Naysmith Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 (edited) Hi all, in my main forum we are dicussing the scalper topic at the moment. Fear of missing out on the Leviathan Boxed Set brought the topic up again. So i thought why not try to generate a trending # with #Scalperboykott. The idea is to boykott this "business model" by not buying any goods that are offered above the retail price. I would be happy if some of you help to spread the word via your various social media presences. cya Edited May 10, 2023 by Naysmith mel_danes, Domhnall, Starlight_Wolf and 11 others 9 3 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toxichobbit Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 Very tangential to scalpers (who I despise, so consider me already boycotting them), but if you do end up missing out on Leviathan, don't panic. The last two 40k magazine runs from Hachette Partworks, Conquest magazine & Imperium magazine, have included all the models from Dark Imperium & Indomitus respectively. It's likely that they will do the same thing with the next 40k magazine, including all the models from Leviathan in it. You can use that to pick up the models much cheaper than GW sells them when they release separately, with the option to subscribe to make sure you don't miss out. Khornestar, Sea Creature, Gamiel and 7 others 8 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanicus Tech-Support Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 Never have never will, I laugh in the face of fomo and willpower stronk Warhead01, templargdt, Naysmith and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroWolf Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 15 minutes ago, Toxichobbit said: Very tangential to scalpers (who I despise, so consider me already boycotting them), but if you do end up missing out on Leviathan, don't panic. The last two 40k magazine runs from Hachette Partworks, Conquest magazine & Imperium magazine, have included all the models from Dark Imperium & Indomitus respectively. It's likely that they will do the same thing with the next 40k magazine, including all the models from Leviathan in it. You can use that to pick up the models much cheaper than GW sells them when they release separately, with the option to subscribe to make sure you don't miss out. Not all of them, Imperium didn't give the captain, overlord and other space marine sprue (the one with Bladeguard, Bladeguard Ancient, chaplain, judicar and Eradicators). However, aside from the paired hq models, GW did sell the two special sprues directly as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damo1701 Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 I'd rather skip Leviathan entirely than ever approach a scalper. Magos Valkamar, Mithrilforge, ZeroWolf and 5 others 3 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toxichobbit Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 2 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said: Not all of them, Imperium didn't give the captain, overlord and other space marine sprue (the one with Bladeguard, Bladeguard Ancient, chaplain, judicar and Eradicators). However, aside from the paired hq models, GW did sell the two special sprues directly as well. Oh, that sucks. I got all of Conquest and it had the full starter set in. I thought Imperium was the same. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroWolf Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 I honestly thought that they may have offered it as part of the subscription extension but we did get some pretty good things out of it. On topic, I've never bought from a scalper. If I can't get the new thing, I either don't get it (if its limited) or I just wait. I'll be waiting a while for the Lion for example. By the time my skills have improved to where I'm happy enough to try him, he'll be easy to get ahold of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 I’ll only buy direct from GW as a last resort if I can’t get something from a third party retailer with a discount, there’s no way I’d go near scalpers for anything. AenarIT, Damo1701, Halandaar and 3 others 5 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
potatocrusader Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 I am 99% sure that GW will do a made-to-order thing for Leviathan boxes and it's going to be running 2 weeks probably. Imo, people should never ever buy from scalpers... especially in this hobby. Not worth it and you just feed them more encouragement to do it again and thus again an actual fan is left without an opportunity to get a box. Damo1701, Antarius, Special Officer Doofy and 1 other 3 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waaagh? Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 (edited) Boycott.......It's spelled Boycott. Edited May 14, 2023 by Waaagh? smart_arse, lilking, Khornestar and 3 others 3 1 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sea Creature Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 I’m sure there will be plenty kits available then they can build on request. Special Officer Doofy 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroWolf Posted May 10, 2023 Share Posted May 10, 2023 2 hours ago, potatocrusader said: I am 99% sure that GW will do a made-to-order thing for Leviathan boxes and it's going to be running 2 weeks probably. Imo, people should never ever buy from scalpers... especially in this hobby. Not worth it and you just feed them more encouragement to do it again and thus again an actual fan is left without an opportunity to get a box. I've heard people saying that its been confirmed that Leviathan won't be going to Made to Order but can't seem to