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Been fairing great, glad to see you back.


It's been a bit since I played my Wolves, but I certainly enjoyed Blood Claws and Land Raider Crusaders earlier in 9E. I just picked up the last kit I'm going to do for the Drakeslayers at this point in time, another squad of Wolf Guard Terminators, then it's just finishing out all the painting of what I have. That should mark the end of their saga, and the start of some Wolfspear.

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Guest Triszin
10 hours ago, PeteySödes said:

Been on a bit of a break from the hobby how are you all fairing? Can I get some sagas?



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Welcome back!


Had a BIG wave of Hobby-Motivation after Christmas til mid of January, got a huge deal done, both for my Wolves (which I haven't shown on the Forum yet...) and for the Slaves to Darkness I paint for a buddy (with Fel-green Lava bases, which I love SO much, I will have to do some Lava-Bases for my Wolves)

I got into that zone were painting was actually fun and I could basically shut off the brain for hours. Haven't had rhat in a looong time.

Obviously progress each day, however little, was a huge boon.


I considered buying the Agastus Box to see how to make the Rocket Guys work, aesthetically (Also to properly decorate the Brutalis Dreadnought and make some Gravis Breachers), but then I didn't.


But then I got hit by the Nurgly Blessings of the kids at work. And shortly after blood poisoning from a visit to the dentist. And then a week of *that* obnoxious Virus.

I'd be lying if I said I was NOT considering to sell EVERYTHING Hobby-related and just cleaning the slate.

...and then last week my highly pregnant wife had to go to the hospital (just some check-ups and observation, just to be safe, nothing dramatic) until today.


Work still being plague ridden with Scarlet Fever, Flu and various Colleagues MIA and the little Heir arriving sometime in the next ~8 weeks, I dunno how much time & energy I will have for Hobby stuff.

Oddly enough tho, the Lion's Model reveal and the 10th Edition Trailer - the new&old Terminators being the core of it - rekindled my motivation. 


Enough of me, how did YOU fare?

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44 minutes ago, RikuEru said:


Oddly enough tho, the Lion's Model reveal and the 10th Edition Trailer - the new&old Terminators being the core of it - rekindled my motivation. 



Hah yea thats sort of what got me curious and wanting to check in, I saw the "He's back!" memes and was like oh dang could "HE" be back? But alas no Russ yet, maybe in another 10 years haha.


Yea just keeping busy at home and work etc. Still getting most of my creative energy out by being an iron priest lol. Havent disassembled the hobby room much to my wifes chagrin though so theres still hope. 

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16 minutes ago, PeteySödes said:


Hah yea thats sort of what got me curious and wanting to check in, I saw the "He's back!" memes and was like oh dang could "HE" be back? But alas no Russ yet, maybe in another 10 years haha.


Yea just keeping busy at home and work etc. Still getting most of my creative energy out by being an iron priest lol. Havent disassembled the hobby room much to my wifes chagrin though so theres still hope. 


The best lion joke i have seen so far regarding the current state of the game




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Guest Triszin

I haven't played a single game of 9th.




I don't expect a sw range refresh until the end of 10th - start of 11th.


I do expect to see a terminstor character in plastic between now and then


I do like the way they are painting the wolf scheme now


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Glad to see your Visage gracing the halls again! Welcome back! 


I've had alot less hobby time myself so not much saga to report here. I get to my weekly game nights about 70% of the time and play a small point game or 2 and that's the hobby time I get which is good but I haven't built or painted in months. I suppose that's the trade when you have a new cub to chase around instead. 


Glad to see the news brought back. I'm personally quite excited for a new Terminator kit. Terminators have always been my favorite. 

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Great to have you back, missed your works, which have inspired me on many occasions!


I've not picked up a brush or knife in 6 - 9 months, we are going through a major remodel on our house, so my beautiful hobby room got halved and now is also a dressing room and store room.  The upside is the remodel will give me a home office/hobby room some 3.5m x 5m so I will have a lot of space to fill and hopefully paint - in 3 or 4 months time.


Kinda related I got the Lego UCS Millennium Falcon for Christmas and it's still in the Christmas wrapping paper!  I need more non-grown up time!


I'm also happy about the terminators, I've been painting them since I was 21 or 22, so 30 years now.

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Ah yes, a most welcome re-appearance!

It's been kind of a mix for me. I did get into some semi-regular games with 9th edition, but I can't say I loved the continuous stacking of more and more rules, and the flow of the game in general. A lot of matches felt more like a chore than actual fun to me, and frustratingly I rarely if ever actually won. Maybe that will change with the new edition, let's see...
I have enjoyed some of the skirmish systems a bit more in the last 6 months.

In terms of painting and building, that's always something I return to, and which frankly is more consistently something which Iactually enjoy. I did also deviate into Kill Team models a bit, but recently returned to my Wolves, and they still make me very happy...

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I’ve also had less and less time to hobby in the last few months - travel for work has picked up tremendously, so spending time with the family when I am home has become paramount.  That 9th just doesn’t sit right with me hasn’t helped me decide to sit down and paint any 40K models anyway (it’s been almost exclusively BattleTech).  Hoping that 10th gets me motivated a little again.


Hope to see you stick around, man, and never disassemble the hobby room!  :laugh:

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Welcome back Petey. I just saw this and I hope you stay around a while. Heck I have even been painting Wolves. They’re in a decent spot right now. And honestly, just my opinion but the way 10th is looking a lot of chapter traits seem to go away. So I believe a codex like Wolves has the flavourful advantage of a bunch of unique data sheets. 

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