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The Lichborne - Homebrew Warband - Icon Bearer WIP

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25 minutes ago, KrautScientist said:

What I love about this project is how those models really read as individuals with a distinct personal history: It would be interesting to hear their stories, which I think is a great quality in a model. The legionary with the twin knives really stands out to me as a particularly cool character, although the tweaked gunners and Aspiring Champion are also really cool. The one thing I don't get is your affection for that somewhat outdated CSM helmet with the slightly skull-like faceplate: I think there are tons of more interesting options around these days :wink:


In any case, though, very cool work so far! :thumbsup:


Thank you so much! You are 100% spot on. My entire goal in converting these guys is to try and put at least some Character-level effort into each one. It varies depending on the operative, like the Master of Executions, dual knives guy, and Master of Possession are all more unique unit wise than a couple of gunners (and in my lore are part of the leadership of the warband) so I do put more effort into them. I've looked at a lot of your own conversions over the years and I bet you feel the same. It's different when modelling 1-3 guys at a time rather than batch assembling a unit of troops. It makes me want to put a little glamor into each individual. I do have names for everyone and planned on adding a little blurb of lore for each operative once I get around to painting them.


RE: the old CSM helmet. That is a fair criticism, and if you want me to be honest I somewhat agree with you. It feels out of proportion to many modern offerings (I think it's larger than modern helmets). What it comes down to is a...supply issue? Essentially, I'm trying to have all of the operatives wear skull styled helmets, which limits my options significantly, and I want each operative to have their own, unique version. I've used a lot of GW's offerings already, both shown here and stuff that I haven't photographed yet, some 3D printed options (like on both versions of the Chaincannon I posted, and the Melta gunner earlier in the thread), and neither of those account for taste (some helmets I just don't like). I'm always on the lookout for a good skull helmet though; I'm hoping 10th edition brings about a new Terminator or Gravis Chaplain sculpt!

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On 5/27/2023 at 4:11 PM, Volgon said:


Thank you! I've been trying for a while now to use the Havoc bodies (I really like how armored they are compared to normal Marines) but it's been tough finding something I like due to how monopose they are. Difficult to make somewhat dynamic looking poses without completely chopping them apart. I'm very happy with these guys though even if they didn't involve much kitbashing.

I also think the up-armoured bodies look really cool, but I sympathise with having to work with their more stationary and solid poses. Defo done a good job of it though.

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28 minutes ago, Pearson73 said:

I also think the up-armoured bodies look really cool, but I sympathise with having to work with their more stationary and solid poses. Defo done a good job of it though.


For sure, I'm glad you like the way these came out though, I'm also a big fan! Actually surprised myself how much I like them for so little (converting) effort it took.


EDIT: might as well post another guy while I got eyes on the topic! Here's a Dark Apostle:




Couldn't keep the Crozius straight during the photos but it will be glued on correctly :biggrin:

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6 minutes ago, Pearson73 said:

Love the ripped off head, very brutal. The tattered cape is a nice piece too, bit more interesting than a smooth intact one.


Cheers! That arm has got to be one of the best bits from the new Possessed kit. Very cool piece and because it's not mutated whatsoever it's very flexible on what style of Marine you can put it on.

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Really liking that Dark Apostle build...except maybe for that Crozius: It seems just a bit too unwieldy (and slightly goofy) to me, although that is certainly a matter of taste. In any case, it seems to be VERY crooked, so I would suggest pinning it or, if pinning should not be an option, gluing it on at a straight angle.


On the matter of skull helmets, I'd definitely suggest the Corpsegrinder Cults as an additional source of suitable heads, especially if you are trying to use as many unique designs as possible.

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3 hours ago, KrautScientist said:

Really liking that Dark Apostle build...except maybe for that Crozius: It seems just a bit too unwieldy (and slightly goofy) to me, although that is certainly a matter of taste. In any case, it seems to be VERY crooked, so I would suggest pinning it or, if pinning should not be an option, gluing it on at a straight angle.


On the matter of skull helmets, I'd definitely suggest the Corpsegrinder Cults as an additional source of suitable heads, especially if you are trying to use as many unique designs as possible.


Yup, at the bottom I noted that it was crooked for photos, but it is pinned and will be glued on straight :biggrin: And yeah, I have looked at Corpsegrinders before (and also the Unmade from Warcry) and those are definitely some options. I like that there are some hoods on some of the heads as well, cool stuff.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been a while since I've posted but have been working on stuff. Here's my new (very new, started him today) WIP, a Heavy Bolter gunner.




Warpsmith base, with an Eradicator melta rifle. Not sure how Warpsmith-y I'll make this guy look with all the mechadendrites and such. A while back I saw the old metal Sergeant Harker Imperial Guard mini and I just loved the pose and how he had a heavy bolter with the ammo belt wrapped around his arm. I managed to stumble across a company that sells flexible resin ammo belts so I ordered a set to try on this guy when they come in. I'm hoping the presence of an ammo belt will make it look more believable as a heavy bolter than a melta rifle (I really love the melta rifle silhouette), but may have to also do a barrel swap on top of that.