remember where this was said. If true, it could be why they've been reportedly making boxes since last year non-stop, hence why we've been getting smaller producr runs of other products lately. Khornestar 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naysmith Posted May 11, 2023 Author Share Posted May 11, 2023 (edited) 5 hours ago, ZeroWolf said: I've heard people saying that its been confirmed that Leviathan won't be going to Made to Order but can't seem to remember where this was said. If true, it could be why they've been reportedly making boxes since last year non-stop, hence why we've been getting smaller producr runs of other products lately. The first part is the opposite of what came to my eyes, well this is the internet so both IS true . The second is a funny puzzle peace and would make a lot of sense, for what happend in the past months, but is the launch box that important? cya Edited May 11, 2023 by Naysmith ZeroWolf 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lhg033 Posted May 11, 2023 Share Posted May 11, 2023 Never have and never will buy from scalpers. - On principle as I disagree with the buiness model from both the scalpers and the enablers of this - The cost, I wouldnt pay the prices offered and these days cannot afford to. I will hopefully get Leviathan. I'm happy to wait for MtO for this if I need to Mithrilforge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroWolf Posted May 11, 2023 Share Posted May 11, 2023 6 hours ago, Naysmith said: The first part is the opposite of what came to my eyes, well this is the internet so both IS true . The second is a funny puzzle peace and would make a lot of sense, for what happend in the past months, but is the launch box that important? cya I'd wager GW don't want to make another Indomitus mistake again (and have learned that AoS just isn't that popular). Made to Order will tie their machines up even longer. Like I said though, it was something I heard and could easily be wrong. As for being important, I'd say so looking back. While there will be plenty of players who won't get one based on the included armies, they're overshadowed by everyone else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sea Creature Posted May 11, 2023 Share Posted May 11, 2023 Something you heard… that is not a reliable source imo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroWolf Posted May 11, 2023 Share Posted May 11, 2023 We haven't got long to find out either way. 4th June at the latest as that'll be the Sunday preview show announcing Leviathan's preorder. mel_danes and Sea Creature 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted May 13, 2023 Share Posted May 13, 2023 I'm no fan of scalpers, my hobby budget is so limited right now that there's no chance of me buying from them... But I do have an ethics question that may be related. A while ago, I decided that I wanted to build a Navigator Kill Team. I was, and still am a HUGE fan of BSF and what it did to enrich 40k, so of course I have the box, which I believe I got from my FLGS. But in order to make my KT, I needed at least 2 more heads from Espern Locarno. Part of me wishes I could have afforded one more box- four extra beastmen and six extra negavolts would have been sweet... But the reality was, I need two heads. So for 30ish Canadian dollars plus shipping, I got two Locarno's from a box breaking bitz seller. Now if you do the math, assuming that dude sells every model in the box for $15, that's quite a bit above retail. He IS a scalper. But my question is: do you consider it morally wrong to not pay $360 for two heads? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zarkkarn Posted May 13, 2023 Share Posted May 13, 2023 1 hour ago, ThePenitentOne said: I'm no fan of scalpers, my hobby budget is so limited right now that there's no chance of me buying from them... But I do have an ethics question that may be related. A while ago, I decided that I wanted to build a Navigator Kill Team. I was, and still am a HUGE fan of BSF and what it did to enrich 40k, so of course I have the box, which I believe I got from my FLGS. But in order to make my KT, I needed at least 2 more heads from Espern Locarno. Part of me wishes I could have afforded one more box- four extra beastmen and six extra negavolts would have been sweet... But the reality was, I need two heads. So for 30ish Canadian dollars plus shipping, I got two Locarno's from a box breaking bitz seller. Now if you do the math, assuming that dude sells every model in the box for $15, that's quite a bit above retail. He IS a scalper. But my question is: do you consider it morally wrong to not pay $360 for two heads? Bits sites are integral to the conversiom side of the hobby, would be ridiculous to have to buy every kit just for 1 or 2 parts. Its just a shame some of them seem to have drunk the scalping koolaid though I have seen bullgryn heads for £15 and the recent dorn tank has even its smallest parts up at best for £10. There are plenty of good websites it just feels ebay sellers have embraced the scalping mindset, models which are clearly broken up from larger boxes are being sold new on sprue for more than new in box from independents. I remember the good ol days when shipping from america was £5 and id wait up all night to try win lots of conversion parts, those days are over. Sea Creature, Damo1701 and Firedrake Cordova 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bung Posted May 13, 2023 Share Posted May 13, 2023 To be clear, the Limited Books have between 1250 and 2000 Units worldwide. That didnt change for over a decade and as long as GW isnt going to change to a Made to Order system for the limited Books there arent enough to make