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Hello guys! 


recently got back into the hobby. Now with 10th edition on the horizon, i have decided to finish all of which has been sleeping for years in the 

"Hobby Corner" (i guess thats what i can call it:biggrin:).


I really have collected a lot of stuff, with only painting a very, very small chunk of it (10x Ork Boyz and 2 Deathwatch models).

Its time now to finish a thing that is an unfinished thing in...my...life...:biggrin:.


I am going to share the process here on this thread. 

The pictures i am presenting in this first post, are finished models, because i just did them over the last 3 weeks whatsoever. 

I will keep to the principal "Before - After". So this thread can stay in the ongoing project section (though it has pictures of finished models)


The Armies that i own and that i would like to finish by start of the 10th edition are:



Space Marines, Blood Angels


I am not a fanatic about Space Marines, but i really like the lore behind this chapter. 

I like the characters and the curse/flaw (Black Rage) all of this soldiers are suffering from. 

The principal of fighting against something, that is deep inside you is something i can identify with.

So i chose this chapter. 


I own the "Indomitus Box", a "Battle Force Box", Eliminators, Scouts, Aggressors with flamers, a Redemptor Dreadnought and a Leviathan Dreadnought.


The Blood Angels are my biggest army and therefore it will be the most work. 




Orks Kultur Deathskullz


One day i saw Ghazghull Thraka and i said to myself: "Okay, thats it...in 9th edition i am playing Orks.".....it didnt happen though...the painting and the playing:biggrin:.

But i bought myself 2x units Ork Boyz and 1x unit of Gretchins. Just recently i got two Warboss models and a Psyker model. 

I chose Deathskullz..."Lucky Blue Gitz". I can identify with this theme because: though i never had the luck in my life to win the lottery or a big prize, i always had luck when it was REALLY, REALLY necessary. So i consider myself a "Lucky Blue Git" (going to make a tattoo on my chest with that sentence one day LOL). 

My Orks I have painted all of it except one Warboss and half of the Psyker. 

I also ordered a Dragsta model, but i am still waiting for it. 


The Orks are still a small army, but i like them a lot. And it was very quick and fun to paint them.








Last but not least i own a small Deathwatch force. 

I have the old "Start Collecting Box", a "Kill Team Cassius" and a "Corvus Blackstar".

I also like the lore behind this chapter, not so much as i do like the lore of the Blood Angels, but the background story of this elite chapter, being send to missions top secret/behind enemy lines, is somehting i like.

The customization for a standard Kill Team also is enourmus which makes them fun to build together.


The Deathwatch i guess is the smallest force in my collection, but i really liked painting the models i finished. 



So, i am working on every army parallel. 

It actually helps me to not get bored and to feel the diversity this hobby has to offer. 


I will keep this thread alive and continue posting about my "3 Armies For 10th" project!


Thank you for reading, have all of you a nice rest of Sunday!


For The Emperor!


Edited by 44er Tabletop
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Yes, the Kromlech range is really impressive. 
I will get a WWII style Sdkfz from Kromlech as my Transport (Trukk). 
Also i want the mega armor squad as meganobz. They are really big and not only orks with big armor around them like the GW.

I also like the Artel-W Ork range. 
The Artel quality is better and crisper IMO
but both companies make wonderful Ork models. 

The dragster is a model i ordered on etsy. 


  On 4/17/2023 at 10:54 AM, ZeroWolf said:

Nice and Orky! Orks really lend themselves to the mad max style


Yes indeed. I like the 4 wheels on the back. 
Not really sure how big it really is and if it comes with a base. 

I think kromlech has a buggy as you see in mad max fury road, where he drives into the storm. 

  On 4/17/2023 at 4:06 PM, ZeroWolf said:

You may be able to estimate size by going off the boyz 


As far as i know it is going to arrive on the weekend. 
I will see then. 

as for the Meganobz: do you know what base size they have? Is it just like a normal boy? 

  On 4/17/2023 at 4:11 PM, 44er Tabletop said:

as for the Meganobz: do you know what base size they have? Is it just like a normal boy? 


The GW ones are on 40mm bases (assuming it's the GW ones you're asking about :smile: )

Edited by Firedrake Cordova

Oh wow...they actually have the same base size (Kromlech - GW).

Only the models are way bigger.


But i am fine with that....im fine with not being able to hide my models and getting shot through 10 church windows across the whole the table, only because my opponent can see a tiny piece of gun barrel...hahaha LOL.

Thank god these days are over! 


So in terms of painting, my Orks have seen the most progress. 

I wanted to add a few more things and then i am fine, because i know i can then play small games to get into 10th.


I want some:

1. Fast attack

I have that with the dragster (for now)


2. A transport

The Trukk is going to be this thing 



3. Some elites (Meganobz are elites...yes? no?)

Going to be these ones....and since they have the same bbase size i am just happy.


Every day a little bit....

I kind of finished the next Deathwatch model. 

It is Sternguard Vael Donatus. 


I have to correct something though. 

- eyes 

- hand(s)

- skulls 

- base


This will not take long. So i consider him as finished. 



Next in the line is this Iron Hands model...


Edited by 44er Tabletop
  On 4/23/2023 at 7:55 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

As someone who likes the background and narrative aspects of the game, I really like your giving models names and backgrounds! :biggrin:


Its the real lore behind this model. You can look it up in the lexicanum „Kill Team Cassius“. Every member is a named character with his own background. 

Sorry to disappoint you, but i didnt créate this names and background 

  On 4/29/2023 at 12:50 AM, Boc said:

Where did you get the bionic leg for Ennox? Was that a Kromlech bit too?


No, it is a GW model. You can find it in the Deathwatch „Kill Team Cassius“ box. 

Maybe you can find the model on ebay. You wouldnt have to buy tue whole box, if you dont need the other figures. 

Im not sure if kromlech has such bits for Space Marines. They definitly have a SM range with bits, but dont know if they have bionic legs. 



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