jimbo1701 Posted April 3, 2023 Share Posted April 3, 2023 (edited) Greetings all. I love nothing better than a good bit of speculation when it comes to Warhammer. Thought I’d kick off with some thoughts based on the patterns we’ve seen previously. This is to discuss model releases primarily, not for rules discussion etc. We’ve now seen though the arks of omens releases that a few classic characters have been given updates (snikrot, farsight, azrael, Dante) as well as a few new ones (vashtor, lion, angron) and two armies being released in the middle, one old, one new (guard and world eaters). In addition, almost every faction got a discount bundle boarding patrol and new scenery has been released alongside kill team. This pretty much brings 10th to a close in a similar manner to how psychic awakening wrapped up 9th. 10th was always going to begin with a Starter set, which we now know is generic space marine models vs tyranids. I’ve been convinced for the past 2 years since before rumours came about that this would be the case. Why? Well it just made too much sense not to. Marines will always feature and tyrannies are the obvious choice due to the age of their range and low key releases in recent years. From the trailer I think we can hazard a decent guess at the contents and I suspect we will get the usual smaller starter sets to follow the big indomitus style opening set. Space marines - as with the previous 2 editions I suspect a wave release within a few months of the main starter release containing multi parts for the starter contents and expanding a bit further beyond this. Things I could see them doing include further variants of the impulsor and repulsor chassis, hq models in gravis / jump / bike variant form, neophytes, servitors. I dare say a smaller second wave will follow later in 10th but at this point the primaris range may have almost fully superseded the firstborn range. I don’t expect things such as land raiders / drop pods will be replaced, rather all marines will be able to use them, but don’t expect any new firstborn releases. (I’m not counting the new terminators as strictly either) Other marines chapters - regardless of what happens with sub factions I am convinced that we will get updates to the main non-codex adherent chapters in the same manner that the black Templars received an update. I would guess dark angels and blood angels will come first and space wolves and deathwatch later. All of these guys need upgrade kits similar to the ones the black Templars received imo, which would allow building of things such as deathwing/ravenwing, death company, grey hunters etc. this would allow the majority of releases to focus on a couple of kits for each faction and characters. I would expect some characters such as corbulo and lemartes to get the same treatment as Lazarus, in that they can build both a special character and a generic version. Grey knights - I hold out hope that these guys will get a larger scale release in this edition and that the models will be primaris in all but name similar to castellan Crowe. Terminators and power armour squads to fit in with the new scale that every other marine army now adopts. The fact that the line between firstborn and primaris is so blurred now should make this easier. knights - if the heresy rumours are try I suspect we will see cerastus knights folded into their book also. Sisters - after the initial two waves I think sisters will have a quiet time this edition. Maybe a character or a flyer and that’s about it. Custodes - I actually think custodes will get a lot of love this edition for 2 reasons. Firstly they are a popular faction with a small range and only 1 character release in 9th. Secondly, I could see a unique case for plastic HH releases being rolled into their main book and used across both systems - mainly tanks and dreadnoughts. Imperial guard - probably relatively little for them due to the large wave in 9th. Perhaps plastic ratlings / advisors. Would be nice to get more expansion to the regiments. Chaos marines - bikes and Huron are the main things lacking in the range at present. I suspect given the amount of releases they had in the previous edition these will be pretty low key in this edition. Emperors children - hopefully later in 10th the emperors children will get their own release to bring them in line with the other cult chapters. Noise marines, cultists, Lucius and daemon Primarch fulgrim a dead cert, whatever else they get is speculative but I dare say they will be on the same level as thousand sons / world eaters. Death guard - despite getting a low key release last edition I don’t think these guys will get much more love this time around. 