everyone happy. And GW wont Change that. Sold Out in Minutes after release is a great thing in investor reports etc. The best way for your sanity is just ignoring the printed limited stuff. Damo1701, Special Officer Doofy and Mithrilforge 1 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted May 13, 2023 Share Posted May 13, 2023 5 hours ago, ThePenitentOne said: I'm no fan of scalpers, my hobby budget is so limited right now that there's no chance of me buying from them... But I do have an ethics question that may be related. A while ago, I decided that I wanted to build a Navigator Kill Team. I was, and still am a HUGE fan of BSF and what it did to enrich 40k, so of course I have the box, which I believe I got from my FLGS. But in order to make my KT, I needed at least 2 more heads from Espern Locarno. Part of me wishes I could have afforded one more box- four extra beastmen and six extra negavolts would have been sweet... But the reality was, I need two heads. So for 30ish Canadian dollars plus shipping, I got two Locarno's from a box breaking bitz seller. Now if you do the math, assuming that dude sells every model in the box for $15, that's quite a bit above retail. He IS a scalper. But my question is: do you consider it morally wrong to not pay $360 for two heads? IMO bitz sellers are different to scalpers. They are at least providing some sort of service compared to a scalper and they make models or bitz available that would be otherwise inaccessible or too expensive for many hobbyists. Yes the individual models or bitz tend to be more expensive than they should be (and some are outrageously priced) but that’s just inevitable. Individual units of anything are generally more expensive than buying in bulk. In short, I don’t think anything you’ve done there is morally wrong, I’d certainly do the same if I needed those pieces. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Special Officer Doofy Posted May 13, 2023 Share Posted May 13, 2023 I thought Indomitus was handled rather well, hopefully they do what they did last edition launch. Better to receive the box late versus never (or at scalper prices). Good time to be a Tyranid collector though or whoever comes opposite of marines in the launch boxes. I picked up two Death Guard halves of Dark Imperium after launch on ebay for like $45 each with shipping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halandaar Posted May 13, 2023 Share Posted May 13, 2023 Seems like a pointless endeavour to be honest. People who can't afford the prices scalpers set are boycotting by default, and the people in the "more money than sense" category who are prepared to pay £500 for a HH hardback are obviously so desperate to buy stuff that is telling them it's inconvenient for the rest of us isn't going to sway them one bit. Regarding bits sellers and box splitters, I think that's definitely different. Imo someone who buys the new Warcry box and then sells the Stormcast, Flesheaters, Terrain and Book all as separates is doing something useful even if the combined total they make is more than the cost of the box, because potentially four different people can spend less and get exactly what the want from the set without having to buy the whole thing and ending up with stuff they don't want or need. In addition, that means there's three more boxes available for people who do want the whole thing (because four people split one box, rather than buying one each) Beren, ZeroWolf, Damo1701 and 2 others 2 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkhanist Posted May 14, 2023 Share Posted May 14, 2023 (edited) I've bought from box-splitters at a minimal markup a few times before; the primaris half of shadowspear was the last time I think. But spitting up a mixed retail box so you're not buying a load of stuff you don't want (that'd likely end up in the shame mountain), and at basically half the retail price (i.e. minus the FLGS discount), that was reasonably easy to get hold of if you wanted the whole thing (and leaves the other half for someone in the same boat as me) feels very morally different. I'd never buy a desperately desired retail box like gallowfall or leviathan in whole (or in part) at a massive markup as I know that they're just parasites taking advantage of bots etc to suck up limited stock and make people have to pay way above retail and pocket the profit. I do significantly blame GW when that happens though - MTO has proved very successfully that most people are prepared to wait a bit as long as they do get it, and it cuts the feet right out from under scalpers. It's only when it's a 'limited release' that FOMO kicks in and scalpers get to rake in massive profit, and stoking FOMO is absolutely GW's business model now. And if they're struggling with production capacity (which appears to be the case) perhaps they should look at their business model of *constantly* churning out new and shiny additional expansions e.g. primaris & stormcast while leaving other ranges to rot for a couple of decades; replacing old kits 1:1 would be more sustainable than yet another range expansion or new army while they build up production capacity. Edited May 14, 2023 by Arkhanist Sea Creature 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted May 15, 2023 Share Posted May 15, 2023 GW could head off scalpers at the pass by- a generous pre-order window and a MTO order system on sellout. Scalpers are not really interested if there is a guaranteed supply. Or, GW is doing a sneaky, there is so much 40k product of this that without the scalpers GW would be stuck with a ton of inventory lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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