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There's a lot of really cool stuff in there. I especially like the carved stone effect on the axe. Do you have more information on the Chapter somewhere? I'm sure that many of us would be interested in reading about it (I know I would).

From my "Strike" Chapter from the 5th Ed Era. They are an Imperial Fist Successor. This company in particular, the second, has some flavor. They formed a kinship within a joint taskforce of Space Wolves, Blood Angels and Salamaders. This is based on a few Doubles Tournies I was in for the end of 4th. They were brought together to combat a Tyranid invasion. Throughout the losses, the Astartes became brothers, far beyond that of blood. Captain Baerrios was the among a handful of survivors after the 20 year conflict. He swore an oath to his brothers to take their remains back to their home Chapters. Since then, every 2nd Company Captain candidate has to embark on this sort pilgrimage to Fenris, Baal and Nocturne, to perform whatever trials the 2nd Company Captains/ Wolf Lords of those Chapters hold. Only after making the journey and returning home with a suitable mantle of office, can he be ratified as the 2nd Company Captain.


I changed the colors a bit in 2021, in prep for a tourny, for ease of painting.


Some of my last models from the 2008-2009 timeframe... before i shipped out to Unknownistan and the Sandbox.


For 10th Ed, I am retiring the Chapter. Wiped out in an Ork invasion. Again, Only a handful have survived. Those survivors have gonve on to form the founding cadre of other Imperial Fist Successors in the Segementum Obscurus.



5 hours ago, 44er Tabletop said:


it looks incredible!!!

the axe is very nice and what did you do to the black armor to make it look so smooth and matt? 

about 50/50 Flameon tutorials and angel g. airbrush tutorials. tried to interpret them to my skillset.

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