1-2 units best. Thousand sons - hard to say with these chaps. They do have a very limited range but it’s difficult to say exactly what is lacking or what could be added. World eaters - definitely in need of an expansion to include any manner of units later in this edition ideally. Jump infantry, cavalry, teeth of khorne, daemon engines. Lots of potential here. Chaos knights - if the heresy rumours are try I suspect we will see cerastus knights folded into their book also. Eldar - harlequins seem to have been sidelined for now so I doubt they will get further expansion in the main range. There are phoenix lords and aspects abound that need an update. I personally like the grab tank design and it has aged well but other items such as the vyper are outdated. Votann - we now know a lot of the rumour engine pointed to the kill team set. I wonder if they will get a small update on the scale that as mech and sisters did with a handful of units, perhaps one for each slot, to make the army more robust. Drukhari - I think these guys are due a sizeable update this edition. They had a fantastic range refresh spread out throughout 5th edition and a character cull for those without models in the few editions that followed. There’s been a subsequent drip feed of replacement plastics (wracks/5 characters/incubi) over the editions that have followed and their plastic range still holds up. I think we will see the 5 outstanding finecast units replaced (grotesques, beast pack, urien rakarth, archons court, mandrakes) with plastic kits, hopefully fixed ratio combined sets for things like the court / beast pack / grotesques rather than individual expensive kits) I’m hoping we will also finally get a large centrepiece model, such as vect on his Dais (hopefully dual build) and a return from some of the special characters, with decapitator, baron, duke and lady malys all waiting in line. Tyranids - I’ve held firm for 2 years now that these are the sensible choice for a 10th ed starter army and ow we know this to be the case. Old units such as gaunts, vores and lictors are getting a glow up for certain, I would hope genestealers too (more on this later). I’m hoping more hq, lord of war, scenery are all up for grabs. Genecults - as a newer generation army it’s hard to know where they will go from here with genestealer cults. They have a lot of (non named) characters as is and aside from genestealers have no real unit sun need of an update. Maybe they will have another quiet edition with only a unit or two? One could argue that so long as the brood brothers rule remains all of the recent Astra military releases will remain relevant and so this is a release of sorts for them. Orks - they have a fairly comprehensive range at this point but tankbustas and some named characters still stand out, though we know snikrot is coming soon. Orks got decent releases throughout 8th and 9th so i suspect they may be more low key this time around. Necrons - due to the massive update they got in 9th I suspect we will see only a handful of releases for these chaps. Named character such as imotekh and the old destroyers / destroyer lord perhaps. A ctan update would be amazing but not this time around I suspect. Tau - they are due a reasonable sized release given they only had a couple of character releases and squads / upgrades via kill team in recent years. More plastic kroot (shaper, krootox, hounds) to go alongside the new kroot set as well as plastic vespids, sniper drones and space pope would pretty much round off the existing range as fully plastic. Kill team - as a side note I hope they continue with the current model for kill team as this allows for niche models to be developed but also upgrades for existing kits which are variably ported into 40k. Presuming a three year cycle, the third season of kill team would coincide with the first year of 10th and would give opportunities for more terrain releases, another 5 new kits and 3 upgraded existing kits in the first year alone. Rumours point to them being the first place you can get striking scorpions and marine scouts and seeing as these are both new kits I’m presuming it will be the first kit of the season. Lots of potential with others too - off the top of my head new kits could include genestealers, exodites, tau auxiliaries. Upgraded kits could include intercessors, ork boyz, chaos cultists etc. as an aside I also personally hope for a small 40k expansion to the arbites, which the kill team book hints at. There we have it. My initial thoughts on the next edition. Some or none of the above may come to pass. We know it will be an index edition and there are also rumours of a 4 year timeframe so who knows what may come to pass. A new faction or two are inevitable and my guesses would be small expansion to arbites and corsairs from kill team, with emperors children and exodites in line for whole new army. Edited April 6, 2023 by jimbo1701 It's always best to use the "automatic" font color so that the font is legible to members that use either theme (i.e., black font only works for those of us using the Default/Mobile theme). Aarik, Antarius, WARMASTER_ and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 I'd like to add Imperial Agents to the list- I think there are enough models now for a good Agents Dex. Throwing in additional retinue models to round out the release of such a dex would be great too. I had suspected that a new WH Quest 40k game would facilitate this, but there are rumours of Epic so I'm not as certain of that as I once was. Kill Team could help with this too. jimbo1701 and Scribe 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929241 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroWolf Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 3 hours ago, ThePenitentOne said: I'd like to add Imperial Agents to the list- I think