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State of the Galaxy from GW

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55 minutes ago, Redcomet said:

I can’t help but laugh a bit. For YEARS all we heard about the lore was. “Grim dark is dead. Primaris have made it noble bright” 


And now it is too dark? 

Just to add on, because I agree. 
I just thought this was just a more clear explanation of the situation mora than any larger change to the situation I am certain that the Nidz have been headed to terra for quite some time. Maybe they're closer now than before but that seems like the larger intent and just finally playing out in, hopefully, a more meaningful way.  

There is only war after all. 

Edited by Warhead01
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It all got me thinking. My first intuition was "hey! look at the map now!"



Just disregarding the smaller Hydra Fleet - doesn't it look like A HAND gripping the galaxy? I could even wager that during brainstorming the Tyranid threat somebody went and:

Hand Holding CD. Isolated on White Background Stock Image ...


Like, seriously though, how Lovecraftian of a threat the Tyranid Hive Mind has to be if we can barely stub its finger/tentacle and all our biomass is about as much of sustenance as a rice cake snack? I've seen it depicted in art, as below. Imagine the "Fleets" are its smallest extremities and we simply do not comprehend its vastness and hunger. It really has to devour galaxies one after another, to sustain itself. A threat beyond the Old Ones, intergalactic.

And what if it's not a singular unique "monster" but a race of enormous creatures, completely out of scale with us, tiny mites and our timescale?


If the true size of the Tyranid fleets is bigger than the entire Galaxy, is  it even possible to fight them? Like, is there even enough matter and  energy in the Galaxy

Edited by Kastor Krieg
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1 hour ago, de Selby said:

All this defeatist talk sounds dangerously heretical to me.


Counterpoint: the fact GW couldn't come up with a new colour scheme indicates there are actually fewer major hive fleets than feared!


GW LOVES the idea of poster-boys for factions; there's always ONE sub-faction of a race that is the go-to for their promotional material, with some lip service paid to the other sub-factions that can be made out of their stuff.


This way they can promote the new edition with the same art on the boxes they already have out there.  No need to re-box every tyranid kit, especially so if it isn't getting a new version.

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The few snipets of lore from the Fourth Tyrannic War make it sound promising, waiting for the new tyranid organisms to be revealed with their names and role in the swarm. Hopefully Swarmlord and the Hive Tyrants are also updated in the future, even if their sculpts still hold relatively well at this moment in time. Just give me the infinite swarm of monsters that can't be stopped without heavy casualties and I'll be good.


But knowing that in 40k status quo is God, the Imperium are the protagonists, and GW can't stop making Space Marines the heroes of the setting that can't be trully beaten in any kind of engagement they find themselves in, I'm not to optimistic in my favourite faction doing anything awesome as they're xenos after all. Double if they're going after Terra and the Solar System.


I don't expect End Times, but opefully GW will make the tyranids' defeat be remembered fondly by us fans of the faction.

Edited by Jscarlos18
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12 hours ago, Quantum said:

we now have (yet again) a setting that basically says 'Yup, Humanity is doomed. Resist? Pffft, don't bother.' Too much hopelessness causes apathy.


No, just for those who dont get the point.

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On 4/6/2023 at 5:31 PM, Urauloth said:

I know how it is. I get called a traitor 100% of the time JUST for being loyal to my primarch who liberated us from the foul xenos overlords of Barbarus. When you think about it, our legions have more in common than Roubute "Imperium Secundus" Guilliman would like anyone to admit. Any Dark Angels want to chat about trees*, the best shade of green for power armour, or the optimal number of plasma weapons to a squad? Swing by any time.


* Gnarlmaws are a bit different to anything that grew on Caliban but we're just as enthusiastic about horticulture I assure you

Your Primarch got whooped by Pappa Smurf.  Ours knocked out Leman Russ.  We don’t want to hang out.  ;)

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13 hours ago, Kastor Krieg said:

It all got me thinking. My first intuition was "hey! look at the map now!"



Just disregarding the smaller Hydra Fleet - doesn't it look like A HAND gripping the galaxy? I could even wager that during brainstorming the Tyranid threat somebody went and:

Hand Holding CD. Isolated on White Background Stock Image ...


Like, seriously though, how Lovecraftian of a threat the Tyranid Hive Mind has to be if we can barely stub its finger/tentacle and all our biomass is about as much of sustenance as a rice cake snack? I've seen it depicted in art, as below. Imagine the "Fleets" are its smallest extremities and we simply do not comprehend its vastness and hunger. It really has to devour galaxies one after another, to sustain itself. A threat beyond the Old Ones, intergalactic.

And what if it's not a singular unique "monster" but a race of enormous creatures, completely out of scale with us, tiny mites and our timescale?


If the true size of the Tyranid fleets is bigger than the entire Galaxy, is  it even possible to fight them? Like, is there even enough matter and  energy in the Galaxy

You underestimate the amount of rope we have.

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calling it now: the 10th edition box will be called 'Solblade', after the strike forces working to blunt the tyrannic approach. 


