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State of the Galaxy from GW

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14 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

Sure, but simply travelling from A to B will allow plenty of time for discussions and planning.


It still takes a long time to get anywhere. I'm willing to accept that it might be some time before the two brothers can meet, but this should be one of the maximum priorities for them.


Nah man, the wolves are more than at the door, they are in the kitchen! Half the realm burns, a massive fleet rises in the west, and disfunction is the order of the day.


Floating through the warp chatting about plans for the future misses the tone of the setting completely.


If anything we should get some cryptic messages and hallucinations about the return of the Lion, and his being very angry. Let it be unknown if this is going to be an actual help or if hes just going to be a force of nature.

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I think for the Lion, Dante and their respective forces, the Imperium Nihilus is the biggest priority. They don't have the time to cross the Cicatrix Maledictum, and now Guilliman will have his gaze drawn as the opposite end of the galaxy opens up as a warzone.


With no Astronomicon, leaving the battlefield in Imperium Nihilus could be fatal to any war effort at this point in time.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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35 minutes ago, Marshal Valkenhayn said:

Also, isn't Girlyman pretty unpopular with his brothers? He's always come across as too much the politician to be likable if you aren't awed by his god essance. He's also got that whole 'We'll do it my way or I'll blow you up' tendancy when other Primarchs disagree with him.


Personally I hope the Lion ignores him until the issue is forced, then slaps him around and tells him to stop breaking things and start plugging holes before the ship sinks. No time to deconstruct 10,000 years of mythos because you don't like religion. This is how it works. Make due.

The lion and Gillieman have a history of begrudgingly working together.  The Lion may see the position Gillieman is in as him trying to be emperor and not be too pleased by it but then the Lion wont have the back story to why he's in that position. Which is a set up for conflict but not something that cant be sorted out given enough time. 
As far as how they may communicate I figure Dante is the guy to bridge the gap, assuming he and the Lion ever meet.  The Lion may not like what he hears but he's not dumb he'll figure it out and do what ever he thinks is key to winning. The again he may realize he is likely to be in the exact same situation as Gillieman on his side of the gap if he's not careful. 

I do look forward to seeing how all of this plays out. 

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9 minutes ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

I think for the Lion, Dante and their respective forces, the Imperium Nihilus is the biggest priority. They don't have the time to cross the Cicatrix Maledictum, and now Guilliman will have his gaze drawn as the opposite end of the galaxy opens up as a warzone.


With no Astronomicon, leaving the battlefield in Imperium Nihilus could be fatal to any war effort at this point in time.

This isn't the first time the Astronomicon has gone out and the First Legion were able to travel without it.  Wonder if they still have the means to do that tucked away somewhere on the Rock.

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Dante should be meeting the Lion, as they both are in the conflict against Vashtorr in AoO: The Lion.


Just now, Warhead01 said:

This isn't the first time the Astronomicon has gone out and the First Legion were able to travel without it.  Wonder if they still have the means to do that tucked away somewhere on the Rock.

They probably do, but abandoning the front for an evening stroll could have what's left behind in big trouble.

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Anyone else notice that in the map of Pacificus shown in the clip that Ultima Macharius has moved yet again?  It was originally shown as being just outside the western edge of the Imperium, now it isn't even halfway across the Segmentum and a lot lower down.  It is now just about in Sabbat Worlds territory.

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I thought Dante was in charge of Imperium Nihilus?    So the Lion is following his own agenda as always......perhaps hopes for a matured and less divisive Lion are going to be forlorn hopes after all.  

Edited by beefeb
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10 hours ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Yep, how'd you get on?

Edit: Best thing about the 'Gulf' is no Black Templars remember the 'Gulf'.

I'm doing a spiteful Lion to Dorn conversion just for this reply ;)

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Just now, beefeb said:

I thought Dante was in charge of Imperium Nihilus?   

Officially yes, as assigned by Guillidude. But so far we can only guess how the Lion will interact with it all; who will know he's returned, who will he interact with, what does he want to do, all of these are still question marks. We don't even know if he and G-man get to meet.

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46 minutes ago, Kastor Krieg said:

I'm doing a spiteful Lion to Dorn conversion just for this reply ;)

I hope so Brother, spite is a fine motivation. Right behind Zeal.


Also, can't wait to see your work on it.

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10 hours ago, Warhead01 said:

I figured it was just jealousy. It's true of course, the first legion Dark Angels are just better than every other legion or chapter but I wouldn't dream of rubbing it in, it's beneath me. 
But 90-ish% of the time my buddy is playing his Space Wolves so I guess it's to be expected. Those guys just have that kind of humor. Well, no bones broken. And in fairness I do usually offer to let them surrender before turn one even starts, just seems more fair some times. :biggrin: What can I say, I'm a good sport.  :wink:

You can always clap back and ask if his SW have rushed into any more suicidal boarding actions, that got almost everyone else killed, lately. Or how many days it has been since Fenris got invaded.

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The "State of the Galaxy" is hilariously grim dark and not in a good way imo.  The setting has rapidly transformed from "The Imperium is losing, gradually each year, and only the guts of uncounted billions of soldiers holds it back" to "look at all the galaxy-ending threats! They're everywhere! Hahaha".  It's comic book.

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2 hours ago, Nephaston said:

Officially yes, as assigned by Guillidude. But so far we can only guess how the Lion will interact with it all; who will know he's returned, who will he interact with, what does he want to do, all of these are still question marks. We don't even know if he and G-man get to meet.