there are enough models now for a good Agents Dex. Throwing in additional retinue models to round out the release of such a dex would be great too. I had suspected that a new WH Quest 40k game would facilitate this, but there are rumours of Epic so I'm not as certain of that as I once was. Kill Team could help with this too. I think an Inquisitor led kill team is more likely at this point. Inquisitor_Lensoven 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929380 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 (edited) I'd put money on Tau getting Gue'vesa at some point in 10th. The Kill Team designers clearly love their GEQ teams and have been all about the fanservicey additions like Krieg, Traitor Guard, Arbites, etc. No way are they going to miss a chance to add another Guard-esq team but with spicy Xenos flavour. Edited April 4, 2023 by Lord Marshal tinpact 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929530 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WrathOfTheLion Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 Drukhari I think are quite likely. I expect they very much intend to retire and replace most of the finecast resin range. Chaos Marines still need bikes and maybe another set of things. They are one of the largest factions, and had/have a lot of ground to cover. gaurdian31 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929574 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 CSM need the Master of Possessions solo release, Huron Blackheart, Bikes, maybe a new Defiler and Terminator Lord/Terminator Sorcerer to fit in with the newer aesthetics. Upgrade kits for the different legions would be nice and an Emperor's Children release. And I agree Drukhari need all of there finecast updated to plastic, same with the Aeldari. Marshal Loss, HolyPestilience and jimbo1701 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929581 Share on other sites More sharing options...
siegfriedfr Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 GW has been very generous with their recent glowup of many factions: - Sisters, CSM, Death Guard, Mechanicus, Cults in 8th - Necrons, Orks, Eldars, Squats, Astra in 9th What we're missing right now are : - Tyranids - Drukhari - T'au - DA/BA/SW (all but confirmed already, with Lion and Dante already revealed) - GK - Emperor's Children - FW Custodes' models translated to plastic My bet is that after Tyranids, Drukhari will get an Eldar-style revamp (ie half the range). Imperium will be covered trough the various Space Marines chapters. And of course, some factions will have small, battle box style sized replacements for their old minis (i pray for a more than one Phoenix lord and their aspects) I don't see EC before 11th because they would be accompanied by a mandatory primarch and Angron has just been revealed. Or maybe at the tail end in a campaign... Question is, who will be the villain in 11th starter set ? Could be something new... or a second CSM wave filling up the gaps, or a massive EC release (i hope so myself) ? Aarik 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929582 Share on other sites More sharing options...
OttoVonAwesome Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 Sisters of Silence will be getting a ton of stuff if thier HH 2.0 list is an indicator. I imagine for most other factions we'll see more ancient kits replaced with shiny new ones rather than all new units. The main marine factions will likely get larger upgrade kits I can say that for sure. I hope Grey Knights get a glow up it's only like 3 kits and 2 characters. I think we'll see some of the older forgotten rumours pan out with regimental upgrade sets for guard and Emperor's Children getting thier full release. More Imperial Agents for sure. More Squats. Alot of surprises. jimbo1701 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929591 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroWolf Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 35 minutes ago, siegfriedfr said: GW has been very generous with their recent glowup of many factions: - Sisters, CSM, Death Guard, Mechanicus, Cults in 8th - Necrons, Orks, Eldars, Squats, Astra in 9th What we're missing right now are : - Tyranids - Drukhari - T'au - DA/BA/SW (all but confirmed already, with Lion and Dante already revealed) - GK - Emperor's Children - FW Custodes' models translated to plastic My bet is that after Tyranids, Drukhari will get an Eldar-style revamp (ie half the range). Imperium will be covered trough the various Space Marines chapters. And of course, some factions will have small, battle box style sized replacements for their old minis (i pray for a more than one Phoenix lord and their aspects) I don't see EC before 11th because they would be accompanied by a mandatory primarch and Angron has just been revealed. Or maybe at the tail end in a campaign... Question is, who will be the villain in 11th starter set ? Could be something new... or a second CSM wave filling up the gaps, or a massive EC release (i hope so myself) ? Technically GW already hinted at Emperors Children when they first revealed the existence of the World Eater Codex (the axe renders I believe). Also didn't we get Mortarion in 8th? I'd say its pretty likely we'll have Fulgrim completing the set of 4 dedicated Daemon Primarchs before 11th is even announced. ... Then according to other rumours we'll get Leman Russ back as GW knows Primarchs print money. