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Painting Log - Stretching my legs


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Alrighty, I need a better chair, better light and more space. Also need to up my photography game. BUT, I pretty much got the squad completed. Its 11pm, so I'll seal and base tomorrow and send final pics, but I think it turned out alright. I could probably go further, but I'm sure you can see the pile backlog growing in the background of all my photos.


Its worth noting that I learned a lot about using speed paints. I'm not sure I like them, to be honest. Fairly unforgiving and don't seem to be very suitable for multi-colored models, only those with a single primary color. I could see potentially normal deathwing or tactical marines, but the large mix of colors here were an issue.







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Unfortunately legions didn't get Marauder bombers, so this is a bit of a write-off, though maybe I'll use it in an allied detachment. Sneak peak at the next model I'll be doing though :turned:



Here is the current super heavy backlog (not counting titans)



AI dent. Working on a way to put them on taller stands for LI, as they look goofy skimming just above tanks.




I have countershading on them, but its really hard to pick up with my phone's camera.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice Chonky Boi!

They sure are a lot of work to build, painting all that trim is also quite the experience. 

Great Work, glad so many are picking up the Epic scale game.

We can continue the Lion's work in micro mini :biggrin:


You should probably keep adding a DA in there to keep this thread appropriate for this forum, just an old retired Mods thoughts lolz.

....wait, there he is in the background :laugh:

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11 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Nice Chonky Boi!

They sure are a lot of work to build, painting all that trim is also quite the experience. 

Great Work, glad so many are picking up the Epic scale game.

We can continue the Lion's work in micro mini :biggrin:


You should probably keep adding a DA in there to keep this thread appropriate for this forum, just an old retired Mods thoughts lolz.

....wait, there he is in the background :laugh:


Thanks. Also, look in the upper right (our left) shoulder :turned:. DA always thoroughly inspect their potential allies.

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8 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Lolz, yeah, saw that.


Have you played AT before or are you just going full Monty into LI?


Directly into LI. I've had the AT models for a while, along with the starter, but never met anyone who played it. Same with AI. When they announced LI, I figured I'd just put it all together.

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Nice one, I've far too many AT dudes and played heaps, but it was getting cumbersome with 5k points each side. So I was stoked to hear the simplified LI was coming out for larger scale games.


And it is a great chance for me to get an air mobile force, I loved the AI stuff, but like you had nobody to play that game, so I didn't get any.

Your collection of planes is awesome, can't wait to see all those tanks painted up too!


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19 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Nice one, I've far too many AT dudes and played heaps, but it was getting cumbersome with 5k points each side. So I was stoked to hear the simplified LI was coming out for larger scale games.


And it is a great chance for me to get an air mobile force, I loved the AI stuff, but like you had nobody to play that game, so I didn't get any.

Your collection of planes is awesome, can't wait to see all those tanks painted up too!



5k seems like a lot, even for AT. I'm seeing youtuber's claim that LI gets unwieldy at 3k points, but I'm not sure how. Rules are very simple and things die insanely fast. I imagine artillery will make infantry vanish even faster when they arrive.


I'm a bit bummed I didn't get to try Titanicus, but I've pretty much accepted that I probably won't get much gaming in (played 1 - 2 days a week back in 3rd edition). If I can get some LI in at some point, I'll be happy. If not, the display cases are always a good talking point when company comes over.


Its too bad you missed out on the aircraft. Not sure how many will be released for LI, but it would be a good excuse to grab them if the come back up for sale at MSRP. I bought them off amazon at 20% off, and kinda wishing I grabbed a few boxes of storm eagles.


I also started painting AI with the assumption that the factions would mimic HH, then discovered that marines can't use Thunderbolts in LI :ermm:. Same with baneblades. Hopefully this will get FAQ'd or updated in a future book.

Tanks will probably be after titans, as 3d printer currently needs maintenance and utterly failed the last batch of prints. still working on a stem solution for aircraft and how I'm going to base infantry. I've got a pretty good idea of both, just need to work through the process. 

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Yeah, 3k is probably the sweet spot, for both AT and LI. Good to have spare stuff and options I guess.


AT is a truly brilliant game, it's immersive and as you can repair Titans with servitors there are always trade off decisions to make. Can recommend getting the books both for rules and fluff.


I'm doing a Dark Angels Aerial Assault Formation for LI, I'm happy to wait until GeeDub sort their supply line issues out to complete it. I have the starter box, 3x THawks plus a few printed Infantry to bulk it up ATM. 


I really don't think they will mix the factions for you now they've separated them for LI, you may need to repaint the icon parts for your black 'Solar Aux' guys.


I wish I had a printer now, LI just screams "Do It"! But that's yet another hobby I don't have time for. If you're able to share a file source I'd be in your debt, as much as I'm happy to wait for Falcions etc to become plastic and official, having a few for cheaper is always good.


Yeah, basing the Infantry with anything other than the basics is tricky, look forward to seeing your solutions. 


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4 hours ago, Raziel-TX said:

Not to hijack but I just ended up with a 3d printer so if there are any tips and tricks for churning out mini tanks, I’m all ears! 


Feel free to PM. That topic could quickly derail the entire thread. :turned:

Not sure what type you have (FDM vs Resin) but here are some line items for anyone considering a resin printer:

1) Liquid UV reactive resin is highly toxic - Wear gloves, eye protection and a respirator at all times. It will cause chemical burns on contact with skin and you can develop a severe reaction to it, even if its never bothered you before. Keep the UV shield on the printer/curing station at all times and never look directly at any UV light source. Make sure your build room is well ventilated and can't be accessed by pets or children.
2) Make sure you have a rinse and curing station and always finish curing your prints, as they'll be soft and still toxic.

3) Get lots of alcohol/gloves/paint strainers. You'll use them constantly

4) Don't get discouraged. Mistakes are easy to make, a pain to clean up and time consuming to recover from, but it feels great when you start getting that line of perfect miniatures.

5) Buy a UPS in case there is a power outage. I've lost prints because the power went out for 30 seconds.


Anything more specific should be done via PM :)

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