My guess, Lion takes control of the Nihilus crusade fleets. Goes full Emperor's Exterminator dreadwing protocol on a few imperial worlds that dont want to feed the crusade. Guilliman not happy, Dante nervously caught in the crossfire.

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46 minutes ago, Akerkoke said:

They will have Guilliman try to fix what is possible in Imperium Sanctus, while the Lion will go to bring retributions to Chaos/Xenos/whatever in Nihilus.
I don't know if they will meet now, I doubt it. Probably they'll meet at the right moment to save the day, as always.

They'll end up meeting in the next narrative series at the end of 10th edition, come to blows as they vent all their frustrations till the returning Russ knocks their heads together to knock some sense into them...


I'll point out here that I'm joking with all of this as no doubt black library will have a book planned for the meeting (maybe a follow up to the forthcoming Lion novel, assuming it's not mentioned in there).

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Ah, the GW patented 'Doomsy Doom of DOOM!. Now with Extra Doom.'


Did you like our Chaos flavored doom? Try our new Xeno flavor! Haven't digested the former? No problem, we'll pile on the latter anyway!


Seriously though, every single event since the Fall of Cadia has basically been one big 'now the Imperium is REALLY fragged!'. This is getting so tiresome. Instead of a setting where humanity is having its Darkest Hour, where it must fight or perish, we now have (yet again) a setting that basically says 'Yup, Humanity is doomed. Resist? Pffft, don't bother.' Too much hopelessness causes apathy.


26 minutes ago, TrevorLoLz said:

The "State of the Galaxy" is hilariously grim dark and not in a good way imo.  The setting has rapidly transformed from "The Imperium is losing, gradually each year, and only the guts of uncounted billions of soldiers holds it back" to "look at all the galaxy-ending threats! They're everywhere! Hahaha".  It's comic book.


Indeed. Having an Imperium that is on the back foot is interesting, everyone loves the underdog. But having it be the settings whipping boy eventually becomes annoying.  


35 minutes ago, KrakenBorn said:


They're advancing the storyline which is something fans wanted for a long time; the 40k community truly is impossible to please.


Personally I like it and I'll reserve judgement on it after we see the outcome of the storyline.


You can advance the storyline by writing interesting narratives with engaging events, complex characters and interactions, rich background, conflicts small and large, and painful defeats and heroic wins. Or you can just throw another galaxy-ending threat into the setting and call it a day.

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I'd quite like to see the Imperium win something big with a degree of competence. Not a desperate defence, pyrrhic victory, last stand or crushing defeat , but an actual :cuss: yeah competent assault and victory. Make marines scary. I hope the Knight of Nihilus brings a little of that.


Not wishing for general brightness, but flashes to show the darkness in contrast, show the potential.

Edited by Tyriks
do not dodge the swear filter
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2 hours ago, KrakenBorn said:


They're advancing the storyline which is something fans wanted for a long time; the 40k community truly is impossible to please.


Personally I like it and I'll reserve judgement on it after we see the outcome of the storyline.


To be fair some fans wanted it not all of us and as such obviously they are not going to please everyone, it's not really fair to say it's a community thing as that is far too much of a blanket statement. Obviously everyone is going to have a different take on things.


I sit on the other side of the fence. Having grown up in the Rogue Trader era exploring a setting instead of a progressing story I personally don't think there was any need at all to advance the timeline/story at all as we had ten thousand years to sandbox in and it was always about the setting. It never felt stagnant in the slightest to me, it has always felt huge and alive and full of imagination and possibilities. 


Centring the lore on a small selection of characters facing galaxy ending events time and time again to me serves no purpose for me other than to make the universe feel smaller. It's constantly pulling back the rug on the Easter eggs that were planted decades ago and never meant to explained and strips away the mythos which was always on of the greatest appeals to me.


Having said that looking at this more objectively I completely understand why they are doing it. It's about promoting products, it's about creating a vehicle to push sales and it is hard to do that without adopting the approach they have. It allows them to create a cinematic feel and adopt an MMO style seasons approach and produce bigger and shinier products to sell to us consumers. They are a business and making money is obviously important so this gives them the opportunity to guarantee sales at specific points of the year with splash releases.

The other thing to consider is the impact that Black Library has had on the universe and how many are into 40k purely for the lore or who have gotten into the game because of the books. I would argue they could operate within the existing material but to be honest look at the expansion of the Horus Heresy and the explosion of lore fans that came with that so I understand why they want to expand their scope for more sensationalised epic stories.

I'm always going to be of the mindset of just because they can do something doesn't mean they should but to be fair it's going to drive sales just as long as they don't mess things up or paint themselves into a corner.


As for the new state of the galaxy, well Tyranids are a nice easy enemy to throw into the mix and another Tyranic War is extremely reasonable, lore friendly and an excellent opportunity to update their models. It's an evolution of their forces that makes sense and something this literally left field fits extremely well.


I am not a fan of the Lion or any loyalist Primarch returning in the slightest because it ruins another aspect of the mythos for me but that is personal preference.  But if people enjoy it and love the idea then I say more power to them because it's about what they personally get from the hobby at the end of the day keeps them interested.

Edited by Doghouse
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I  like this one direction, before everything felt too focused on a single area where everything was happening, it was Vigilus, then pariah nexus and imo that made the setting feel small specially with the crusade fleets being everywhere and reinforcing everyone but now it seems like Leviathan is opening a new Segmentum sized front, Chaos in the north, darkness to the east and Dante and the Lion trying to do their own things I think this is shaping to be a very interesting set of scenarios.

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