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929595 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scribe Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 Isnt the current biggest miss the Inquisition? Sure we need EC as well, and expansion on anything that is non-Loyalist Marine sub factions and support, but the Inquisition needs support in a big way. Emperor Ming, Arkangilos and Special Officer Doofy 2 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929628 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Special Officer Doofy Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 I would like chaos to receive a new rhino (maybe dual kit with predator?), land Raider and helbrute model with a few God specific details like the Daemon Prince model. That would benefit death guard, thousand sons, world eaters and the main codex. Everybody wins! Grey knights need some love. The Emperors Champion22, Kaiju Soze, Arkangilos and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929637 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor_Lensoven Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 10 hours ago, ThePenitentOne said: I'd like to add Imperial Agents to the list- I think there are enough models now for a good Agents Dex. Throwing in additional retinue models to round out the release of such a dex would be great too. I had suspected that a new WH Quest 40k game would facilitate this, but there are rumours of Epic so I'm not as certain of that as I once was. Kill Team could help with this too. I think the issue with an imperial agents dex is that most of the units won’t be a unified faction. there just aren’t enough imperial navy units, or rogue traders, or inquisition units, and imho the box they recently announced with all the different aesthetics looks weird and jarring Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929641 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orange Knight Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 Thousand Sons and Death Guard could both get a unique Hellbrute variant. A psychic one for the TS, and a Plague Spewing one for the DG. Custodes need some of the FW units to be remade in plastic. The Tanks, Dread and jump pack infantry should take priority. Votann need a few more units to add variety. Great start so far. Tau need to be reworked with close combat units via vessel races and some psychic units. Their firepower needs to be toned down and they should be made into a more balanced faction. The problem with Tau currently is that they only exist in one phase - the shooting phase. They either crush you in that phase or lose the game - It's not a good army to play with or against. jimbo1701 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929643 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emperor Ming Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 I would rather see the inq shelved as a faction Rather than have any more mediocre updates that make no difference, than to keep the faction barely alive on life support Special Officer Doofy and Inquisitor_Lensoven 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929650 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orange Knight Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 1 minute ago, Emperor Ming said: I would rather see the inq shelved as a faction Rather than have any more mediocre updates that make no difference, than to keep the faction barely alive on life support They should be merged with the Deathwatch and Grey Knights into one codex. Inquisitor_Lensoven 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929651 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scribe Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 (edited) Heresy in this here thread. Actually just add all the Agents stuff? Inq Lord - Plastic multi-build kit. Inq - Plastic multi-build kit. Preacher type kit. Rogue Trader kit. Psyker Support Retinue Kit Assassins Death Cult Assassins Crusaders Navy Arbites Rogue Trader Unit (whatever it is) Update for Storm Troopers/Extra Sprue. Repressor Kit Imperial Fighter Jet Should totally be a thing. Edited April 5, 2023 by Scribe Added Brother Casman 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929670 Share on other sites More sharing options...
INKS Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 No one is talking about Daemons. I get it though, it's tough. They straddle the line of AOS and 40k. Some of their models could use a refresh. I don't think it's likely they'll see a ton of love in 10th though. We also haven't talked about the new faction that is rumored to be added. Beastmen anyone? Dark Shepherd 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929671 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scribe Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 21 minutes ago, INKS said: We also haven't talked about the new faction that is rumored to be added. Beastmen anyone? As a full faction in 40k?! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929676 Share on other sites More sharing options...