Another gunner I haven't shared yet, a Missile Launcher:




The body is bashed together from a ruined Chosen body and a chestplate from the CSM Legionaries kit. He's ok, I don't love or hate him and I think the pose is fine. I'd like to try it on the one Havoc body I haven't used yet, but I chopped up parts of it to make the Aspiring Champion earlier in the thread, so I'll have to find one on ebay.


You've all seen this guy before, the Shrivetalon, but with new Plague Marine arms:



I think I like this pose more, it's a bit more interesting I think.


Last guy I haven't showed off but had him finished for a while, an Exalted Champion. It's a simple conversion but one of my favorites. I love this body/torso but could never get it to work on any operatives I liked until I hit inspiration from SecretlyShiva on twitter.




Only change I might make is potentially swapping the backpack for the one included with the Leviathan Phobos Lieutenant that has the combi weapon attached as the Exalted Champ in 40k has a combi weapon in the ruleset. It's not a Chaos backpack though so not sure if I will do it.

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WIP Heavy Bolter. Couldn't really get the ammo belt to work out how I wanted to I'm trying out this autocannon ammo drum. I think it looks pretty cool, though it still gives off a distinctly melta vibe thanks to the barrel. I was suggested putting some spent ammo casings on the base so I'll probably try that once I get around to final assembly on the proper bases. Mentioned it previously but considering removing the mechatendrils as I don't really imagine this guy as a warpsmith/techmarine.


Would be interested in thoughts about this guy. Does it read as a heavy/hi-tech bolter? Mechatendrils or no?


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On 6/29/2023 at 3:00 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

I think the issue with him is the slotted vents in the side of the barrel are unmistakably "melta". If they were round, it might give a different look, perhaps?


On 6/29/2023 at 8:45 AM, Pearson73 said:

That's a cracking build and I love the gun, but I think it needs a barrel swap, perhaps that from an autocannon or something similar?


I had a look through my bits box and didn't find anything that really stood out to me. I did indeed have some autocannon barrels that are close but not quite what I am looking for. Going to have another look at some point and/or consider a DIY option.


4 minutes ago, BadgersinHills said:

Great work. Each miniature is very characterful! You've done a good job with integrating Primaris parts too.


Thanks Badgers, it's key to me to have every conversion look "character level"-ish. Maybe not Captain level, but I want them all to have something noticably different, usually the pose/helmet.

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Still scouring the internet for barrel options but unfortunately have not found anything that really clicks for me. Instead, I'm trying to add things generally associated with cased ammo weaponry. I swapped the drum magazine for a box (I like both though so not sure which version will be final), added a loose ammo belt (which doesn't make much sense, but it looks cool, so I'll just say he overloaded the box mag!), and a bayonet from the HH MK6 tactical squad.




Thoughts? Still not sold on it?


EDIT: Figured I would post some shots of the drum mag with the ammo belt + bayonet. Also has an ork jaw near the barrel reminiscent of older CSM weapons, probably won't keep it though.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/3/2023 at 2:33 AM, Pearson73 said:

I much prefer the drum mag. The jaws are a very characterful addition, I like them a lot!


Cheers, I think the drum mag does look better as well. I made a variation of the Heavy Bolter gunner but haven't taken photos, kind of put him to the side for a bit. In the meantime, I was inspired by a kitbash on reddit using a Master of Executions and Korghos Khul (Sigmar model) so I made my own. This guy is meant to be a Haarken Worldclaimer proxy:



Still an early WIP. The right shoulder pad is molded into the torso but I plan on either removing it or repositioning it into a "resting" (?) position, similar to the Chaos Lord on Foot from Sigmar, using a Varanguard fellspear. The jump pack is just one I have, an old Death Company one; I initially intended to use an OG metal Raptor jump pack but unfortunately I haven't been able to find it. Might end up replacing it with a Heresy jump pack, a 3D printed one, or maybe I'll buy Haarken and use his jump pack + trophy racks. Let me know what folks think!

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Thanks all!


3 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Looks like you're off to a cracking start with that kitbash! :smile: 


If there's one thing that's bugging me, it's that his head is "left of centre", but I assume that's misbehaving blu-tac?


I didn't notice it IRL but in the photos it's noticable. I tend to like sitting my helmets back a bit, further into the neck well/cup/whatever you call it, so I was probably experimenting with that and never realized in doing so it looks a bit off. Same thing with the trophy racks; I didn't notice they were on the wrong sides until the photos (the left one should be on the right and vice versa, so the skull shows its face outward rather than inward).


3 hours ago, firestorm40k said:

Tremendous conversions, what a fantastic project! :thumbsup::woot: So much character in every single model :smile:


Cheers Firestorm, character in every conversion is a succinct way to sum up this project of mine.


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I like the design of Napking's alt terminators so I grabbed some torsos and legs to build a 5 man Terminator squad. My intention very early on in my homebrew project was to do Chaos Terminator bodies, custom heads, and then Cataphractii arms. I like the pteruges that hang off the Cataphractii shoulders. I did a quick mock up mostly just to see what the different arms would look like.