While i do understand why they didn't, they really should've made a new hive fleet. tbh, they should've had a different chapter this time as well - Behemoth was the Ultramarine's nemesis, Leviathan was the Blood Angels, choose a different chapter for a new hivefleet. Leviathan again cheapens the devestation of Baal IMO.

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3 hours ago, MaximusTL said:

calling it now: the 10th edition box will be called 'Solblade', after the strike forces working to blunt the tyrannic approach. 


While i do understand why they didn't, they really should've made a new hive fleet. tbh, they should've had a different chapter this time as well - Behemoth was the Ultramarine's nemesis, Leviathan was the Blood Angels, choose a different chapter for a new hivefleet. Leviathan again cheapens the devestation of Baal IMO.

Isn't Leviathan called Leviathan cuase it's the biggest and it's basically everywhere though? Doesn't really cheapen Baal when we all knew this whole time that we were just seeing it's fingers barely reaching into the Galaxy taking it's first baby steps. If anything it makes Baal into a call to arms. A tale of the sacrifice required ahead rather than one of total victory.

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5 hours ago, OttoVonAwesome said:

Isn't Leviathan called Leviathan cuase it's the biggest and it's basically everywhere though? Doesn't really cheapen Baal when we all knew this whole time that we were just seeing it's fingers barely reaching into the Galaxy taking it's first baby steps. If anything it makes Baal into a call to arms. A tale of the sacrifice required ahead rather than one of total victory.


Hive Fleet naming convention is naming them after mythical/religious creatures/monsters, Behemoth, Kraken and Leviathan.

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10 hours ago, MaximusTL said:

calling it now: the 10th edition box will be called 'Solblade', after the strike forces working to blunt the tyrannic approach. 


While i do understand why they didn't, they really should've made a new hive fleet. tbh, they should've had a different chapter this time as well - Behemoth was the Ultramarine's nemesis, Leviathan was the Blood Angels, choose a different chapter for a new hivefleet. Leviathan again cheapens the devestation of Baal IMO.


The box set is apparently called Leviathan, according to Valrak's source who was fully accurate about the contents (he didn't call out every model - the Gravis Apothecary and new Phobos LT were a surprise - but all of the units he DID mention showed up in the cinematic).


Edited by Lord Nord
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On 4/7/2023 at 7:31 AM, Kastor Krieg said:

And what if it's not a singular unique "monster" but a race of enormous creatures, completely out of scale with us, tiny mites and our timescale?


That would be a bit much, honestly. The Great Devourer is plenty big if it is "only" the size of that hand. If we keep adding to it, it becomes nonsensical and renders the rest of the 40k universe pointless.

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7 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Indeed, and basically all of those particular ones are of big monsters/creatures, very fitting for hive fleets.


Moloch, Ooroboris, Kronos, Garmyr, Ladon (which is probably just Leviathan ported into Greek but is usually shown as smaller than Hercules), Naga (Doom of Malantai's hive fleet), and Gorgon aren't particularly noted for their size. Hydra is also no where near the size of a Kraken (Island sized fish), Behemoth (largest possible land animal), Jormagund (world encircling sea serpent, which I guess sometimes matches the ouroborus when that one isn't a purely abstract symbol), Leviathan (sea counterpart to Behemoth) or Tiamat (universe sized shape:cuss:fting cow/woman but universes were a lot smaller back then).


So I guess the major ones are based off big myths but then Tiamet breaks the rule by being a small hive fleet and Jormagund or Ouroboris aren't that big either.

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10 hours ago, Lord Nord said:


The box set is apparently called Leviathan, according to Valrak's source who was fully accurate about the contents (he didn't call out every model - the Gravis Apothecary and new Phobos LT were a surprise - but all of the units he DID mention showed up in the cinematic).


To be fair they did mention a new Apoc, LT, Ancient etc IRC but didn’t know if they were in the box so I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up, glad how it all turned out though :)

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Imagine waking up as Guilliman. When he went to sleep, the Imperium was in decline but it still wouldn't have been that bad. People thought, for the most part, the bigger wars were over. In fact, it started expanding again.


When he woke up it was worse than the Heresy. 


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3 hours ago, Chapter Master Valrak said:

To be fair they did mention a new Apoc, LT, Ancient etc IRC but didn’t know if they were in the box so I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up, glad how it all turned out though :)


Good to hear but... Alpharius/Omegon/whoever actually mentioned an Ancient? Because the guy raising the banner at the end of the cinematic has Fire Support markings on his shoulder, so between that and the fact that no banner bearer is spotlighted in the trailer aside from that, it looked a lot more like they just wanted a standard waving during that "last stand" scene and just had one of the flamer guys pick it up.

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14 hours ago, Lord Nord said:


Good to hear but... Alpharius/Omegon/whoever actually mentioned an Ancient? Because the guy raising the banner at the end of the cinematic has Fire Support markings on his shoulder, so between that and the fact that no banner bearer is spotlighted in the trailer aside from that, it looked a lot more like they just wanted a standard waving during that "last stand" scene and just had one of the flamer guys pick it up.

I have no idea, heard a number of things, one being a new command set, maybe that has a new ancient in it? Time will tell. 

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