INKS Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 32 minutes ago, Scribe said: As a full faction in 40k?! Yes, I think it's possible. It could be something like dark mechanicum, but I just have this feeling with a kill team release that we could see a limited votaan like release for Beastmen in 40k Scribe 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929687 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 Look man, I don't wanna hijack the thread, but y'all came for my Inquisition, so now the Inquisition is coming for you. I say this in literally every thread where the Inquisition comes up: Inquisition needs very little from GW to improve by orders of magnitude. They need a Chamber Militant Rule that allows an Inquisitor to add any number of units with his Ordo tag into a detachment with the corresponding Chamber. That's worded as a 10th ed rule; in 9th, you'd allow an Inquisition Detachment to ally with a detachment of their chamber, provided the Inquisition detachment was 25% or less. The Authority of the Inquisition rule needs to allow Inquisition to add transports to their own detachments, not just punk the ride of whichever other Imperial force shows up. Now: You absolutely can't add inquisition units back into their chambers dexes, because you'd need an entry for each of Breachers, Arbites, Voidsmen in each of three dexes, because all three units are suitable for use with all three Ordos. It makes WAY more sense to put those datacards in one dex, ONCE, with good, clear rules so that each Ordo can use ANY of the squads in either their elite versions (IE. with all the KT specialist upgrades) or their troop versions (only standard equipment upgrades). As for Navis Imperialis, they too should be able to claim elite and troop versions of both Voidsmen and Breachers, we need to change Aeronautica Imperialis keywords on the Valkyrie and the Master of the Fleet to Navis Imperialis and then maybe give them an HQ model (dual build kit for variety sake). Again, it doesn't take much to make them fun to play in small narrative games. Arkangilos, Scribe and Aarik 2 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929724 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 (edited) 6 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said: I think the issue with an imperial agents dex is that most of the units won’t be a unified faction. there just aren’t enough imperial navy units, or rogue traders, or inquisition units, and imho the box they recently announced with all the different aesthetics looks weird and jarring I think the solution would be that an inquisitor and a RT can requisition all of those forces, so you could have Inquisitor and Rogue Traders are HQ. Arbites, Storm Troopers, and Rogue Trader House Troops are elites. Henchmen, gangs, and naval boarding squads are troops. Stuff like that. Heck, you can throw in a DW squad as well. You would also have the requisitioned assassins and such. Edit: to the above I would reply that for the chamber militant dex’s, you just need to add an inquisitor data sheet. So you would have four sources in which you can throw in an inquisitor: DW, SoB, GK, and Agents. The Agents codex is for the more generic inquisitors and RT, and the chamber militant (CM) ones are specific for the CM. That way you can choose a pure CM army, or one led by an inquisitor. That gives the agents a fluffy reason for the cohesion of them in a battle, and the CM a chance to use the inquisitors that request them. Edited April 5, 2023 by Arkangilos Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929735 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craig Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 I don't think Emperors Children will get a release until 11th edition. I suspect they'll be the opposing force in the next edition starter set accompanied by units that can be taken as more generic CSM to add wider interest in the box. I think that the next starter set will include noise marines as troops, bikers, raptors and a terminator lord. Maybe a new hellbrute too. And then you'll have the new EC units and maybe a CSM apothecary. Aarik 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929749 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimbo1701 Posted April 5, 2023 Author Share Posted April 5, 2023 I honestly believe there is scope for arbites to get expanded upon. There’s even a throwaway line in the kill team book that says some precincts can fight at army scale. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929770 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urauloth Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 Imperial/Inquisitorial agents not being unified really isn't a problem so far as I can see. That's exactly how inquisitors work, drafting elements of different Imperial agencies to accomplish their tasks. It also works OK for Cities of Sigmar armies in AoS. It might be a good idea for them to create a similar faction to collect beastmen, traitor guard etc together as well at some point. (They could always bring back The Lost and the Damned...) gaurdian31 and sitnam 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929771 Share on other sites More sharing options...
OttoVonAwesome Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 (edited) 22 minutes ago, jimbo1701 said: I honestly believe there is scope for arbites to get expanded upon. There’s even a throwaway line in the kill team book that says some precincts can fight at army scale. I full expect them to be. They've always been a 40k scale force in lore so the excuse is there and obviously they are gonna sell very well. The FFG rpg has alot of stuff GW can crib, Different HQ's, Heavy armour elites, Bikers cuase Judge Dredd, Repressors, and in lore they outrank Commissars and requisition Guard platoons and vehicles as well as local Enforcer precincts. Super easy to expand them into a working army detachment. Edited April 5, 2023 by OttoVonAwesome Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/378151-what-releases-can-we-expect-in-10th-edition/#findComment-5929775 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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