Indomitus/Chaos Terminator arms






Specifically for Lightning Claws, I think the Cataphractii ones look awesome. Unfortunately, I also find the Power Fist options for Cataphractii are far less dynamic than the the ones in the Chaos Term kit. I'll have to mock up some of those to see what I think.

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On 7/29/2023 at 3:37 PM, space wolf said:

Dude! Your pose choices and use of parts are outstanding. Really looking forward to see what you do with them when you pick up a brush!


Thanks so much!! Posing is a huge deal for me. It's a really easy way to add character to a model and I try to give each conversion its own pose. As for painting, well I am really much more of a builder than a painter. But I do plan on trying to paint at some point, I just keep getting more ideas to build so never get started painting!


Here is a small update with a Lord in Terminator armor:



It didn't feel right to give a Lord a simple Chainfist so for now I'm thinking of going with Lord Invocatus' massive chainsword gripped by a Power Fist as a cool proxy. The pose is not exactly how I want it, these bits are an absolute pain to mock up with just poster tack (I try not to glue until I am absolutely sure about a conversion in case inspiration strikes me). I want his torso to be tilted forward a bit more rather than fairly straight backed as now, so it looks like he's hulking forward. Also I think he is feeling a bit lacking in accessories so I'm going to look through the bitz box and try to find some stuff to either spike or hang off his shoulder pads, should look pretty cool on Cataphractii pads.


EDIT: Only hours after posting this guy, inspiration struck me (see what I mean?). I admit I am not particularly a fan of Tartaros pattern armor and the huge barrel chest has kind of bothered me. I liked the legs but not the torsos. Then it hit me that Cataphractii Terminators (a pattern I quite like) have separate torsos and legs... A LOT of scraping and hollowing out and I may have found what I'm looking for. Stay tuned, will be posting a new WIP soon.

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Alright, this is a mock up of the modified version:




I want to do trophy racks but had no reference on where they should go on Cataphractii. One spot I found that works decently is between the shoulder pad and the torso.





One issue with this location is that the cloak (which I happen to really like) doesn't fit. I think I can manage to make it work by clipping off a portion of the trophy rack. But, before I commit to that, I tried mounting the trophies in a different location as well:




Please forgive the sagging pauldron, as I mentioned before these guys are so fiddly!


What do you guys think? Old or new? After working on this guy, I think I could go either way. I do think this new version gives off a bit more of that "hulking brute" vibe from the current Chaos Terminator kit that just looks awesome.

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  • 1 month later...

Coming out of my Baldur's Gate 3 coma and I started work on a few new members of the warband as well as new iterations of previous fellows. To start, I grabbed the Terminator Captain from Leviathan after seeing @TrawlingCleaner's wonderful conversion and slapped together a little mock-up. I pretty much haven't touched this guy besides the arm/head swaps + trophy racks, would need to clean up the chestplate and potentially shin armor to look more renegade.




Next up I've got a Missile Launcher heavy gunner that I have worked on so much, gotta be my #1 or #2 most revised member of the warband. I've always struggled with #1) finding a pose I like and #2) I wanted to use the last Havoc body I had because they are by far my favorite style of power armor. While this pose really lacks the dynamism I generally try to incorporate, I feel like it has a really cool, nonchalant flair about him that makes him unique from the rest of the warband.



Lastly I have a pair that have only worked on since yesterday so they are fresh off the line. If I ever play 40k, I would want to use Black Templars rules (the rules for Helbrecht really mesh with the lord of the warband), so I decided to work on a proxy Sword Brethren squad for him to join. Only want to work on a 5 man squad for now, and plan to use some of my previous conversions to pull double duty; for example the Exalted Champion I posted earlier in the thread can function as a Castellan and the Shrivetalon can proxy Twin Lightning Claws. That leaves me with a Thunder Hammer marine and two regular members with power weapons.



I really like this conversion. The arms/hammer come from the Sigmar Chaos Chosen kit. Body is the Castellan from Primaris Sword Brethren. Very imposing, and I can't help but think he would look like a wicked loyalist Captain! Definitely need to do some work on making him look more renegade. The templar cross on the tabard will definitely have to go. The bottom half of the model is so busy already that, IMO, it would be difficult to add general stuff you associate with renegades/Chaos like trophies on chains and such so I will have to be creative.




This guy is based off a Khorne Berzerker body with the arms/sword from the special edition Primaris Company Champion. I really dig the Company Champ's pose so wanted to port that Ochs Guard/HEMA look to a different model. I think this Berzerker's pose is quite good for it, but I am considering just using different Sword Brethren bodies for the last two of the squad because I really like their armor, it reminds me of a loyalist version of Havoc armor with the large gorgets/bevors. I like the idea of the specialist/elite troops being up-armored compared to line troops, and the Sword Brethren sculpts certainly have that hulking look to it that the Berzerker bodies just don't.

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