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Yeah he definitely skipped leg day! It's been so long since I sculpted anything like this so I've made a few rookie errors, main one being that the tinfoil armature for the torso was too big... I forgot how much volume I'd add once I started sculpting, so it all ended up a bit bigger than planned. It shouldn't be too difficult to fix though, not like I'm scared of doing a bit of sculpting! 

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Thanks @ZeroWolf


the Broodlord is starting to approach something resembling completion. He's done some squats to beef up his legs, grown some 80s businesswoman shoulder pads and a few other minor tweaks. We're on the home stretch now, just some general tidying up to do and I haven't decided if I should do something funky with the spine or leave it as is? 



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i agree id leave the spine as is. if you want an image idea to compare the old metal broodlord had similar ribbing and had the sticking out... fins? i dont think it really helped it to stand out or anything at all but as much as i like the current plastic brood lords spines i dont think its needed with the rib armour if that makes sense?

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Thanks @Brother nathan, I'm still undecided on the spine so I'm leaving it for now while I work on other things. 


I'm currently painting the Harpy, it's at a bit of an ugly stage but let's have a little peak behind the curtain: 




Most of what's currently off-white will be painted with flesh tearers red contrast and then layered and highlighted. The neck and parts of the head will stay more or less as is, and I'm thinking about leaving the wing membranes as the off white though I haven't decided yet!

You can't tell in this photo but I've painted the top of the wings the same mottled black/blue as everything else, It almost feels lazy but I like the way it's looking so far! 

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Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm glad the guardsman on the base has gone down well, I just HAD to do something with all that empty space on the base! 


Broodlord has been painted now, it's really satisfying painting something you've done so much sculpting on, when you start to forget what's plastic and what's sculpted you know you've done a good job. I don't want to sound smug, I know it's not perfect but I'm pretty pleased with myself with this guy and I'm looking forward to the next one! 




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Thanks @Xenith


Just for fun here's a quick shot of the three Broodlord's I own. 

2009 Space Hulk version in my old paint scheme I came up with in 2004ish. 

2017 Deathwatch Overkill version in a scheme I started using around 2010ish.

And the new guy in my current scheme! 




Edit: I checked my nid history, that middle broodlord is actually from Sheild of Baal: Deathstorm, so was painted in approx 2014. Of course the Deathwatch overkill box had the Patriarch who ended up becoming the new Broodlord.

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Been a bit distracted by Zelda this week, and my hobbying has been a bit unfocused too! I've been working on a couple of things but they're both super rough and early. 


I dug out a beat up old Carnifex and found a Zoanthrope carapace is a good size to sheath a bio-cannon on its back... So here we are so far. I also widened the torso a little and added a trygon chest plate to it, which is hidden out of shot here! 




Also made a start on a Winged Tyranid Prime. The new one coming with leviathan doesn't really do it for me, so I'm doing it my own way with the wings from the Parasite of Mortrex. 




SUPER early and rough but you can get the general idea of what I'm going for. Pose is more than a bit inspired by Argel Tal, can't decide whether to include a dead space marine or not!


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Thanks guys! 


@Brother nathanare you on Instagram? I posted a video showing how I sculpted the ribs on my broodlord a few weeks ago. Production is pretty shoddy and I struggled keeping it in focus, but I've been told it was pretty helpful by a few people... 

Happy to answer any questions though, fire away.


I definitely recommend checking out Modern Synthesist on YouTube and/or Instagram, he's done a lot of nice sculpting tutorials and he's one of the greats of Tyranid sculpting/converting!

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry I've been neglecting this place a bit, mainly been sharing pictures on Instagram recently! 


Been working on two new projects, a Hive Crone for a friend and a Winged Tyranid Prime for myself. The Prime is going to be painted by the same friend in my scheme, can't wait to see how he does that because he's a really excellent painter! 


So we decided the Crone needed a more impressive mouth gun, and a more streamlined head carapace. I took cues from the Harridan and 3rd edition gargoyles for this.




And then I reworked the ammo feed arms, to tuck them in closer to the body and made some more impressive feed tubes.




And a few other tweaks - I reposed him at the waist, which then meant some adjustments to the wings were needed to get a good fit! A new tail was sculpted to add a bit of dynamism, and I added some forgeworld style tubey bits to the back chimneys. 





So that was a fun project, it's now in the post up north to be painted in Hive Fleet Mantis colours (check out his Instagram page, really lovely stuff). 


And part of my payment is that he's painting a model for me, so I had to make a good model! Settled on a winged Tyranid Prime, I'm not keen on the new leviathan model so made this from warrior parts, a ravener tail, parasite of mortrex wings and various other components! 






And he didn't much fancy painting the whole dead terminator on the base so I've done that for him




I'll add some foliage once I get it back and everything's all together! 


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35 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

Nice conversion work :smile: Guess you and your friend swapped minis to paint then :laugh:

Oh no he's a MUCH better painter than me. In case it wasn't clear, I made both of those. I'm getting the winged Prime back after he paints it in my colours. The Crone is for him to keep. 

He asked me to make the crone for him, I LOVE his painting style so we came to an arrangement, painting my Prime is part of the payment for making the crone for him.


And I say friend though I've never met the guy, but it's been so fun sharing ideas and chatting with him throughout this process so that counts right?

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20 hours ago, frankendoodle65 said:

Oh no he's a MUCH better painter than me. In case it wasn't clear, I made both of those. I'm getting the winged Prime back after he paints it in my colours. The Crone is for him to keep. 

He asked me to make the crone for him, I LOVE his painting style so we came to an arrangement, painting my Prime is part of the payment for making the crone for him.


And I say friend though I've never met the guy, but it's been so fun sharing ideas and chatting with him throughout this process so that counts right?

I'd say, especially if you connected through the love of man eating bugs :biggrin:

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