our Wycca, it is the proof that we lived.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


Worlds die to give way to strong, hardy life. Angels drink the hard-paid blood of the faithful; they take part in some holy-unholy sacrament of communion. Wolves are there - and not there. I hold them in my mind, think on these, try to comprehend their inherent paradox. And I inevitably find myself unable to hold the fullness. But still, I try.

Is this faith? Of a sort, I suppose. I believe in the in-betweens, the yeses and nos, the 'yes and...'. 

Heresy, you say? You might say that, yes!

We are Vlka Fenryka; that is proof enough. My fangs lengthen, my hair grays, and my skin even now hardens, becomes leathery. Russ's tell-tale gene-marks. Yet I was born not on Fenris, but on New Albia. A violent world, but not violent in the way Fenris is. I was born Godwyn, son of Alfryd, of Riverdown. That man - or boy, as many other cultures would tell you - is dead. Laying in agony, Bullroarer arose from his corpse. We share a forename, nothing more.

I served the namesake of this chapter as one of his ten lords. Of these lords, I, Hely Oakskin, and Volund are all that remain of those august ten. Only eight Fyrds remain. Njord Greymane of Fenris fell in battle. I took his sword up and will fall, too. There is no Wolftime waiting for me. Laws of life and death forbid Leman Russ from returning to us. Yet I fight every battle as my last will be fought. 

Edited by SvenIronhand

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