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Adventures of the Arkepeli 1st

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Battle for the Bluffs Pt1



Captain Wolfe stood hunched over the driver’s shoulder in side the hull of the regimental command vehicle, the Stormlord superheavy known as the Emperor’s Piano. The Colonel relinquished it to Wolfe for this mission. He is to lead a reinforced platoon in establishing a preliminary forward defensive line in the no man’s land outside of the hive city’s great walls on the hilly plains before the dense copperwood forests.
                Wolfe believes he found the perfect location for the mission, a group of short hills with very long slopes that sit about two miles from the edge of the forests. The three of them cover a little over half a mile from the northern end of one slope, to the most southern end of the south slope. Wolfe will use his armored transports to plug the areas between the hills, while his infantry digs in on top of the hills themselves. His 2nd platoon from his 5th company was being reinforced by two scout sentinels  and two squads mounted in tauroxes from the recon platoon. The Emperor’s Piano was leading the platoon at the head of a wedge shaped formation with two chimeras in echelon on either side.


     “How long until we’ve reached the disembarkation point?” Wolfe asked the driver.

“Well sir, at this speed we should be there in about an hour and a half.” Wolfe, gave a non-committal grunt, and went to find the vehicle’s vox operator, so he could get an update from the advanced element that last he new was about 4 or 5 miles ahead of him. “Enemy auto-trikes 2000 yards ahead! Bearing 3-0-0 relative!” the vehicle’s commander Staff Sgt Doyle called out as the 4 small but surprisingly bulky bikes came out from around the nearest bluff. These trikes had a rider, a gunner operating either an automatic grenade launcher, or a light machine gun, and a platform to carry 3 more men, originally intended as a light cargo hauler for the forestry camps. The EP’s gunner called out an affirmative and seconds later the whole vehicle began to shake as the Vulcan mega bolter opened fire along with the sponson and hull mounted heavy bolters. “Sir! The advanced element is reporting an ambush! One armored land train, and at least 25 infantry with a load of missile launchers atop one of our target hills!” The vox operator called out, “They’re falling back to regroup with us now!”

      The shooting lasted only a few seconds, before it stopped, Capt. Wolfe went back into the troop bay, and climbed up the back of the vehicle's superstructure to look ahead. Through a pair of binoculars, Wolfe could see the trikes were utterly destroyed, and surrounded by small, but significant craters where the vulcan had missed. Climbing back down into the troop bay, he looked at veteran staff and the assault trooper squad "It won't be long now boys, make sure someone is on those stubbers from here on until we disembark, and put the plasma gunners on the firing steps as well." he told his men before heading back inside to make sure a contact report was called in back to the regimental HQ.


Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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This is a good start.



You repeatedly used present tense in the story, when past tense is more appropriate. Examples, with my emphases:

He IS to lead a reinforced platoon
Wolfe BELIEVES he found the perfect location for the mission
The three of them COVER a little over half a mile from the northern end of one slope

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  • 2 months later...

AI assisted Pt2

With the enemy entrenched on the hills, the 1st Arkapeli Dragoons deployed their infantry onto the elevated positions, carefully navigating the rugged terrain. The veterans and assault troopers, armed to the teeth, took up defensive positions, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. The crackling energy of anticipation filled the air as they awaited the inevitable clash.

Captain Wolfe, ever vigilant, oversaw the positioning of his forces, ensuring that each squad had clear fields of fire and overlapping sectors of defense. He knew that the enemy's missile launchers posed a significant threat, capable of turning their armored transports into smoking wrecks. It was crucial to neutralize that threat swiftly.

With a resolute expression, Captain Wolfe addressed his troops, his voice cutting through the tension. "Hold the line, Dragoons! This battle will test our mettle, but we will prevail. For the Emperor and the safety of our comrades in the hive city!"

A chorus of determined affirmations echoed through the ranks, bolstering their spirits. The battle was about to commence, and the fate of the 1st Arkapeli Dragoons and the hive city hung in the balance. With nerves of steel and unwavering loyalty, they braced themselves, ready to unleash the might of the Imperial Guard upon the enemy, defending their sacred duty with every fiber of their being.

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